[comp.lang.c++] Help on Petzold HELLOWIN in BC++: wierd behavior

rich@wiley.uucp (Rich Messenger) (05/06/91)

I just received my complimentary copy of Petzold's "Programming Windows"
for registering BC++ 2.0.  I typed the first program in, and figured out
the details like the _export keyword, but there is some strangeness on

When the window appears, the text in the middle of the screen is
"disable", and only becomes "Hellow, Windows!" after I force a redraw
by resizing or iconifying and restoring.  Also, Windows seems flaky
after running HELLOWIN -- Program Manager often quits with the dreaded
Unrecoverable Application Error; I assume this must mean my little
HELLOWIN program is behaving badly.  I have *carefully* checked my
typing and there are no typos (that I can find).  Has anyone else seen 
this behavior? What does it mean and/or how do I fix it?

Is there a file of Frequently Asked Questions relating to BC++ and windows
that has been compiled?

If any one out there has tried doing the Petzold samples in BC++, are
there any "gotchas" that I should be aware of?

Any help would be appreciated.
     _ __
    ' )  )      /                      ... Rich Messenger
     /--' o _. /_                          rich@wilbur.coyote.trw.com
    /  \_(_(__/ /_                         {uunet,cit-vax,trwrb}!wiley!rich