[comp.lang.c++] BC++ problem with BCX

skrbec@motcid.UUCP (Brad Skrbec) (04/30/91)

Well, here's another fine mess, I've gotten myself into.  I posted a couple
of weeks ago regarding a problem with running out of memory whilst compiling
some of the windows example code.  The resounding answer to the problem was
to use BCX, which would use my extended memory and not run out of memory during
the compile.  Thanks for all the answers, but this has led to a further problem.

First, I'll describe my system and its setup:
	Zenith 248 AT clone
	80 Meg Hard drive
	20 Meg Hard drive
	640K conventional memory
	1 Meg extended memory

The autoexec.bat has been stripped down to contain only a path to BC++ and DOS,
and the config.sys has only Files and Buffers = 20, and Device=himem.sys.

When I run BCX, I open the project file, and then try to make the .exe file (this
is the todolist example, by the way), the compiler bombs out, and gives the message:

>>>   0GP at 1C67 0AFA EC 0000

>>>   Unexpected interrupt/exception 0D at 1C67:0AFA.
>>>   Error:  Cannot remove TKERNEL.EXE
>>>   C>

I called Borland, and they said to try getting rid of the himem.sys device driver,
since BC++ does its own memory management.  I tried this, and the machine simply
hangs instead of bombing out.

Any ideas?  Please?  Pretty please?

| Brad Skrbec                | "For it is the doom of men that they forget." |
| Motorola Cellular          |                             -- Merlin         |
| Arlington Heights, IL      | UUCP: uunet!motcid!skrbec                     |
|                            | Internet: motcid!skrbec@uunet.uu.net          |

tjr@cbnewsc.att.com (thomas.j.roberts) (05/02/91)

From article <5006@melon5.UUCP>, by skrbec@motcid.UUCP (Brad Skrbec):
> First, I'll describe my system and its setup:
> 	Zenith 248 AT clone
> 	80 Meg Hard drive
> 	20 Meg Hard drive
> 	640K conventional memory
> 	1 Meg extended memory
> When I run BCX, I open the project file, and then try to make the .exe 
> file (this is the todolist example, by the way), the compiler bombs out,
> and gives the message:
>>>>   0GP at 1C67 0AFA EC 0000
>>>>   Unexpected interrupt/exception 0D at 1C67:0AFA.
>>>>   Error:  Cannot remove TKERNEL.EXE
>>>>   C>

	[for me, the system is stable at this point, but has only
	 39 kb free - useless, so I reboot]

I, too, get this, but only on two of the 14 files in my program.
If I restart bcx without a project file, and compile the two files
separately, one at a time, they work fine. I then load the project
file and build the program. I get a message about incompatible
functions between files (both named functions are inline).
The program seems to execute properly.

I suspect that it is hopeless to develop a windows program without bcx.
Too bad it won't run under windows! I have not (yet) begun a windows

Tom Roberts
att!ihlpl!tjrob  TJROB@IHLPL.ATT.COM

sievert@gypsy.ims.fhg.de (Karsten Sievert) (05/06/91)

skrbec@motcid.UUCP (Brad Skrbec) writes:

>First, I'll describe my system and its setup:
>	640K conventional memory
>	1 Meg extended memory

So there is a gap in your mamory? 
Maybe, BC suspects 2Meg of RAM ...
