[comp.lang.c++] C++ expert sought

bel@ssc.UUCP (Belinda Frazier) (04/23/91)

SSC is looking for someone to write a pocket-size reference for
the latest version of C++.  The product is to be a concise, 
accurate, knowledgeably-organized reference card. 

The Person should:
	have worked with C++ for 2 or more years
	be very competent at C++ 
	be able to explain C++ concisely 

Knowledge of troff helps but is not necessary. 

Please contact me via email, phone or mail.
Belinda Frazier, SSC, Inc.   (206) 527-3385
PO Box 55549 Seattle, WA 98155
bel@ssc.wa.com             uunet!nwnexus!ssc!bel
or   uw-beaver!hpubvwa!ssc!bel 

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (05/07/91)

In article <928@ssc.UUCP> bel@ssc.UUCP (Belinda Frazier) writes:
|SSC is looking for someone to write a pocket-size reference for
|the latest version of C++.  

Its called ARM.  You just need a really big pocket.