[comp.lang.c++] Automatic declaration of pointer to member in C structure

robert@ireq.hydro.qc.ca (R.Meunier 8516) (05/08/91)

	I am compiling some 'c' code in c++ and that kind of declaration
is refuse by SUN C++ 2.0

#include <stream.h>

typedef struct a {
        int i;
        int j;
        int k;
        int l;
        void *m;
} A;

int     z;
A       aa={1, 2, 3, 4, (void *)&z};
/*                              --  pointer to data ok */
A       bb={1, 2, 3, 4, (void *)&(aa.l)};
/*                               ------  gives an error */

void    *p;
        /* declaration of pointer-to-member is ok inside function !!! */
        p = &aa.j; 

        cout << "passe dans t1.c \n";

	when compiling, i get the following message:
"t1.c", line 14: sorry, not implemented: general initializer in initializer list

	Is there a workaround?
Robert Meunier                     Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Quebec
Ingenieur                          1800 Montee Ste-Julie, Varennes
Internet: robert@ireq.hydro.qc.ca  Qc, Canada, J3X 1S1 
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