[comp.lang.c++] New Zortech 3.0 - Anybody know what it is ?

aew@eosvcr.wimsey.bc.ca (Alan Walford) (05/07/91)

I was just informed by Zortech sales that there is a new C+ version 3.0
coming out the week of June 10th. Ver 3.0 sounds like a big upgrade.

Anybody know what is in it ?  Anybody at Zortech care to comment what is
in it ?  You might forestall some folks buying Borland ;-).

Zortech sales didn't seem to want to talk about it too much. The upgrade
price from 2.0 to 3.0 would be approx. $100.  The upgrade fee for 2.0 to
2.1 of $90 can _not_ be credited against the 3.0 upgrade fee.

I guess I'll have to wait a month to see what is going on.  I wonder what
nice new features Zortech will add to it to make it more competitive with
BCC ?  Any guesses ?

Alan Walford

dridge@athena.mit.edu (Matthew W Eldridge) (05/08/91)

OK, now I have to make the decision between Zortech C++
(in which case I should wait till 3.0...) or using DJGpp, 
a port of GNU C++ to the IBM 80386 platform.  Anyone have any

The product I am developing may/will eventually be sold.  (I am not
anxious to ditribute proprietary source as required by GNU Copyleft...)
Also documentation is very important to me, as well as good virtual
memory management built into the system.  Preferably the thing
should run without requiring a 32bit DOS extender (should have one built in)

Matthew Eldridge