[comp.lang.c++] arguments to constructors for arrays of objects

vanandel@ncar.ucar.edu (Joe Van Andel) (05/09/91)

Forgive me if this has been discussed recently, but I need to know what
(if any) is the syntax for allocating an array of objects, and calling a
constructor with arguments for each:

If I have a constructor defined with no arguments for the class, I can say:
 FAST WSmeBSB *eptr = new WSmeBSB[count];

I've tried:
 FAST WSmeBSB *eptr = new WSmeBSB[count](arg1, arg2);

 FAST WSmeBSB *eptr = new WSmeBSB (arg1, arg2)[count];

My compiler won't accept either.

I'm using the WWL-1.2 package, and I'm trying to allocate an array of
Athena Simple Menu Entries, if you are curious.

I'm using g++ version 1.39.0 beta (based on GCC 1.39), on a Sun3, running 4.1.1

A related question, is it safe to allocate space for an array of objects
yourself, e.g.:
    FAST WSmeBSB *eptr =
      (WSmeBSB *)XtMalloc(sizeof(WSmeBSB) * count);

Each of these objects in the dynamic array is later explicitly assigned to.

Please email me your responses, and I'll summarize.

	Joseph VanAndel  		Internet:vanandel@ncar.ucar.edu
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