[comp.lang.c++] Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm?

TAINT021@ysub.ysu.edu (David M. Onder) (05/03/91)

I am looking for an implementation of the Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm for
minimizing a logical function.  I need this as soon as possible so if
anyone has information or the source, please e-mail me!  Thank you.....
                            David M. Onder
                YSU Computer Information Center Analyst
                  BITNET   : taint021 @ ysub.bitnet
      INTERNET : taint021 @ ysub.ysu.edu or sronder  @ macs.ysu.edu

           |  "Assume a virtue though you have it not"  |
           |           {William Shakespeare}            |

D.M.Johnson@newcastle.ac.uk (Dave Johnson) (05/03/91)

TAINT021@ysub.ysu.edu (David M. Onder) writes:

>I am looking for an implementation of the Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm for
>minimizing a logical function.  I need this as soon as possible so if
>anyone has information or the source, please e-mail me!  Thank you.....

I would like this as well, e-mail address below

| David M. Johnson                    | If the radiance of a thousand suns    |
| c/o Electrical and Electronic Eng.  |   were to burst at once in the sky,   |
|     Merz Court                      | That would be like the splendor       |
|     Newcastle University            |   of the Mighty One...                |
|     Newcastle upon Tyne             | I am become Death                     |
|     NE1 7RU                         |   The destroyer of worlds.            |
+-------------------------------------+                                       |
|Janet : D.M.Johnson@uk.ac.newcastle  |                                       |
|ARPA  : D.M.Johnson@newcastle.ac.uk  |                The Mahbharata.        |
|UUCP  : ...ukc!newcastle!D.M.Johnson |                                       |

s872607@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (George Tzanatos) (05/07/91)

D.M.Johnson@newcastle.ac.uk (Dave Johnson) writes:

>TAINT021@ysub.ysu.edu (David M. Onder) writes:

>>I am looking for an implementation of the Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm for
>>minimizing a logical function.  I need this as soon as possible so if
>>anyone has information or the source, please e-mail me!  Thank you.....

>I would like this as well, e-mail address below

Please add me to the list too.......s872607@minyos.xx.rmit.oz

Thanks in advance.

masticol@athos.rutgers.edu (Steve Masticola) (05/07/91)

I remember from my darkest undergrad days that this book had the
Quine-McCluskey algorithm. There may be more recent references.

- Steve (masticol@cs.rutgers.edu).

   AUTHOR Hill, Fredrick J.
    TITLE Introduction to switching theory and logical design [by] Fredrick J.
          Hill [and] Gerald R. Peterson.
PUBLISHER New York, Wiley [1968]
  DESCRIP xiii, 449 p. illus. 23 cm.
    NOTES Includes bibliographies.
OTHER AUT Peterson, Gerald R., joint author.
OTHER TIL Switching theory and logical design.
 SUBJECTS Switching theory.
     ISBN 047139880X

robert@am.dsir.govt.nz (Robert Davies) (05/08/91)

What is the Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm for minimising a logical function?

jinx@milton.u.washington.edu (Flying On A Canvas Wing) (05/08/91)

s872607@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (George Tzanatos) writes:

>D.M.Johnson@newcastle.ac.uk (Dave Johnson) writes:

>>TAINT021@ysub.ysu.edu (David M. Onder) writes:

>>>I am looking for an implementation of the Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm for
>>>minimizing a logical function.  I need this as soon as possible so if
>>>anyone has information or the source, please e-mail me!  Thank you.....

>>I would like this as well, e-mail address below

>Please add me to the list too.......s872607@minyos.xx.rmit.oz

>Thanks in advance.

Add me, too. 

!jinx@milton.u.washington.edu!!Disclaimer: OFS.*           !
!                            !!*Obligatory Fucking Smiley  !

luciano@canuck.Berkeley.EDU (Luciano Lavagno) (05/11/91)

I know this does NOT strictly belong to any of the groups I am posting
it to, but many people are asking information, so I will try to settle
the question.
1) the Quine-McCluskey algorithm is a well known algorithm to obtain a
minimum sum-of-products (e.g. f = a b' c + a' b + c') representation
of a logic function
(that is a function with domain {0,1}^n and range {0,1}) from an
initial non-optimal sum-of-products representation of it.
This finds applications mainly in combinational logic circuit
synthesis (but not only there...).
2) the best implementation of this algorithm that I am aware of, is
part of the "espresso" logic minimization program. It is available
from this university for a nominal fee (there is also anonymous ftp,
but that's a bit trickier...). Just send e-mail to
erl@janus.berkeley.edu and ask them. Let me know if you have any

|Luciano Lavagno           |  E-mail: luciano@ic.Berkeley.EDU   |
|Dept of EECS, Rm. 550B2-69|                                    |
|UC Berkeley               |  Phone: (415) 642-5012             |
|Berkeley, CA  94720 (USA) |                                    |