[comp.lang.c++] New/Delete vs. Constructors/Destructors

s_johnson@csc32.enet.dec.com (Scott Johnson) (05/11/91)


I have a question that has probably been asked before.  If it has can someone
forward me any information they have.

When creating and destroying objects, is it better to use the new/delete
operators or is it better to explicitly call the constructors/destructors
themselves?  Why is one method better than the other?

Thanks for any and all replies.


        Scott Johnson
        Digital Equipment Corporation
        Colorado Springs, Co

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (05/12/91)

s_johnson@csc32.enet.dec.com (Scott Johnson) writes:

>When creating and destroying objects, is it better to use the new/delete
>operators or is it better to explicitly call the constructors/destructors
>themselves?  Why is one method better than the other?

If I understand what you are asking, it is the same question as "Is it
better to have static/auto objects, or to allocate them on the heap?"
When you use new/delete, the constructor/destructor is called as part of
the operation.  The only questions are whether you want objects with the
lifetime of their scope, or whether you need dynamically created objects.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com