[comp.lang.c++] c++ name mangler sought

sidlo@skinner.epps.kodak.com (John Sidlo) (03/23/91)

Does anyone know where I can find a c++ name mangler?  This program would
take a string like "x::f(int)" and produce the corresponding typesafe
version "f__1xFi", for example.  (The ARM talks about this in sect 7.2.1c). 

We are working on calling c++ methods from Dec Scheme->C, which has a
facility for defining references to standard c functions.

I'll post a summary of responses.

Thanks in advance.

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (03/29/91)

In article <5165@atexnet.UUCP> sidlo@skinner.epps.kodak.com (John Sidlo) writes:
|Does anyone know where I can find a c++ name mangler?  This program would
|take a string like "x::f(int)" and produce the corresponding typesafe
|version "f__1xFi", for example.  (The ARM talks about this in sect 7.2.1c). 

Name mangling is not "c++", but rather is implementation dependent.
Which compiler do you want a name mangler for?

robertk@lotatg.lotus.com (Robert Krajewski) (04/03/91)

In article <71574@microsoft.UUCP> jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) writes:

   In article <5165@atexnet.UUCP> sidlo@skinner.epps.kodak.com (John Sidlo) writes:
   |Does anyone know where I can find a c++ name mangler?  This program would
   |take a string like "x::f(int)" and produce the corresponding typesafe
   |version "f__1xFi", for example.  (The ARM talks about this in sect 7.2.1c). 
   Name mangling is not "c++", but rather is implementation dependent.
   Which compiler do you want a name mangler for?

Actually, at least one of the C++ books lays out the cfront name
mangling scheme, and says it should be followed by other
implementations so that C++ tool writers won't have so much
(arbitrary) work to do.

Of course, some implementations must extend the mangling scheme
because the environment demands it: for example, 16:16 (segmented)
Intel architectures need the NEAR/FAR pointer distinction

MPW provides a little library function for demangling char *'s. Other
development environments ought to provide such a service, too.
(Preferably with a standard name and interface.)

jbuck@janus.Berkeley.EDU (Joe Buck) (04/03/91)

In article <ROBERTK.91Apr2173901@lotatg.lotus.com> robertk@lotatg.lotus.com (Robert Krajewski) writes:
>Actually, at least one of the C++ books lays out the cfront name
>mangling scheme, and says it should be followed by other
>implementations so that C++ tool writers won't have so much
>(arbitrary) work to do.

Such a book is merely being short-sighted, since name mangling is not
required.  Consider a linker that can take arbitrarily long global symbol
names (many systems have these already).  No problem, right?  Now, eliminate
any restriction on what characters may appear in the global symbol name
(other than, say, a 0 byte to terminate it).  Now, suppose you have
a prototype for a function

int AClass::func(int,const char*,BClass&) const;

What symbol should be searched for by the linker?  Well, how about
"AClass::func(int,const char*,BClass&) const"?  Who says you need to
mangle at all?  What we do now reminds me of the kludgery the Eunice
(Unix on top of VMS) system goes through to represent arbitrary Unix
filenames on top of a filesystem with more restricted filenames: right,
it does name mangling.  cfront needs to do name mangling because it
produces C.  But true C++ compilers don't need to do name mangling at
all; they only need a minor modification to the linker.

Someone else suggested this earlier; it's not original with me.

Joe Buck
jbuck@janus.berkeley.edu	 {uunet,ucbvax}!janus.berkeley.edu!jbuck	

aed@netcom.COM (Andrew Davidson) (04/04/91)

>Article 10088 (9 more) in comp.lang.c++:
>From: jbuck@janus.Berkeley.EDU (Joe Buck)
>Subject: Re: c++ name mangler sought
>Date: 3 Apr 91 00:52:09 GMT
Who says you need to
>mangle at all?  What we do now reminds me of the kludgery the Eunice
>(Unix on top of VMS) system goes through to represent arbitrary Unix
>filenames on top of a filesystem with more restricted filenames:
>it does name mangling.  cfront needs to do name mangling because it
>produces C.  But true C++ compilers don't need to do name mangling at
>all; they only need a minor modification to the linker.

I think in general most of use to not realy care if function names are
mangled or not. we are just trying to get dyanmic linking and loading
to work. In general we need some way to map the functions names we
write in C++ or any other lang, with the correct symbol in the object
file we are loading.


                  "bede-bede-bede Thats all Folks"
				Porky Pig
Andy Davidson
Woodside CA.

ned@pebbles.cad.mcc.com (Ned Nowotny) (04/04/91)

In article <1991Apr3.170401.4903@netcom.COM> aed@netcom.COM (Andrew Davidson) writes:
=>>Article 10088 (9 more) in comp.lang.c++:
=>>From: jbuck@janus.Berkeley.EDU (Joe Buck)
=>>Subject: Re: c++ name mangler sought
=>>Date: 3 Apr 91 00:52:09 GMT
=>Who says you need to
=>>mangle at all?  What we do now reminds me of the kludgery the Eunice
=>>(Unix on top of VMS) system goes through to represent arbitrary Unix
=>>filenames on top of a filesystem with more restricted filenames:
=>>it does name mangling.  cfront needs to do name mangling because it
=>>produces C.  But true C++ compilers don't need to do name mangling at
=>>all; they only need a minor modification to the linker.
=>I think in general most of use to not realy care if function names are
=>mangled or not. we are just trying to get dyanmic linking and loading
=>to work. In general we need some way to map the functions names we
=>write in C++ or any other lang, with the correct symbol in the object
=>file we are loading.

Some of us would also like to link objects compiled by one C++ compiler with
objects compiled by another.  Is the ANSI C++ committee looking into linking
and C++ object libraries?  Or, does anyone care about libraries; modules as
opposed to classes; name space pollution; interoperability with compilers for
C, C++, Ada, etc. which may, by necessity, come from different vendors; and
so on?

(By the way, are there any reasons, other than political, that G++ does not
use the same name mangling scheme as the one documented in the ARM?  Or has
that changed since G++ 1.37.1?)

Ned Nowotny, MCC CAD Program, Box 200195, Austin, TX  78720  Ph: (512) 338-3715
ARPA: ned@mcc.com                   UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!ned
"We have ways to make you scream." - Intel advertisement in the June 1989 DDJ.

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (04/04/91)

robertk@lotatg.lotus.com (Robert Krajewski) writes:

>Actually, at least one of the C++ books lays out the cfront name
>mangling scheme, and says it should be followed by other
>implementations so that C++ tool writers won't have so much
>(arbitrary) work to do.

Apart from extensions which Robert mentions, some other changes may be
needed.  The cfront scheme assumes the linker distinguishes upper and lower
case, which not all linkers do (notably VMS).  Not all linkers support long
names, and some mangled function names can become very long indeed.
Sometimes the fully-mangled name must be hashed to a shorter version.

The cfront scheme produces names which are legal C identifiers.  Shorter
mangled names can be produced if the linker allows characters in names
which are not legal in C (or C++) identifiers.

Finally, as has been pointed out elsewhere (by me, among others), name
mangling is an implementation detail.  If the linker can recognize
type information passed by the compiler, name mangling might not be
necessary at all.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

jbuck@janus.Berkeley.EDU (Joe Buck) (04/04/91)

In article <18279@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM> ned%cad@MCC.COM (Ned Nowotny) writes:
>Some of us would also like to link objects compiled by one C++ compiler with
>objects compiled by another.  Is the ANSI C++ committee looking into linking
>and C++ object libraries?  Or, does anyone care about libraries; modules as
>opposed to classes; name space pollution; interoperability with compilers for
>C, C++, Ada, etc. which may, by necessity, come from different vendors; and
>so on?

Yes, there certainly are good arguments for compatibility.

>(By the way, are there any reasons, other than political, that G++ does not
>use the same name mangling scheme as the one documented in the ARM?  Or has
>that changed since G++ 1.37.1?)

You'd need to ask Mike Tiemann for the details.  I do know this: FSF has
always had a very strict policy against reading the code (e.g. Unix source
code, cfront source code) that is being replaced by copylefted code, so
they can avoid any accusation of theft of trade secrets, violation of
copyright, etc.  They also can't read any Bell Labs internal memos, etc,
that document internals. When the first g++ came out, I doubt that the cfront
mangling scheme was published anywhere in the open literature.  How could
he have found it out?

From what I've seen, though, the cfront and g++ schemes are very similar.
They could, perhaps, be made the same and maybe ANSI should look into this.
This shouldn't be done by slavishly reverse engineering cfront; if the
C++ community decides it needs to be done in a uniform way, the uniform
way should be written up in a document and everyone should fix their
compilers.  Still, I think that in the long run name mangling should go away.

For library compatibility, though, we need more than name mangling
compatibility.  We need to define the stream class (at least partially:
vendors and libg++ could provide extra methods); we need to shoot those
who want to name the base class of their library Object and therefore
prevent anyone else from using it, etc. :-)
Joe Buck
jbuck@janus.berkeley.edu	 {uunet,ucbvax}!janus.berkeley.edu!jbuck	

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (04/05/91)

ned@pebbles.cad.mcc.com (Ned Nowotny) writes:

>Some of us would also like to link objects compiled by one C++ compiler with
>objects compiled by another.  Is the ANSI C++ committee looking into linking
>and C++ object libraries?  Or, does anyone care about libraries; modules as
>opposed to classes; name space pollution; interoperability with compilers for
>C, C++, Ada, etc. which may, by necessity, come from different vendors; and
>so on?

The ANSI C++ committee is interested in these issues.  Some of these cannot
be addressed.

For example, how can the C++ commitee specify what an Ada compiler must do?
Is it right to *require* that a conforming C++ compiler be able to link to
Ada programs?  What if there is no Ada compiler for the intended host?
What if one becomes available the day after the C++ compiler is released?
What if there are two incompatible Ada compilers on the system -- is it
enough to support just one of them?

If the committee addresses object libraries, we must specify how it is
to be done on all possible systems, an impossible job.  Programmers
usually think in terms of a compiler which works with text files to
produce object files which are then linked into a self-contained executable
identifiable compiler, identifiable object files, separate executable
files.  There are already other ways to make programs, and we do not want
to prevent still better methods of making them from coming about.

The name-space pollution problem is a thorny one.  There have been
some proposals, none of which was judged adequate.  The issue always
seems to hang up on the idea of a central clearing-house for names.
How is this to be done, remembering that international cooperation
is required?

Real-world programmers are rightly concerned with getting their jobs
done efficiently now.  Standards committees have to keep such things
in mind while looking toward the future.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (04/05/91)

jbuck@janus.Berkeley.EDU (Joe Buck) writes:

>We need to define the stream class (at least partially:
>vendors and libg++ could provide extra methods);

The ANSI C++ committee is working on a standard set of stream classes,
similar to what is provided by AT&T.

>we need to shoot those
>who want to name the base class of their library Object and therefore
>prevent anyone else from using it, etc. :-)

Only shoot them?  Joe is obviously more tender-hearted than I am.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

purtill@morley.rutgers.edu (Mark Purtill) (04/09/91)

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) writes:
>The name-space pollution problem is a thorny one.  There have been
>some proposals, none of which was judged adequate.  The issue always
>seems to hang up on the idea of a central clearing-house for names.
>How is this to be done, remembering that international cooperation
>is required?
	A central clearing-house for names sounds like a dreadful idea
to me.  How are you going to force vendors to register their names?
Answer: you can't.  It seems to me that some sort of module structure
would be a better idea.  I'm sure this has been suggested -- why was
it judged not adequate?

^.-.^ Mark Purtill         purtill@dimacs.rutgers.edu         (908)932-4580 (O)
((")) DIMACS, P.O. Box 1179, Rutgers U., Piscataway, NJ 08855 (908)220-6905 (H)
********** Note new area code!  We are now (908) rather than (201)!  **********

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (04/09/91)

purtill@morley.rutgers.edu (Mark Purtill) writes:

|steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) writes:
|>The name-space pollution problem is a thorny one.  There have been
|>some proposals, none of which was judged adequate.  The issue always
|>seems to hang up on the idea of a central clearing-house for names.
|>How is this to be done, remembering that international cooperation
|>is required?
|	A central clearing-house for names sounds like a dreadful idea
|to me.

Me, too, hence "inadequate".

|It seems to me that some sort of module structure
|would be a better idea.  I'm sure this has been suggested -- why was
|it judged not adequate?

This doesn't sound familiar.  What did you have in mind?

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette) (05/12/91)

In article <41560@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU> jbuck@janus.Berkeley.EDU (Joe Buck) writes:
>...  Consider a linker that can take arbitrarily long global symbol
>names (many systems have these already).  No problem, right?  Now, eliminate
>any restriction on what characters may appear in the global symbol name
>(other than, say, a 0 byte to terminate it).  Now, suppose you have
>a prototype for a function
>int AClass::func(int,const char*,BClass&) const;
>What symbol should be searched for by the linker?  Well, how about
>"AClass::func(int,const char*,BClass&) const"?  Who says you need to
>mangle at all?

Who indeed?

>... cfront needs to do name mangling because it
>produces C.  But true C++ compilers don't need to do name mangling at
>all; they only need a minor modification to the linker.

Not quite true.  Many "true" C++ compilers may still produce assembly code
and assemblers tend to have their own restrictive rules regarding what does
and does not constitute a valid assembly-level identifier.

If you had a scheme where you could sneak arbitrary strings past the
assembler (as identifiers) and get the assembler to write those strings
into the object file, I suspect that you would be home free.  I suggested
in the UI/PLSIG awhile back that assemblers ought to have a special
pseudo-op especiall for this purpose so that C++ compilers could say (for

	.alias	test__Fif,"test(int i, float f)"

Someone suggested that this was not a sufficient solution.  I don't recall
having asked that peoson why it was not.  Perhaps it isn't, but I think
that having this kind of a `.alias' pseudo-op would be most helpful for
C++ compilers.


// Ron ("Loose Cannon") Guilmette
// Internet: rfg@ncd.com      uucp: ...uunet!lupine!rfg
// New motto:  If it ain't broke, try using a bigger hammer.