[comp.lang.c++] BUG! Turbo Debugger for Windows

daveg@prowler.clearpoint.com (Dave Goldblatt) (05/13/91)

-=> On 13 May 91 16:16:27 GMT, cyang%peruvian.utah.edu@cs.utah.edu (Cheng Yang) said:

 [problem with TDW in 640x480x256]

CY> I have the same problem when I run in 800x600 and 1024x768 mode.

CY> However, if I run window 3 using the original VGA driver provided by window 3,
CY> (only 16 colors), everything is fine.

Read the documentation.  It's not a bug, it's a documented feature that TDW will
only run with the standard VGA driver.

Actually, that's not entirely true -- if you run dual monitors, you can run
any driver (I run 1024x768x256 with TDW's screens on my mono monitor).

"Look, folks, you can't save everyone. |  Dave Goldblatt [daveg@clearpoint.com]
  Just try not to be living next to    |  Software Engineering (Subsystems)
  them when they go off."              |  Clearpoint Research Corporation
             - Dennis Miller           |  35 Parkwood Dr., Hopkinton, MA 01748

cyang%peruvian.utah.edu@cs.utah.edu (Cheng Yang) (05/13/91)

Hi.  I am running Borland C++ on my 286 clone.  It has a Paradise 16-bit
VGA card.  After I installed window drivers for Paradise card (by copying
the PVGA480.DRV to c:\windows\system\vga.drv)  (so thatI can have 256 colors 
in 640x480), I started window in standard mode.  Then I ran 
"Turbo Debugger for Windows" in Windows 3.0.  Everything was fine then.  
But after I exitted Turbo Debugger for Windows, I had a big problem with the 
display.  The display was screwed  up.  It seems it has sync problem, and 
the Turbo Debugger won't restore the display parameters for windows 3.  

I have the same problem when I run in 800x600 and 1024x768 mode.

However, if I run window 3 using the original VGA driver provided by window 3,
(only 16 colors), everything is fine.

Does anybody know what is happening there?  Or does anybody have the
same problem as I have?  Is this a bug in Turbo Debugger?  Or this is a bug
in paradise drivers?

*	Ho capito, signor,si!........                                       *
*                                                                           *
*Cheng Yang				Home Address:                       *
*Department of Computer Science		808 East, 300 South, #3             *
*University of Utah			Salt Lake City, UT 84102            *
*E-Mail Address:cyang@peruvian.utah.edu	Tel: 801-322-1918                   *