[comp.lang.c++] bug in istrstream example?

philip@pescadero.stanford.edu (Philip Machanick) (05/11/91)

In both Lippman (p. 414) and the cfront 2.0 Library Manual (p 3.12) examples
roughly of the form
  char s[] = "400"
  istrstream iss (s,sizeof(s));
appear. Presumably, sizeof is a bug (since this will always return the size of
a pointer when applied to an array), and what is really required is strlen(s) -
or should it be strlen(s)+1 to allow for the null char at the end?

Has this been fixed in later editions / printings?

Philip Machanick

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (05/12/91)

philip@pescadero.stanford.edu (Philip Machanick) writes:

>In both Lippman (p. 414) and the cfront 2.0 Library Manual (p 3.12) examples
>roughly of the form
>  char s[] = "400"
>  istrstream iss (s,sizeof(s));
>appear. Presumably, sizeof is a bug (since this will always return the size of
>a pointer when applied to an array), and what is really required is strlen(s) -
>or should it be strlen(s)+1 to allow for the null char at the end?

>Has this been fixed in later editions / printings?

There is nothing to fix.  An array is not converted to a pointer when
it is the object of the sizeof operator, so the result of sizeof(s)
is the number of elements of s times the element size.

Given	char *s = "hello";	s is declared as a pointer, not an array,
so sizeof(s) is the size of the pointer.

Given	extern char s[];	sizeof(s) is illegal,
since the size of s cannot be determined.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

comeau@ditka.Chicago.COM (Greg Comeau) (05/14/91)

In article <1991May11.015836.1556@neon.Stanford.EDU> philip@pescadero.stanford.edu (Philip Machanick) writes:
>  char s[] = "400"
>  istrstream iss (s,sizeof(s));
>appear. Presumably, sizeof is a bug (since this will always return the size of
>a pointer when applied to an array), and what is really required is strlen(s) -
>or should it be strlen(s)+1 to allow for the null char at the end?

No.  The array -> ptr conversion DO NOT occur when an array names
is used as the operand of sizeof.  The sizeof will return the total number
of bytes in s.

If s was : char s[] = "12345";, sizeof would return 6.

- Greg
	 Comeau Computing, 91-34 120th Street, Richmond Hill, NY, 11418
                          Producers of Comeau C++ 2.1
          Here:attmail.com!csanta!comeau / BIX:comeau / CIS:72331,3421
                     Voice:718-945-0009 / Fax:718-441-2310

pete@borland.com (Pete Becker) (05/14/91)

In article <1991May11.015836.1556@neon.Stanford.EDU> philip@pescadero.stanford.edu (Philip Machanick) writes:
>In both Lippman (p. 414) and the cfront 2.0 Library Manual (p 3.12) examples
>roughly of the form
>  char s[] = "400"
>  istrstream iss (s,sizeof(s));
>appear. Presumably, sizeof is a bug (since this will always return the size of
>a pointer when applied to an array), and what is really required is strlen(s) -
>or should it be strlen(s)+1 to allow for the null char at the end?
>Has this been fixed in later editions / printings?
>Philip Machanick

    The code as written is correct.  This is one of the few situations where
the name of an array is not converted to a pointer, in both ANSI C and under
the ARM.  sizoef applied to an array gives the number of bytes in the array!
    -- Pete

pat@bnrmtl.bnr.ca (Patrick Smith) (05/14/91)

In article <38767@ditka.Chicago.COM>, comeau@ditka.Chicago.COM (Greg Comeau) writes:
|> In article <1991May11.015836.1556@neon.Stanford.EDU> philip@pescadero.stanford.edu (Philip Machanick) writes:
|> >  char s[] = "400"
|> >  istrstream iss (s,sizeof(s));
|> >appear. Presumably, sizeof is a bug (since this will always return the size of
|> >a pointer when applied to an array), and what is really required is strlen(s) -
|> >or should it be strlen(s)+1 to allow for the null char at the end?
|> No.  The array -> ptr conversion DO NOT occur when an array names
|> is used as the operand of sizeof.  The sizeof will return the total number
|> of bytes in s.
|> If s was : char s[] = "12345";, sizeof would return 6.
|> - Greg

I believe you're right (you would certainly know more about
the standards than I do), but there are cases where the
language makes this a confusing point.  I remember once
being confused by an example like this:

	void f( char a[10] )
		cout << sizeof(a) << '\n';

where the value that got printed was sizeof(char*), not 10.
It seems to me that what the compiler (Oregon C++ on a Sun-3/60)
did is correct, but it's certainly confusing!  The point is
that the declaration of a _looks_ like a declaration of an
array, but is actually a declaration of a pointer.

Patrick Smith      Bell-Northern Research, Montreal, Canada
(514) 765-7914   bnrmtl!pat@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu   patrick@bnr.ca

... Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer,
my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.