[comp.lang.c++] size of array

comeau@ditka.Chicago.COM (Greg Comeau) (05/14/91)

In article <1991May13.220553.28817@scrumpy@.bnr.ca> bnrmtl!pat@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu writes:
>In article <38767@ditka.Chicago.COM>, comeau@ditka.Chicago.COM (Greg Comeau) writes:
>|> No.  The array -> ptr conversion DO NOT occur when an array names
>|> is used as the operand of sizeof.  The sizeof will return the total number
>|> of bytes in s.  If s was : char s[] = "12345";, sizeof would return 6.
>I remember once >being confused by an example like this:
>	void f( char a[10] ) { cout << sizeof(a) << '\n'; }
>where the value that got printed was sizeof(char*), not 10.
>...that the declaration of a _looks_ like a declaration of an
>array, but is actually a declaration of a pointer.

This is all of course a C artifact.

Yes, that is a pointer and not an array.  Parameters work this way.

Dimensions provided with parameters are either for documentation
(hence with limited use) or for allowing type scaling to happen properly.

- Greg
	 Comeau Computing, 91-34 120th Street, Richmond Hill, NY, 11418
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