[comp.lang.c++] Multiple Inheriance examples in C++

sfilippi@gemini.cs.nps.navy.mil (stephen filippi) (05/16/91)

I'm looking for examples of Multiple Inheritance using C++.  It
really doesn't matter to me what types of examples you can come
up with, I am trying to understand why multiple inheritance 
might be used in place of Aggregation or Single Inheritance.

In all honesty, I'll take good examples of MI in any language!

Also if you know of any Class libraries that use MI, I'd like
to here about them.

Please send me email, and if there's enough interest, I'll post
a summary of what I receive.

Thanks in advance,

Steve Filippi
sfilippi@cs.nps.navy.mil                  phone:  (408) 646-2610
US Mail:  LT Steve Filippi                              646-2174 *
          SMC Box 1619                    * Leave a message and I'll
          Naval Postgraduate School         return your call !
          Monterey,  CA  93943