[comp.lang.c++] New Zortech C++ for Mac is out

nagle@well.sf.ca.us (John Nagle) (05/17/91)

     Well, it's out, but Zortech screwed up and shipped it with a MPW library
disk missing.  They promise a new disk Real Soon Now.

     The disks are plain green disks with labels printed on a dot-matrix
printer, and the manuals are 8 1/2 x 11" GBC-bound, like something like
you'd make at a copy shop.  One manual came as unbound, loose sheets.
Zortech's MS-DOS products are more professionally produced.  This thing
looks like a beta version rather than a finished product.

     No idea if the compiler is any good; it won't link without the missing
disk.  It successfully compiled a "hello world" program, but failed during
link.  So the compiler is at least alive.  It even compiles under A/UX.

     I'd hold off on ordering; Zortech doesn't have its act together
on this yet.  From the specs, it may be a good product, but it's not
yet usable.

					John Nagle