[comp.lang.c++] PC text windows/menus/mouse/forms library?

stoeen@solan.unit.no (Asbj|rn St|en) (05/19/91)

Hello there!
I am looking for a good text windowing library with the following

- Multiple windows and menus
- Mouse support
- Possibility to control and redefine keystrokes and mouse actions
- Interaction and message sending between windows
- This is the tricky part: I would like to create an edit form that
  has a header on top and a table on the bottom. This table should
  scroll when needed, that is, the table will contain more lines than
  the screen. Basically, each line in the table will have the same 
  format. (But several columns would be nice, too...)
- Optional: Possibility to control the window border (different looks,
  division of the window into subfields, scroll bars etc.).

All kind of honor to the person that knows of a suitable library and
that gives me a hint by email!

Asbjoern Stoeen	       / \     /___
Studpost 188          /___\   //
7034 Trondheim-NTH   / 	   \ / \__
Norway		    	    /     \
(stoeen@solan.unit.no)     /   ___/