[comp.lang.c++] Looking for 32-bit DOS C++

jeffw@scam.Berkeley.EDU (Jeff Wallace) (05/21/91)

I've been using Zortech C++ 386 DOS version 2.18 for a large
project and I've run into some serious compiler bugs that have
made me reconsider my compiler choice.

What other C++ compilers exist for PCs that will generate true
386 32-bit code?  

Has anyone worked with Microway NDP C++?  Or Comeau's cfront
port for DOS?  Those are the only two alternates that I'm
aware of and I'm not sure that Comeau's product produces 32-bit

Jeff Wallace, Experimental Computing Facility (XCF), U.C. Berkeley
Internet: jeffw@scam.Berkeley.EDU       UUCP:...!ucbvax!scam!jeffw

cadsi@ccad.uiowa.edu (CADSI) (05/22/91)

From article <1991May21.111354.11684@agate.berkeley.edu>, by jeffw@scam.Berkeley.EDU (Jeff Wallace):
> I've been using Zortech C++ 386 DOS version 2.18 for a large
> project and I've run into some serious compiler bugs that have
> made me reconsider my compiler choice.
> What other C++ compilers exist for PCs that will generate true
> 386 32-bit code?  

Gnu C++ for DOS
MicroWay C++

> Has anyone worked with Microway NDP C++?  Or Comeau's cfront
> port for DOS?  Those are the only two alternates that I'm
> aware of and I'm not sure that Comeau's product produces 32-bit
> code.

I use MicroWay now and then.  It works, but I mostly use the Gnu port.
This is a nice set of work by the author.  It can be found on
grape.ecs.clarkson.edu.  Both do protected mode.  MicroWay supports
the Weitek processors which Gnu does not.  Both support the '387 and/or
integer only code (no NDP).

|Tom Hite					|  The views expressed by me |
|Manager, Product development			|  are mine, not necessarily |
|CADSI (Computer Aided Design Software Inc.	|  the views of CADSI.       |

joe@proto.com (Joe Huffman) (05/22/91)

jeffw@scam.Berkeley.EDU (Jeff Wallace) writes:

>I've been using Zortech C++ 386 DOS version 2.18 for a large
>project and I've run into some serious compiler bugs that have
>made me reconsider my compiler choice.

Have you reported them?  There may be fixes or work-arounds available
for them...

Contact 'support@zortech.com' or report well isolated bugs (less than a 
page of code) to 'zortech-bugs@zortech.com'.