[comp.lang.c++] Overloading of functions with semi-identical signatures

svb@cs.purdue.EDU (Stephan Bechtolsheim) (05/21/91)

Look at the following source code please:


#include <stream.h>

// Have three functions with almost identical signatures.
int F (int);
int F (int &);
int F (const int &);

int F (int a) {
  cout << "int F (int) called, argument = " << a << "\n";
  return 0;

int F (int &a) {
  cout << "int F (int &) called, argument = " << a << "\n";
  return 0;

int F (const int &a) {
  cout << "int F (const int &) called, argument = " << a << "\n";
  return 0;

int main() {
  // ****************************************
  // And here is a function call. WHICH F?!?!
  // ****************************************
  int k = F(12); // which F?!
  exit (0);

Question 1: which F should the compiler pick? With g++ it pickes
the first one, but WHY?!

Question 2: C++ would not allow you to do this though:

int F (const int);
int F (const int a) {
  cout << "int F (const int) called, argument = " << a << "\n";
  return 0;

Then g++ (1.37....) complains.

Anyone any insight?


Stephan v. Bechtolsheim
Computer Sciences Department			svb@cs.purdue.edu
Computer Science Building			(317) 494 7802
Purdue University			   FAX: (317) 494 0739
West Lafayette, IN 47907

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (05/22/91)

svb@cs.purdue.EDU (Stephan Bechtolsheim) writes:

>Look at the following source code please:

>// Have three functions with almost identical signatures.
>int F (int);
>int F (int &);
>int F (const int &);

The first two declarations cannot be distinguished, and the compiler
should complain about them.  Evidently, your compiler does not
complain, and picks one arbitrarily.

If overloaded function signatures differ only in that of two corresponding
parameters, one is type T and the other is T&, the declarations are
inherently ambiguous and should be detected a compilation time.

On the other hand, these two
	int F(int&);
	int F(const int&);
are not ambiguous:
	int i;
	const int ci;
	F(i);	// calls f(int&), since it is an exact match
	F(ci);	// calls f(const int&), since it is an exact match

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com