[comp.lang.c++] computed arguments to base class constructors

marc@mit.edu (Marc Horowitz) (05/27/91)

Consider the classes A and B, and the function f:

class A {
	A::A(int a, int b, int c, int d);

// ...

class B : public A {
	B::B(char *s)
	    :A(/* ??? */)
		{ ... }

// ...

void f(char *s, int *a, int *b, int *c, int *d)
{ /* compute a,b,c,d given s */ }

Given A and f that I cannot change, is there a way to initialize the A
part of B without calling f four times?  I was unable to come up with
anything which wasn't a disgusting kludge full of static variables.
My final decision was that this is a situation for which C++ lacks any
construct to do this efficiently.  What I really want is the ability
to have a block executed in the same scope a static member of B gets
initialized at, where I can define variables and do things, then pass
these variables on to base class and member constructors, with the
block ending after these constructors have all been called.

If someone has any really good ideas, please mail me personally, as I
do not regularly read this newgroup.  Thanks in advance.


Marc Horowitz <marc@mit.edu>