[net.sf-lovers] RotJ: ***SPOILER WARNING! SPOILER WARNING!***

urban (05/11/83)

   (from the guy who doesn't want to read spoilers).  One
of the people here at TRW attended a screening Monday night.
He came back with one of those fold-up lists of credits (it
runs 6 pages).  The last page is the cast of characters,
which is reproduced below.

The list of characters includes at least one or two
lines which may be construed as giving away elements of
the plot of the film (although it's fairly ambiguous).
People who want to see the film without anything given away
ahead of time should skip to the next news item.


Luke Skywalker			Mark Hamill
Han Solo			Harrison Ford
Princess Leia			Carrie Fisher
Lando Calrissian		Billy Dee Williams
See-Threepio(C-3PO)		Anthony Daniels
Chewbacca			Peter Mayhew
Anakin Skywalker		Sebastian Shaw
Emperor				Ian McDiarmid
Yoda				Frank Oz
Darth Vader			David Prowse
Voice of Darth Vader		James Earl Jones
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi		Alec Guinness


Artoo-Detoo(R2-D2)		Kenny Baker
Moff Jerjerrod			Michael Pennington
Admiral Piett			Kenneth Colley
Bib Fortuna			Michael Carter
Wedge				Denis Lawson
Admiral Ackbar			Tim Rose
General Madine			Dermot Crowley
Mon Mothma			Caroline Blakiston
Wicket				Warwick Davis
Paploo				Kenny Baker
Boba Fett			Jeremy Bulloch
Oola				Femi Taylor
Sy Snootles			Annie Arbogast
Fat Dancer			Claire Davenport
Teebo				Jack Purvis
Logray				Mike Edmonds
Chief Chirpa			Jane Busby
Ewok Warrior			Malcom Dixon
Ewok Warrior			Mike Cottrell
Nicki				Nicki Reade
Stardestroyer Controller #1	Adam Bareham
Stardestroyer Controller #2	Jonathan Oliver
Stardestroyer Captain #1	Pip Miller
Stardestroyer Captain #2	Tom Mannion
Jabba Puppeteers		Toby Philpott, Mike Edmonds, David Barclay
Puppeteers			Michael McCormick, Deep Roy,
				Simon Williamson, Hugh Spirit, Swim Lee,
				Michael Quinn, Richard Robinson

Offered without comment.

There are also about 50 people in a list headed 'Ewoks'.
Only one of them was familiar to me, Felix Silla (who
played Cousin Itt in the Addams Family TV show).