[comp.lang.c++] g++ 1.39.1, gdb 3.5 name mangling

tiemann@CYGNUS.COM (Michael Tiemann) (05/28/91)

   Date: 28 May 91 09:03:46 GMT
   From: tonyb@cs.adelaide.edu.au
   Organization: Comp Sci, Uni of Adelaide, Australia
   Sender: help-g++-request@prep.ai.mit.edu

   Can anyone tell me what I have to do to get g++ 1.39.1 and gdb 3.5 to cooperate.

   When I do a `bt' in gdb, the addresses on the stack show the mangled names
   (thus for example I get Run__10World) instead of World::Run, although I can set breaks
   using the World::Run form.  Is there some magic I need to perform to make this happen
   in the stack/frame dumps?

   Antony Blakey

This is what you get until version 4.0 of GDB and version 2.0 of GNU
C++ are available.
