[comp.lang.c++] function parameters

jk@cs.man.ac.uk (John Kewley ICL) (05/24/91)

The following program is supposed to print 81, the square of 9.
Unfortunately I would prefer to use a function which takes a constant
int pointer as a parameter to pass to g rather than a variable one.

This program fails to compile because of the const on the line labelled below.
#include <stdio.h>

typedef int int_fn( int* );

int g(const int_fn* fn, int i)

int f(const int* i)                // CC complains here
        return( *i**i );

int main()
        printf( "i=%d\n",g(f,9) );
Error message:
line 17: error: bad argument  1 type for g(): int (*)(const int *)
( int (*)(int *) expected)

Why is this, apart from "because the syntax is defined like that", why is 
a function with consts on its parameters not valid in place of one with
variable as parameters?
John M. Kewley, ICL, Wenlock Way, West Gorton, Manchester. M12 5DR
Tel:   (+44) 61 223 1301 X2138  Email: jk@cs.man.ac.uk / jk@nw.stl.stc.co.uk

darcy@druid.uucp (D'Arcy J.M. Cain) (05/26/91)

In article <2569@m1.cs.man.ac.uk> jk@cs.man.ac.uk (John Kewley ICL) writes:
>The following program is supposed to print 81, the square of 9.
>Unfortunately I would prefer to use a function which takes a constant
>int pointer as a parameter to pass to g rather than a variable one.
Then do it.

>typedef int int_fn( int* );
>int g(const int_fn* fn, int i)
>int f(const int* i)                // CC complains here
This line is actually OK.  you have to change the earlier part:

typedef int int_fn(const int* );
// if you want the function to take a pointer to const then say so

int g(int_fn* fn, const int i)
// the typedef already tells C++ that the function takes a pointer
// to a const int

>line 17: error: bad argument  1 type for g(): int (*)(const int *)
Note that the error suggests the proper typedef.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain (darcy@druid)     |
D'Arcy Cain Consulting             |   There's no government
Toronto, Ontario, Canada           |   like no government!
+1 416 424 2871                    |

pete@borland.com (Pete Becker) (05/29/91)

In article <2569@m1.cs.man.ac.uk> jk@cs.man.ac.uk (John Kewley ICL) writes:
>Why is this, apart from "because the syntax is defined like that", why is 
>a function with consts on its parameters not valid in place of one with
>variable as parameters?

	A function that takes const parameters promises not to modify those
parameters.  A function that takes non-const parameters makes no such promise.
It is legal to pass either a const or a non-const object to a function that
takes a const parameter, because the constness of the object is preserved.  It
is not legal to pass a const object to a function that takes a non-const 
parameter, because the function could modify the passed parameter.  In this
situation, the compiler will create a temporary and pass that as the
actual parameter, so the original object will not, in fact, be modified.  But
when you use a pointer to a function, there's no way for the compiler to know,
at the point of the function call, whether to generate that temporary.  So
the rule on function pointers has to be more strict: the parameter types
must agree completely.

Pete.Becker@sunbrk.FidoNet.Org (Pete Becker) (05/29/91)

In article <2569@m1.cs.man.ac.uk> jk@cs.man.ac.uk (John Kewley ICL) writes:
>Why is this, apart from "because the syntax is defined like that", why is 
>a function with consts on its parameters not valid in place of one with
>variable as parameters?

	A function that takes const parameters promises not to modify those
parameters.  A function that takes non-const parameters makes no such promise.
It is legal to pass either a const or a non-const object to a function that
takes a const parameter, because the constness of the object is preserved.  It
is not legal to pass a const object to a function that takes a non-const 
parameter, because the function could modify the passed parameter.  In this
situation, the compiler will create a temporary and pass that as the
actual parameter, so the original object will not, in fact, be modified.  But
when you use a pointer to a function, there's no way for the compiler to know,
at the point of the function call, whether to generate that temporary.  So
the rule on function pointers has to be more strict: the parameter types
must agree completely.

 * Origin: Seaeast - Fidonet<->Usenet Gateway - sunbrk (1:343/15.0)