[comp.lang.c++] Window BOSS Libraries

sanhelp@zeus.tamu.edu (NEDDERMAN, SCOTT A) (05/31/91)

Does anyone know how I can get hold of or create the medium memory
model version of the Window Boss library?

All that their distribution contains is the small version which
quickly becomes inadequate.

I'd REALLY appreciate any help.


| Scott A. Nedderman          | Internet: sanhelp@zeus.tamu.edu   |
| #include "TeXstuff.h"       | Bitnet:   sanhelp@tamzeus         |

hagins@gamecock.rtp.dg.com (Jody Hagins) (05/31/91)

In article <16693@helios.TAMU.EDU>, sanhelp@zeus.tamu.edu (NEDDERMAN, SCOTT A) writes:
|> Does anyone know how I can get hold of or create the medium memory
|> model version of the Window Boss library?
|> All that their distribution contains is the small version which
|> quickly becomes inadequate.
|> I'd REALLY appreciate any help.
|> 					Scott
|> +-----------------------------+-----------------------------------+
|> | Scott A. Nedderman          | Internet: sanhelp@zeus.tamu.edu   |
|> | #include "TeXstuff.h"       | Bitnet:   sanhelp@tamzeus         |
|> +-----------------------------+-----------------------------------+ 

Awful rude of them to GIVE away the small model libraries, huh?
To get the larger libraries (and source code) you need to register
with the guys who wrote, and distribute, the thing!
The Window BOSS package is not meant to be free.  The authors are only
asking for what the deem to be a fair price.  They give away the small
library as a "demo."  If you like it, and use it, you are supposed to
pay for it.  Then they will send you the larger model libs and source
code.  Come on.  Get real!

Can you say shareware?  I thought you could.

Seriously, though, many good products are not making it out to the public
because too many people abuse the shareware concept.

See, this really makes me think twice.  I am currently developing a
GUI class which I had thought of releasing as shareware.  The reasons are
that I have received valuable help from some people on the net over the past
year, and also I believe that there really isn't a GOOD, inexpensive class
for doing interfaces.  I know, because I've used most of 'em and I'm having
to write my own anyway.  However, I'm considering not releasing it, since
the trend is for people to not pay for it, then expect to get free service
to boot!  Anyway, I better get off my soapbox before I get too carried away.

The help you search for is in the documentation that came with Window BOSS.
Send them the registration fee, and they will send you the additional goodies.

robind@code3.com (Robin Dunn) (06/01/91)

In article <16693@helios.TAMU.EDU> sanhelp@zeus.tamu.edu writes:
>Does anyone know how I can get hold of or create the medium memory
>model version of the Window Boss library?
>All that their distribution contains is the small version which
>quickly becomes inadequate.
>I'd REALLY appreciate any help.

Register the product!

Robin P. Dunn                                       ...!uunet!code3!robind
3M Health Information Systems                             robind@code3.com
Code3 Product Development                                   (801) 265-4820

jbuck@forney.berkeley.edu (Joe Buck) (06/01/91)

In article <1991May31.162704.26099@dg-rtp.dg.com>, hagins@gamecock.rtp.dg.com (Jody Hagins) writes:
|> Can you say shareware?  I thought you could.
|> Seriously, though, many good products are not making it out to the public
|> because too many people abuse the shareware concept.

Yes, and too many shareware authors are abusing the network by illegally
using it for profit, for example, by putting their shareware on sites
for anonymous FTP access in the hopes of raising money.

|> See, this really makes me think twice.  I am currently developing a
|> GUI class which I had thought of releasing as shareware.  The reasons are
|> that I have received valuable help from some people on the net over the past
|> year, and also I believe that there really isn't a GOOD, inexpensive class
|> for doing interfaces.    ...
|> the trend is for people to not pay for it, then expect to get free service
|> to boot!  Anyway, I better get off my soapbox before I get too carried away.

Did the people that helped you over the net request money from you in exchange
for your help?  No?  Then why do you consider shareware as a way to pay anyone
back?  It would simply be a profit-making venture, and the real reason you're
thinking twice is because you think you may not profit as much as you hoped.
Nothing wrong with wanting to make a profit, but stop pretending you're
doing anyone a favor.

I have no objection to shareware per se.  I have STRONG objection to people
using the resources of Usenet or Internet to promote their shareware, since
they don't give the people who paid the phone bills or for the disk space
a cut of their earnings.  That goes double for people posting (or making
available for anonymous FTP) crippleware as a marketing ploy.

(If the Window BOSS people used only BBSes that specialize in shareware
to do their distribution, none of this applies to them).

Joe Buck
jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu	 {uunet,ucbvax}!galileo.berkeley.edu!jbuck