[comp.lang.c++] Need c++ sources for compiler testing

kai@iti.org (Kai Huebener) (05/22/91)

We are planning to buy a C++ compiler/translator for our SUN SparcStations.
Does anyone out there have C++ sources that can be used to reveal poor
performance, bugs and other weaknesses of various c++ compilers? Any hints
or pointers will be appreciated.


Kai Huebener
Univ. of Hamburg
Computer Science Dept.

glangaas%peruvian.utah.edu@cs.utah.edu (Gaute Langaas) (06/03/91)

>We are planning to buy a C++ compiler/translator for our SUN SparcStations.
>Does anyone out there have C++ sources that can be used to reveal poor
>performance, bugs and other weaknesses of various c++ compilers? Any hints
>or pointers will be appreciated.
>	Kai.
>Kai Huebener
>Univ. of Hamburg
>Computer Science Dept.

Sorry, I have no clue, but does anybody wizards out there know how to fix 
the following problem:  Great Prizes!!!!!

I can't get the BIOScom routine in Turbo C++ to work properly.
What I am trying to do is to read the serial prot with the 
following settings

#define SETTINGS (0xA0|0x00|0x00|0x03)
// 2400 baud, No parity, 1 Stop bit, 8 bit data byte.

The initialisation is done in the following way:

bioscom(0, SETTINGS, <port>);

Then I am trying to read the port:

out = bioscom(2, 0, <port>);

The problem seems to be that the routine will only read the lower
7 bits without returning the most significant bit in the data byte.

Has anyone had this problem?  Any ways around it?

Replys by e-mail or to the News net, whatever you might find most


				Stein Andresen