(Dr. Heinz Dieter Boecker) (06/04/91)
EastEurOOPe'91 Conference, Tutorials, and Exhibition on Object-Oriented Programming Sept.15-19, 1991, Bratislava, Czecho-Slovakia Advance Program The first East European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming will provide a truly international forum for the East-West exchange of information on OOP. Moreover, it should represent the entry into the world of OOP for the East European computer community. Therefore, the conference will focus on new results in research, development, and applications in this field, as well as tutorials/invited lectures covering the state of the art of OOP. Tutorials on the most important O-O languages and O-O methodologies Henry Lieberman (MIT): Object-Oriented Programming for Graphical Interfaces Bertrand Meyer (Interactive Software Engineering, Inc.): Object-Oriented Software Engineering with Eiffel Georg Heeg (Georg Heeg - Objektorientierte System-Technologien): Object-Oriented Program Management John Pugh (Carleton University): Introduction to Smalltalk Ole Lehrmann Madsen (Aarhus University): Introduction to BETA Christian Rathke, Jurgen Herczeg, Hubertus Hohl (University of Stuttgart): Introduction to CLOS Exhibition - many important OOP software & hardware vendors, publishers, etc. - among others ParcPlace Systems, Georg Heeg, Interactive Software Engineering, Mjolner Informatics, Digitalk, JOOP Invited Lectures by well-known researchers in the field of OOP Adele Goldberg (ParcPlace Systems) Why Invent Object-Oriented Technology? Kristen Nygaard (University of Oslo) Past, Present, and Future of Objects Pierre Cointe (Rank Xerox France) OOP and Metalevel Architectures: From Smalltalk to CLOS Jean Marc Nerson (Societe des Outils du Logiciel) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodologies Technical Program will include 17 accepted technical papers ... and many other presentations on OOP systems, theory, and applications. Authors are invited to submit original unpublished papers for short paper presentations. Full camera-ready papers limited to 4 pages must be sent in 4 copies to Conference Chair to arrive before July 31, 1991. Submissions will be anonymously refereed. Accepted papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings. Program Chair: Pierre Cointe, Rank Xerox France Conference Chair: Augustin Mrazik, ArtInAppleS, Ltd. Kremelska 13, 845 03 Bratislava, Czecho-Slovakia Conference Sponsors Journal of Object-Oriented Programming ParcPlace Systems Georg Heeg - Objektorientierte System-Technologien Interactive Software Engineering, Inc. Rank Xerox France Digitalk, Inc. Mjolner Informatics ApS. COMPUTERWORLD Czechoslovakia Datasystem Zilina Kancelarske stroje Praha Software Slusovice Vadium a.s. Organized by ArtInAppleS, Ltd. Preliminary Registration Form for EastEurOOPe'91 Please mail the completed form to Conference Chair or fax to (+42 7) 777 779 Yes, I would like to participate in the EastEurOOPe'91 Conference. Please send me the Conference Program and Registration Form. Yes, my company would like to participate in the EastEurOOPe'91 Exhibition. Please send me more information and the Exhibitor Registration Form. Name Company Address City Country Post Code Day Phone Fax E-mail Signature -- ============================================================================== Heinz-Dieter Boecker Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute Dolivostr. 15, D - 6100 Darmstadt Tel.: +49.6151.875-848