[comp.lang.c++] C++ for M88000 available???

bartm@cv.ruu.nl (Bart Muyzer) (06/05/91)


Does anybody know if a C++ compiler is available for the M88000 processor?
I'm looking for one that has to meet the following requirements:

1.	It should run on a Tektronix XD88/10 with Utek 3.2e;
2.	It should be AT&T C++ 2.0 compatible;
3.	It would be nice if profiling/symbolic debugging are supported;

I know there's G++ (Gnu C++) which is freely available, but this one isn't
AT&T C++ 2.0 compatible (yet... from what I read from the net the next version
will be, but for the past one-and-a-half year people only have been *talking*
about this).

I would greatly appreciate the following information about any available
1.	Where can I get/buy it?
2.	What does it cost?
3.	A short description of its possibilities;
4.	Any experiences if possible.

Thanks in advance for any information. Please respond by e-mailing to

							>] Bart [<
Bart Muyzer(SysAdm), 3D Computer Vision, University Hospital Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100, Room E 02.222, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands.
tel: +31-30-506711 (w), +31-3402-52157 (h)  | "You never get a second chance
fax: +31-30-513399, e-mail: bartm@cv.ruu.nl |  to make a first impression"