[comp.lang.c++] C++ and waitresses

pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) (05/23/91)

amount of time it takes to order a simple sandwich. They start asking you if
you want onions, or mustard, on the rye, with lettuce, without tomatoes. I
usually get confused because I am usually in a discussion while in a
restaurant. I just say a sandwich, but then the waitress will continue to
force me to chose me between an awfull lot of options.

When I started studying C++ because I needed to teach it to a class, I got a
funny deja vu feeling, remembering the American waitress. You can do it
virtual, but you can also do it not virtual, but then you have problems
there. You can make it static, but static in that context means something
different in that context, you can use references or copying of values. It
keeps forcing you to make decisions which hardly have anything to do with the
problem domain, but are just a kind of goodies giving you certain
optimisations in certain cases.

C++ looks to me like a big bag of options, and you just pick what you like.
Which I think is proven by the fact that in any discussion with a C++'er, you
will always hear the answer that you can also do it that way in C++. It seems
that people have added so much to the language, that it has become an Edsel,
having features for all of us, but without identity.

Am I alone in that fact that I do not like to chose all the time. I feel
distracted because I have to spent so much time choosing and then later
reworking because I made the wrong choice. The language does not seem to have
a natural concept. When you look at different implementations made by
different people they look completely different. From my experience in
Smalltalk I found that people tend to build the same kind of solutions to the
same kind of problems. It seems to me that that will hinder the reuse of
software. If you look at the NIHCL library, it is build in a structure that
is quite different from commercial available class trees.  Will that not mean
that it will be very hard to reuse generic code.

When I look at other modern languages I see that they tend to remove the
number of language options, but have a very generic simple concept. Lisp and
Prolog use lists and atoms and Smalltalk has the basic object. All of these
languages seems to be able to get away with no language defined keywords,
allowing the user to built constructs from a very simple syntax.

Do we need all those diverse tools while a small subset allows us to build
the same kind of constructs. Would a small language not be much easier to
learn and allow more reuse? Saving in training and building cost?

Isn't this big bag of options making the language extremely difficult to
learn, as I can also see in the classes I teached C++, and will it not make
it impossible to get the compilers right. Will the amount of options make it
impossible to validate a compiler?

This way of thinking reminds of RISC versus CISC. They changed the CPU's to
become much simpler, thereby offering more performance. Isn't C++ a CISL?

And even the supposed biggest strength, type checking, seems to get in the
way because every time I need to do something usefull, I need downcasting.
And then I do not have any error check at all. If you look at the NIHCL
classes, they even included a run time check for class when they need to
downcast. Just like the const type, I threw them away after seeing how much I
needed to remember that an object was const.

I am very curious about the opinion of other people about this subject. I do
not want to just criticize. Some parts of C++ are elegant and allow for nice
code, but I really miss the idea behind the language. I hope I am not right
in my judgement. It would be such a waste of all the efforts that go into the
language currently.

	Peter Kriens

chased@rbbb.Eng.Sun.COM (David Chase) (05/24/91)

In article <2325@media03.UUCP> pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes:
[a comparison of the wealth-of-choices available in C++ and American

I totally agree.  Around here, we call it "mandatory flexibility".
You WILL be flexible, you MUST make these choices, you CANNOT defer
these decisions.

Glad to hear somebody else feels this way about the Emperor's New
Language.  I've been using it for a year now, and I still think it
sucks.  Where's my garbage collection?  Where's my exception handling?
Where's my generics?  Where's my type-safe down-casting?  Why do I get
the feeling that the designers always had "fast" as their first
priority and "useful" as their second priority?

Oh well, not my job to tell people what tools to use.  If lemmings
want a highway to a cliff, I'll see (as a compiler writer) that you
get the best damn highway I can build.

(Since I've recently observed a massive failure in reading for
comprehension over in comp.arch (the "what's in the '586 thread" --
it's quite amusing), I guess it is wise to point out that this is my
opinion, and not Sun's.)

David Chase

brian@babbage.csus.edu (Brian Witt) (05/24/91)

In article <2325@media03.UUCP> pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes:
> You can do it
>virtual, but you can also do it not virtual, but then you have problems
>there. You can make it static, but static in that context means something
>different in that context, you can use references or copying of values. It
>keeps forcing you to make decisions which hardly have anything to do with the
>problem domain, but are just a kind of goodies giving you certain
>optimisations in certain cases.

I've built an objective-C (TM) translator (version 4).  I've looked at
C++, and I've droolled at Eiffel.  You use the right language for the
appropriate job.  If you want to write an application and the boss
sez "use an object-oriented language" and Ada is too big, you choose
C++.  If you need reusable code for building a library to create a
string of applications, choose obj-C because the generalness will
promote reusability.  If you really want type checking, and lists
of "things" (parameter types) and don't mind drinking coffee during
compiles, choose Eiffel :-).

IMHO, C++ promotes building a typesafe object-based *application*.
Longterm reuse is not high priority.  We're looking at building an
application for school here.  We want lists of messages, and lists
of site locations.  Since these two "list content types" have nothing
in common (superclass wise), we have to build two List classes, one
for each kind of list contents we want to store.  We really want
parameterized types!!!  Does GNU G++ suuport this???

> It seems to me that that will hinder the reuse of
>software. If you look at the NIHCL library, it is build in a structure that
>is quite different from commercial available class trees.  Will that not mean
>that it will be very hard to reuse generic code.

>I am very curious about the opinion of other people about this subject. I do
>not want to just criticize. Some parts of C++ are elegant and allow for nice
>code, but I really miss the idea behind the language. I hope I am not right
>in my judgement. It would be such a waste of all the efforts that go into the
>language currently.

Even Ada has its place.  Many firms will fall in bed with C++.  Many
will succesfully produce products.  It's the _final_ product that your
customers sees that determines that success.  However, there may be a
lot of premature bald programmers around :-).

>	Peter Kriens
>	pkr@media01.uucp

         brian witt         |   brian@babbage.ecs.csus.edu
    You are what you click  |  (and if you click it twice...)
  Not representing Cal State Sacramento, the ECS dept, or Iraq

schwartz@groucho.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) (05/24/91)

brian@babbage.csus.edu (Brian Witt) writes:
   and Ada is too big, you choose C++. 

I dispute this.  C++ has at least as much junk as Ada.  More
complicated junk, too.  If you include standard libraries in the
count, size is certainly a wash.

oasis@gary.watson.ibm.com (GA.Hoffman) (05/24/91)


"Real Programmers"

Next append...

gary a hoffman
RISC Systems, Watson Research

pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) (05/24/91)

Not so long ago I posted a message about my feelings
ABout C++. Though there were not so many responses on
the net, I received a lot of messages through direct
mail. I will not mention the names because they
posted it directly to me. I put > ahead of quotes.

When I posted I expected a lot of flames for me having
doubts about the effectiveness of C++. Surprisingly there
was only one person who disagreed. He actually liked 
having many choices. This addresses the basic point
of my previous posting: Is the attractiveness of choices
depending on country? I know that the USA loves choices,
Jim Showalter (well know in comp.object) had the following

> There's an old joke about a guy ordering in a super-ritzy restaurant,
> and when it comes to the coffee he says he wants coffee and the
> waiter says "Very good sir: Kona or French Roast?", the guy selects
> Kona and the waiter says "Very good sir: cream or sugar?", the guy
> selects cream and the waiter says "Very good sir: Guernsey or Holstein?".

Which I think quite nicely reflects the C++ language. So the
question is do we really win with options. I remember a
story about why the Americans have been so succesfull in
industry in the past centuries. While the English build
everything custom, the Americans started to standardize. For example
on ships the Americans used 2 or 3  types of pump while the
English used about 20 different types. The Americans 
needed less people to train. The disadvantage was that
they did not use the optimum solution for a certain case.

I think this equals a computer language. Having only very
few constructs, allow you to build everything though it
may not be the most optimal construct for a certain problem.

But that reminds me of the case where I tried to optimize
a piece of code because it was used so heavily. I changed
the sequence of code and just goto's to let the most
used path become the sequential thread (thereby allowing
the instruction queue to work most efficient). The end was that I just
made things worse because the compiler stopped optimising. So
it seemed that adding information to the function disallowed
the compiler to make optimisations. This seems through in
many cases. Adding informations makes reuse worse. And if 
we want to save this industry, we have got to find a way
to increase the reuse of code.

And do we really need all that optimisation? I have always
been surprised about how much time people spent in 
optimising things. Since I started about 13 years ago
I heard the same discussion about speed optimisation while
in the mean time we have now computers that are about a
40 times faster. Where did that performance go? As far as
I have heard and experienced there is usually only a small
part of code responsible for your performance. I always like
the rules of M.A. Jackson: rule 1 Dont do it. Rule 2, (for 
experts only) Dont do it yet.
Ok, the next point some people made was that C++ is
basically such a difficul language because it needs
to be compatible with C.

Is that true? Is C++ really a natural extension to C? What
is the concept of C, I think it is a (almost) device
independent assembler (watch the typecast), definitely not a high level 
language.As an assembler it is a great tool, it allows
you to work closely to the CPU and thereby taking care
of highly efficient code (if you really know what you do).
But what I do not believe is that C++ is the natural
extension to this on the contrary. I think C++ is something
that got stuck between C (the assembler) and the first
floor (the higher level language). Some languages are
already on the fourth floor...

I would be very interested to hear from Bjarne 
Stroustrup. I would be surprised if he really liked what has
become of his dreamchild. I think he started quite nice
with the class construct (though why add that keyword, struct
would have done just nice), but then so many things were
added that were just goodies. Ending up with language
that is neither usuefull as an assembler (ever looked
at the code?) nor a high level language (try to teach it...).


I had one person telling me that he only had the down
casting problem:

>         A few comments: the only siutation where I've gotten
> into lots of typecasting is when I store a bunch of pointers
> to objects as void* out of laziness (I have an array class that
> works on void*, and it's easier to use that than to write a new
> array class.  I understand that templates will fix this, when they
> are availible.).

Funny, how people are willing to fix the shortcomings of
something they have chosen. Why in the world would anybody
want to write an Array class for different types? They will
all use the same algorithm, dont they? So why should you
be forced to spell out on which type you want it to 

Besides this genericity problem, I experienced many times
that in normal inheritance and especially multiple inheritance
there is no alternative, not laziness, but is is the
only solution without duplicating code. But I could be
wrong about that. But every time I try to do something
intelligent with inheritance I run into this
type problem. Some people agreed with me on this
point, and one added the fact that this is typical
a C++ thing. 

For example, maybe people can show me a solution
to the following problem

	struct Linked { Linked *next(); };
	struct My {};
	struct MyLinked : public Linked, public My {};
	main() { MyLinked *x; x = (MyLinked*) x->next(); }
	(BTW, this compiled with an internal error in Zortech.
	it worked with an intermediate, so I guess it is ok?).

It is a very easy problem, but it forces me to downcast
the next procedure to a MyLinked. And I also understood
that on certain implementations this might not work at
all because of virtual bases etc. Help.... If I am
right in understanding that this is basically the only
way to do it, then I dont understand the type safety
of C++, if you are forced to bypass it many times,
it does not seem very usefull?

I also got some questions why I complained about the
const keyword. I tried to explain that though the
concept is stated quite clearly, it seems that once you
start using it, you end up changing a lot of old code
and it propagates fast! If you start afresh I found
it was mostly annoying, just another thing to distract
you from the problem domain.

One person made a very good comment about extendability:

>         However this messiness is also a strength. When c users needed
> new features, there were a number of techniques that could be used to
> implement needed constructs. I contrast it with Pascal, an elegant
> minimal language. When pieces were found to be missing from Pascal, such as
> string manipulation, it was very hard to add them in. In this country
> C has become a dominant implementation language, and I attribute it to the
> fact that users were able to do things in the language that the original
> designers had never anticipated, whereas a minimal spanning language lacks
> the redundancy that provides for improvisation.

I completely agree with the fact that a language should
be extendable. But strange enough I found that languages like
C and C++ are definitely not extendable. Both languages have
defined keywords which you definitely cannot change. You
cannot implement your own if or virtual. I found that in
Smalltalk all this is possible because there are no keywords
in the language, just like Prolog. And what I understood from Lisp this
is also the case. So if you talk about extending a language,
then C(++) is definitely not an extendible language. The
usuage is fixed (well as long as Bjarne can keep his
hands of the definition, ehhh.. sorry which definition?).


A common remark, to which I agree, is that whatever
I think about it, it will be the dominant language of
the 90's. Somebody wrote:

> programming.  However, I think C++ will become the major language for
> many environments, while alternatives like Eiffel, Objective-C, and
> such will languish in relative obscurity, because of the ease of
> moving to C++ from C and its wide availability.

I do not agree with the fact that Eiffel and Objective-C
will vanish. There will always be an audience which makes
their choices on performance. If not, the Macintosh would
have vanished long ago.

One way or the other the industry seems to chose
non-optimal solutions. We got stuck with MS-DOS, Windows
and C++. I will use it, but I will always have a feeling
that it could have been much easier if choices were made
on performance instead of just marketing.

	Peter Kriens


dmg@ssc-vax (David M Geary) (05/25/91)

From uw-beaver!cornell!batcomputer!caen!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!ucdavis!csusac!usenet Fri May 24 09:41:56 PDT 1991
Article: 3342 of comp.object
Path: ssc-vax!uw-beaver!cornell!batcomputer!caen!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!ucdavis!csusac!usenet
From: brian@babbage.csus.edu (Brian Witt)
Newsgroups: comp.object,comp.lang.c++
Subject: Re: C++ and waitresses (long)
Summary: C++ for applications; not longterm reuse
Keywords: C++, objective-C (TM), Eiffel, software reuse
Message-ID: <1991May24.015856.9979@csusac.csus.edu>
Date: 24 May 91 01:58:56 GMT
References: <2325@media03.UUCP>
Sender: usenet@csusac.csus.edu (News account (alt))
Organization: California State University, Sacramento
Lines: 52
Xref: ssc-vax comp.object:3342 comp.lang.c++:13245

In article <2325@media03.UUCP> pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes:

] I've built an objective-C (TM) translator (version 4).  I've looked at
] C++, and I've droolled at Eiffel.  You use the right language for the
] appropriate job.  If you want to write an application and the boss

  Although this has been asserted by many, I have always felt this to be
a fallacy.  Maybe my perspective is warped from too many years working
for large corporations, but decisions about programming languages are
rarely (IMHE) made by the right people for the right reasons.

] IMHO, C++ promotes building a typesafe object-based *application*.
] Longterm reuse is not high priority.  We're looking at building an

  I disagree.  The problem with C++, as I see it, is that it retains
compatability with C.  Many advocate using C++ "as a better C", and learning
OOP as you go along.  This kind of thinking produces wannabe (and thinktheybe)
"OOP" programmers who really have a poor grasp of OOP techniques.  Now in
a language such as Eiffel, you are *forced* to do *everything* in an
OOP manner, which, I believe is a good thing.
  I think it is more correct to state that "longterm reuse is not a high
priority with many C++ *programmers*."  However, most of the mechanisms
for longterm reuse are in the C++ language, and I have personally found
C++ very amenable to longterm reuse.  

] Even Ada has its place.  Many firms will fall in bed with C++.  Many
] will succesfully produce products.  It's the _final_ product that your
] customers sees that determines that success.  However, there may be a
] lot of premature bald programmers around :-).

1)  Yes, may firms will "fall in bed" with C++.  Because it's the "right
    language for the appropriate job"?  Probably not.  Most likely many
    will choose C++ simply because it:

    a) is well known and is a successor to the immensely popular C.
    b) it is readily available, *now*, on most platforms.
    c) AT&T is behind it, which is related to a) and b).

2)  If you are in the software development business for the long term, then
    I don't necessarily agree.  IMHO, in addition to the final product, a
    good metric of how successfully an application has been written is the
    percentage of the application can be reused so that the next application
    can be produced in the shortest amount of time, and be of the highest

gyro@kestrel.edu (Scott Layson Burson) (05/25/91)

In article <2325@media03.UUCP> pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes:
>amount of time it takes to order a simple sandwich. They start asking you if
>you want onions, or mustard, on the rye, with lettuce, without tomatoes. I
>usually get confused because I am usually in a discussion while in a
>restaurant. I just say a sandwich, but then the waitress will continue to
>force me to chose me between an awfull lot of options.
>When I started studying C++ because I needed to teach it to a class, I got a
>funny deja vu feeling, remembering the American waitress. You can do it
>virtual, but you can also do it not virtual, but then you have problems
>there. You can make it static, but static in that context means something
>different in that context, you can use references or copying of values. It
>keeps forcing you to make decisions which hardly have anything to do with the
>problem domain, but are just a kind of goodies giving you certain
>optimisations in certain cases.
>Am I alone in that fact that I do not like to chose all the time. I feel
>distracted because I have to spent so much time choosing and then later
>reworking because I made the wrong choice. The language does not seem to have
>a natural concept. When you look at different implementations made by
>different people they look completely different. From my experience in
>Smalltalk I found that people tend to build the same kind of solutions to the
>same kind of problems. It seems to me that that will hinder the reuse of
>software. If you look at the NIHCL library, it is build in a structure that
>is quite different from commercial available class trees.  Will that not mean
>that it will be very hard to reuse generic code.

These are absolutely valid concerns.  C++ is a strange beast indeed.
I am very fond of its flexibility, but certainly was as bewildered as
you when I first started to learn the language.  I would go so far as
to say that the community has not yet evolved a completely
satisfactory sense of C++ style; perhaps some individuals have done
so, but it certainly has not percolated out to everyone using the

The thing to keep in mind about C++ is that even when you just want to
write a program, you are forced to design a programming language to
write your program in.  C++ is so flexible that it really constitutes
a metalanguage; well, as you point out, it's not just the flexibility
but also the absence of high-level concepts which would create
standard ways of doing certain things (e.g. built-in objects to
represent classes).

Don't get me wrong -- given the design goals of C++, which I agree
with, I think it is very appropriate that it doesn't have things like
builtin class objects, because a) it is not hard to implement them and
b) it has been observed that different people who want class objects
have different ideas about how they should work.  In C++ as it stands,
you can do it the way that best suits your particular problem.

But you are quite correct that this makes the creation of generic code
more difficult.  There's the tradeoff.

I think one answer is that there should be a definitive style guide
for C++, one which is comprehensive enough that it comes to be
considered as essential a desk reference as the reference manual
itself.  Does anyone know if someone is writing such a book?  Perhaps
I should.

-- Scott

jls@netcom.COM (Jim Showalter) (05/25/91)

schwartz@groucho.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) writes:
>brian@babbage.csus.edu (Brian Witt) writes:
>   and Ada is too big, you choose C++. 
>I dispute this.  C++ has at least as much junk as Ada.  More
>complicated junk, too.  If you include standard libraries in the
>count, size is certainly a wash.

Could you elaborate? I would like a better definition of "junk" than
is available above. Which of the following is junk?:

- Strong typing
- Separation of specification from implementation
- Opaque types
- Genericity
- Exception handling
- Namespace control/selective visibility
- Overloading
- Concurrency
- Language standardization
- Compiler validation
**************** JIM SHOWALTER, jls@netcom.com, (408) 243-0630 ****************
*Proven solutions to software problems. Consulting and training on all aspects*
*of software development. Management/process/methodology. Architecture/design/*
*reuse. Quality/productivity. Risk reduction. EFFECTIVE OO usage. Ada/C++.    *

anders@verity.com (Anders Wallgren) (05/25/91)

In article <2326@media03.UUCP>, pkr@media03 (Peter Kriens) writes:
>One way or the other the industry seems to chose
>non-optimal solutions. We got stuck with MS-DOS, Windows
>and C++. I will use it, but I will always have a feeling
>that it could have been much easier if choices were made
>on performance instead of just marketing.
>	Peter Kriens

I think this is a little bit unfair.  I'm very ambivalent about
languages, because to a great degree, they are all isomorphic.  It's
just a matter of what is easier do to with a particular language.

In my case, most of my formal academic training in computer science
and software engineering was done with very high-level languages:
lisp, clu, for example.  The same goes for many of the people I work
with.  On the other hand, we use C and C++ exclusively in our work,
simply because it is the most portable language we know of.  There's
nothing we would like more than being able to write our code in a
higher-level language than C.

This is _why_ I like C++ - it allows me to use many of the
higher-level constructs that allow me to do a better job,
software-engineering-wise, while still having (or at least
approaching) the portability of C itself.

I don't know why you chose C++, but I definately didn't pick it
because of 'marketing', or 'performance' for that matter.  I choose it
because it is an extension to an environment that allows me to write
portable code, but do it with a tool that is more than a 'high-level
assembler' (which is still a pretty good characterization of C).


connolly@livy.cs.umass.edu (Christopher Connolly) (05/25/91)

In article <1991May24.015856.9979@csusac.csus.edu> brian@babbage.csus.edu (Brian Witt) writes:
>In article <2325@media03.UUCP> pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes:
>> You can do it
>>virtual, but you can also do it not virtual, but then you have problems
>>there. You can make it static, but static in that context means something
>>different in that context, you can use references or copying of values. It
>>keeps forcing you to make decisions which hardly have anything to do with the
>>problem domain, but are just a kind of goodies giving you certain
>>optimisations in certain cases.

I agree wholeheartedly.  The language is probably too big for its own
good, and its bigness results from an obsession with backward
compatibility and efficiency.

>IMHO, C++ promotes building a typesafe object-based *application*.

We've been through this before - I don't see what's "safe" about being
able to cast pointers back and forth at will.  As has been pointed out
previously, the programmer who lies to the compiler is asking for
trouble, but this fact doesn't make C++ "typesafe".

>for each kind of list contents we want to store.  We really want
>parameterized types!!!  Does GNU G++ suuport this???

Irrelevant -- Kriens is talking about language issues, not
implementation issues.

>Even Ada has its place.  Many firms will fall in bed with C++.  Many
>will succesfully produce products.

My experience so far suggests that a more accurate statement might be
"Many will successfully produce `.H' files.".  Certainly, there will
be successful products implemented in C++, but in a major industrial
site that I work at, there is an alarming trend: People who have been
charged with writing C++ code have, by and large, been producing
specs, class declarations and function prototypes in #include files.
So far, even after several months, precious little actual code has
been written.  The problem appears to be not knowing where to start
and how to implement.  I think Kriens' points apply directly to this
situation.  They are faced with too many choices and are afraid to
commit themselves.  I am fairly convinced that this would not have
happened if the project's language had been C.

I am not saying that this is going to be a universal phenomenon, but I
think it will be frequent.

				-C. Connolly

aarsten@idt.unit.no (Amund Aarsten) (05/25/91)

In article <2325@media03.UUCP>, pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes:
> Am I alone in that fact that I do not like to chose all the time. I feel
> distracted because I have to spent so much time choosing and then later
> reworking because I made the wrong choice. The language does not seem to have

C++ is a great language when you have a clear idea of what you want to do. To me,
it sounds like you want a prototyping tool, which means you'd probably be better
of with another language (Smalltalk/Lisp/Scheme etc.). C++ is not the best language
for everyone, every language has strong and weak points. For instance, I don't think
Lisp is a very good choice for doing 3D graphics!

All the 'options' are not necessarily a bad thing; to me, it's clearly better to have
choices open than having all the desicions made in advance (in the language), because
the choices made in the language aren't always the right ones for your needs. This
means you end up fighting against the language, which I have been doing in every other language I have used.

As compilers get smarter, one might envision several of C++'s keywords becoming 
obsolete. This has already happened to 'overload'. I wouldn't mind at all having the
compiler figure out which functions need to be virtual, even just the destructors
would be a great releif... However, I don't think C++ ever will become everyone's
programming language (Bjarne Stroustrup mentioned this in a discussion of the future
of computing in BYTE magazine). It is great for systems programming and complex
applications, especially when used with e.g. a UI toolkit.

> way because every time I need to do something usefull, I need downcasting.

If I end up needing downcasting, I rework my design and usually end up with a better


davew@panache.cs.umd.edu (David G. Wonnacott) (05/25/91)

In article <2326@media03.UUCP> pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes
about the difficulties of using a language or eating in a restaurant
that offers many choices.

In defense of the way of life here in the U.S.A., let me point out
that there are some advantages of the long menu of C++ features.

For example, consider inheritance.  Smalltalk has one inheritance
mechanism.  C++ forces the programmer to choose between public or
private inheritance (some compilers may allow "protected" inheritance
for orthogonality, but I do not see it listed in section 11.2 of my

I have seen smalltalk programmers confuse the use of inheritance to
share behavior (i.e. for subtyping) with the use of inheritance to
share implementation.  Some are not aware of the difference between
these concepts, and some simply have a hard time telling which is
being used in a given piece of code, since they are both expressed by
the word "subclass."

A C++ programmer is forced to choose public or private derivation, but
this choice should be easy once you have learned to use public
derivation to share behavior, and private derivation (or inclusion of
private data members) for sharing implementation.  If you do not know
whether you are creating a subclass to share the behavior or
implementation, I suspect that the language is not the problem.  If
you have not learned which C++ mechanism to use for each of these
needs, blame your teacher (my apologies to my students who learned C++
from me in the dark days before I figured this out).

Furthermore, other C++ programmers who look at a class derivation can
tell quickly whether the subclass is meant to be used in a context
where the superclass is expected.  The compiler even prevents the use
of an object of a privately derived class where a base class type
object is needed.  Unfortunately, the compiler can not ensure that a
publicly derived class is a subtype of its base.

A C++ programmer who learns Smalltalk or CLOS or as a 2nd language may
be distressed to find that there is no way to express the distinction
between a subtype and a subclass that can not be substituted safely
for its base.  One could add a "publicSubclass" message to Smalltalk,
to make this distinction clear, but that is no help for existing code.

On the other hand, a friend of mine who does most of his programming
in Lisp Flavors complains that C++'s multiple inheritance mechanism is
not flexible enough: there's no way to control method combination.
This friend is Canadian -- but perhaps he likes complicated menus
because his mind was warped by going to school here in the states ;-)

On another point:

>Why in the world would anybody
>want to write an Array class for different types?

Because an array of floats is not the same type as an array of
strings:  I can store the value "hello world" on one, but not the
other.  Just as I can use "hello world" as an argument to a function
with string parameter, but I can not use it as an argument to sqrt.
Declaring the variable types can be a pain, but static type checking
is a fast relatively easy way to detect a lot of bugs.  This is
especially important in a large project with many programmers.

>                                                  They will
>all use the same algorithm, dont they?  So why should you
>be forced to spell out on which type you want it to

You shouldn't.  Thats what a parameterized type is all about.  You
define array<type> once, and the system lets you create objects of
type array<float> or array<String>.

The need for a parameterized type mechanism is not unique to C++: Any
statically typed language that allows the creation of new types (such
as Ada, Eiffel, TS, or C++) must provide one, or the programmer will
be forced to do all sorts of gross things to circumvent the type

Given that C++ is statically typed, do you think a parameterized type
mechanism should be added to it?  Or would you rather not complicate
the language definition, and go on without a good way of defining
linked lists?

In summary, there are good reasons to have some of these features in
the language definition.  There is more flexibility in a system that
provides a few powerful mechanisms for you to build on, but there are
times when it is better to build a variety of options into the
compiler.  It is hard to add static type checking to a dynamically
typed, but extensible, language.  If a language definition provides
only one mechanism for something like inheritance, the use of that
mechanism for several purposes may lead to confusion of these
purposes, or at least difficulty in deciding which is meant in a given
piece of code.  It may or may not be harder to learn to use these
mechanisms than to learn to use one mechanism for several purposes,
but at least the confusion decreases as you become familiar with them.

I am not saying that C++ is the perfect tool for all purposes.  There
are definitely some choices that are, to say the least, very annoying.
For example, the need for the programmer to declare methods or
superclasses "virtual," based on a guess about how the class will be
used.  But this is necessary to maintain the efficiency of C++ -- just
because efficiency is not important to you, don't assume it isn't
important to anyone else.  The argument that computers are 40 times
faster than they were 13 years ago isn't relevant unless people expect
less than 40 times as much -- how many machines had to push around
each bit of the image of each character they displayed, or clip their
output to fit into a certain region on the screen in 1978?  How many
PC's were expected to run several 100K+ programs concurrently?

>         I will use it, but I will always have a feeling
>that it could have been much easier if choices were made
>on performance instead of just marketing.

This is an inaccurate desription of the work of Bjarne Stroustrup and
others within AT&T.  I believe that Stroustrup's decisions are based
on his estimation of the technical merits, not the marketability, of
different options.  You may not agree with his design goals
(micro-efficiency, preservation of "the character of C" in C++), but
don't accuse him of putting sales before technical merit unless you
have some evidence of his doing so.

Please note again that I do not think C++ is the right tool for every
problem.  I suspect Stroustrup does not believe this either.  I often
use Lisp or Smalltalk, but when I do, there are things I miss from C++.
Please also note that, with the exception of the paragraph preceding
this one, this message is not meant as a flame of the original
posting, but a discussion of the reasons for some of the choices
available in C++.
David Wonnacott

     Although the moon is smaller than the earth, it is further away.

schwartz@groucho.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) (05/25/91)

jls@netcom.COM (Jim Showalter) writes:
| Could you elaborate? I would like a better definition of "junk" than
| is available above. 

I don't have a highly precise definition in mind.  The notion involved
is the difficulty of implimenting and using the language.  Junk is not
necessarily a derogatory term, it just reflects a presumption that
every feature has to justify being there.

|  Which of the following is junk?:
|  [long list]

Yes, all of that, and lots more.  Junk is about both features and
utility.  If there are lots of features, that's junky. If it takes
lots of rules to explain a feature, that's junky.  If there are lots
of associated special cases, that's junky.  If the feature doesn't do
its purported job well, that's junky.  Just counting pages in the
language reference may not be a good metric; you have to read the
pages and see what they say.  Naturally these sort of judgements are
subject to debate, but to a first approximation I don't see that Ada
is substantially more junky than C++.

sherman@unx.sas.com (Chris Sherman) (05/25/91)

In <2325@media03.UUCP> pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes:

>amount of time it takes to order a simple sandwich. They start asking you if
>you want onions, or mustard, on the rye, with lettuce, without tomatoes. I
>usually get confused because I am usually in a discussion while in a
>restaurant. I just say a sandwich, but then the waitress will continue to
>force me to chose me between an awfull lot of options.

  If we are talking personal experiences, I can go into a restaurant, 
  concentrate on the menu for a few seconds, look deep into myself, and rattle 
  off a list of things that I want.  It's not too hard, and experience helps.

>C++ looks to me like a big bag of options, and you just pick what you like.

  Cars are that way too.

>Which I think is proven by the fact that in any discussion with a C++'er, you
>will always hear the answer that you can also do it that way in C++. 

  It's nice if someone can think for only a few seconds, and come up with a 
  solution every time, instead of possibly wracking their brains for hours 
  grappling with a less capable language.

>It seems
>that people have added so much to the language, that it has become an Edsel,
>having features for all of us, but without identity.

  The identity is that it does have many features, and you can choose to use
  none of them, unlike other languages which offer limitations only.

>Am I alone in that fact that I do not like to chose all the time. 

  1,000,000,000 Cobol programmers can't be wrong!!!

>I feel
>distracted because I have to spent so much time choosing and then later
>reworking because I made the wrong choice. 

  Does this mean that you can line up maybe 5 ways of doing something, 
  determining which is best in terms of coding complexity, speed, memory usage,
  etc, and implement it?  I have had a few classes while in college that 
  included discussions of good/fair/bad algorithms and when to use them.  It
  is nice to have a language which lets me do any of them easily (more or less).

>From my experience in
>Smalltalk I found that people tend to build the same kind of solutions to the
>same kind of problems. 

  That means that a programmer has to be schooled in only one kind of thinking,
  which implies no innovation, right?  (yeah, I know, but still....)

>It seems to me that that will hinder the reuse of software. 

  Sticky subject.  Good programmers can produce reusable software, even in 
  assembler.  Do we have to reduce languages down to the least skilled 

>When I look at other modern languages I see that they tend to remove the
>number of language options, but have a very generic simple concept. 

  Makes the programs easier to grade by instructors, really.

>Lisp and
>Prolog use lists and atoms and Smalltalk has the basic object. All of these
>languages seems to be able to get away with no language defined keywords,
>allowing the user to built constructs from a very simple syntax.

  Apples and oranges.  If you need this type of programming environment, great.
  But if you were going to write an operating system, would such an approach
  be as easy?  Every language has its own place and its on concepts.  The trick
  is knowing which is good when.  Oh, btw, if they have terms other than 0 and
  1, then they have keywords.

>Do we need all those diverse tools while a small subset allows us to build
>the same kind of constructs. Would a small language not be much easier to
>learn and allow more reuse? Saving in training and building cost?

  Assembler is small, but you don't see huge applications being built in it
  all the time.  Maybe I don't understand what you mean...  Does C++ imply
  a large set of complicated tools???  Won't you have a large set of tools
  after years of programming in anything?  Do you like starting from scratch
  with every new project???  

>Isn't this big bag of options making the language extremely difficult to
>learn, as I can also see in the classes I teached C++, and will it not make
					   taught maybe...tsk tsk.  :-)
>it impossible to get the compilers right. Will the amount of options make it
>impossible to validate a compiler?

  Chess is hard to get good at, but many have fun trying...  Emacs has a large
  set of options, but many swear at/by it.  Ada was validated in a sense, 

>This way of thinking reminds of RISC versus CISC. They changed the CPU's to
>become much simpler, thereby offering more performance. Isn't C++ a CISL?

  The RISC and CICS debate is a different issue.  The debate centers around
  ease of implementation, testing, heat dissipation, die size, compiler
  technology, marketing concerns, and a whole mess of other things.  With the
  C/C++, we are talking aesthetics, ease of use, etc.  We already know that
  just about every problem that can be solved in one language can be solved
  in another (in possibly a totally different way), is it how pretty the code
  looks that is the issue here.  (BTW, we are not talking speed of computation
  or execution in this discussion.)

>I am very curious about the opinion of other people about this subject. I do
>not want to just criticize. Some parts of C++ are elegant and allow for nice
>code, but I really miss the idea behind the language. I hope I am not right
>in my judgement. It would be such a waste of all the efforts that go into the
>language currently.

  I think the idea is that there are some people out there who are power 
  hackers.  They want a language that can let them hack at a power level.  
  They want maximum options so they can explore new solutions...  They want 
  maximum control...  They want a lump of clay that can me molded into 
  anything.  I think most of the other languages try to mold you.
Chris Sherman .................... sherman@unx.sas.com   |
             /  Q:  How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a job?
            |   A:  Four; three to hold it down, and one to rip its head off.

Chris.Sherman@sunbrk.FidoNet.Org (Chris Sherman) (05/25/91)

In <2325@media03.UUCP> pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes:

>amount of time it takes to order a simple sandwich. They start asking you if
>you want onions, or mustard, on the rye, with lettuce, without tomatoes. I
>usually get confused because I am usually in a discussion while in a
>restaurant. I just say a sandwich, but then the waitress will continue to
>force me to chose me between an awfull lot of options.

  If we are talking personal experiences, I can go into a restaurant, 
  concentrate on the menu for a few seconds, look deep into myself, and rattle 
  off a list of things that I want.  It's not too hard, and experience helps.

>C++ looks to me like a big bag of options, and you just pick what you like.

  Cars are that way too.

>Which I think is proven by the fact that in any discussion with a C++'er, you
>will always hear the answer that you can also do it that way in C++. 

  It's nice if someone can think for only a few seconds, and come up with a 
  solution every time, instead of possibly wracking their brains for hours 
  grappling with a less capable language.

>It seems
>that people have added so much to the language, that it has become an Edsel,
>having features for all of us, but without identity.

  The identity is that it does have many features, and you can choose to use
  none of them, unlike other languages which offer limitations only.

>Am I alone in that fact that I do not like to chose all the time. 

  1,000,000,000 Cobol programmers can't be wrong!!!

>I feel
>distracted because I have to spent so much time choosing and then later
>reworking because I made the wrong choice. 

  Does this mean that you can line up maybe 5 ways of doing something, 
  determining which is best in terms of coding complexity, speed, memory usage,
  etc, and implement it?  I have had a few classes while in college that 
  included discussions of good/fair/bad algorithms and when to use them.  It
  is nice to have a language which lets me do any of them easily (more or less).

>From my experience in
>Smalltalk I found that people tend to build the same kind of solutions to the
>same kind of problems. 

  That means that a programmer has to be schooled in only one kind of thinking,
  which implies no innovation, right?  (yeah, I know, but still....)

>It seems to me that that will hinder the reuse of software. 

  Sticky subject.  Good programmers can produce reusable software, even in 
  assembler.  Do we have to reduce languages down to the least skilled 

>When I look at other modern languages I see that they tend to remove the
>number of language options, but have a very generic simple concept. 

  Makes the programs easier to grade by instructors, really.

>Lisp and
>Prolog use lists and atoms and Smalltalk has the basic object. All of these
>languages seems to be able to get away with no language defined keywords,
>allowing the user to built constructs from a very simple syntax.

  Apples and oranges.  If you need this type of programming environment, great.
  But if you were going to write an operating system, would such an approach
  be as easy?  Every language has its own place and its on concepts.  The trick
  is knowing which is good when.  Oh, btw, if they have terms other than 0 and
  1, then they have keywords.

>Do we need all those diverse tools while a small subset allows us to build
>the same kind of constructs. Would a small language not be much easier to
>learn and allow more reuse? Saving in training and building cost?

  Assembler is small, but you don't see huge applications being built in it
  all the time.  Maybe I don't understand what you mean...  Does C++ imply
  a large set of complicated tools???  Won't you have a large set of tools
  after years of programming in anything?  Do you like starting from scratch
  with every new project???  

>Isn't this big bag of options making the language extremely difficult to
>learn, as I can also see in the classes I teached C++, and will it not make
					   taught maybe...tsk tsk.  :-)
>it impossible to get the compilers right. Will the amount of options make it
>impossible to validate a compiler?

  Chess is hard to get good at, but many have fun trying...  Emacs has a large
  set of options, but many swear at/by it.  Ada was validated in a sense, 

>This way of thinking reminds of RISC versus CISC. They changed the CPU's to
>become much simpler, thereby offering more performance. Isn't C++ a CISL?

  The RISC and CICS debate is a different issue.  The debate centers around
  ease of implementation, testing, heat dissipation, die size, compiler
  technology, marketing concerns, and a whole mess of other things.  With the
  C/C++, we are talking aesthetics, ease of use, etc.  We already know that
  just about every problem that can be solved in one language can be solved
  in another (in possibly a totally different way), is it how pretty the code
  looks that is the issue here.  (BTW, we are not talking speed of computation
  or execution in this discussion.)

>I am very curious about the opinion of other people about this subject. I do
>not want to just criticize. Some parts of C++ are elegant and allow for nice
>code, but I really miss the idea behind the language. I hope I am not right
>in my judgement. It would be such a waste of all the efforts that go into the
>language currently.

  I think the idea is that there are some people out there who are power 
  hackers.  They want a language that can let them hack at a power level.  
  They want maximum options so they can explore new solutions...  They want 
  maximum control...  They want a lump of clay that can me molded into 
  anything.  I think most of the other languages try to mold you.
Chris Sherman .................... sherman@unx.sas.com   |
             /  Q:  How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a job?
            |   A:  Four; three to hold it down, and one to rip its head off.

 * Origin: Seaeast - Fidonet<->Usenet Gateway - sunbrk (1:343/15.0)

jls@netcom.COM (Jim Showalter) (05/25/91)

>Maybe my perspective is warped from too many years working
>for large corporations, but decisions about programming languages are
>rarely (IMHE) made by the right people for the right reasons.

I'm interested in both what you think the right reasons are, and who
you think the right people are (no flame--I'm honestly curious).

>Now in
>a language such as Eiffel, you are *forced* to do *everything* in an
>OOP manner, which, I believe is a good thing.

Which can be both a blessing and a curse. It makes no more sense to me
to claim that everything is an object than it does to claim that everything
is a function. I have seen many cases where people have force-fit entities
in the problem space into objects in the solution space (because they had
no choice) when it was truly unnatural to do so. A common example of this
is objects that have names like "Database_Manager" because they're really
not objects at all--they're really just processes or control structures
or top-most application code--but they had to be turned into SOME kind
of "object" to conform to the OO paradigm. Every time I see an example of
the English language being tortured like this to accomodate the strictures
of the programming language, it is a red flag for me. Some things are
objects, some things are not objects. C++ at least acknowledges that fact,
and permits a more hybrid style of programming. Languages that do NOT
permit hybidization are as restrictive and constraining as the ones they
are intended to displace.

My objective is to write software that is as understandable as possible.
If that means I have both objects and other kinds of things in my code,
then so be it: I'd rather have a more intuitive solution that is not
Politically Correct[tm] than a "pure" OO solution that is artificially
slanted to the paradigm du jour.

>    Most likely many
>    will choose C++ simply because it:

>    a) is well known and is a successor to the immensely popular C.
>    b) it is readily available, *now*, on most platforms.
>    c) AT&T is behind it, which is related to a) and b).

d) isn't Ada ;-)
**************** JIM SHOWALTER, jls@netcom.com, (408) 243-0630 ****************
*Proven solutions to software problems. Consulting and training on all aspects*
*of software development. Management/process/methodology. Architecture/design/*
*reuse. Quality/productivity. Risk reduction. EFFECTIVE OO usage. Ada/C++.    *

purtill@morley.rutgers.edu (Mark Purtill) (05/25/91)

gyro@kestrel.edu (Scott Layson Burson) writes:
>I think one answer is that there should be a definitive style guide
>for C++, one which is comprehensive enough that it comes to be
>considered as essential a desk reference as the reference manual
>itself.  Does anyone know if someone is writing such a book?  Perhaps
>I should.
	You could write one, but I doubt that it would be
"definitive".  People can't even agree on how to *indent* C; do you
really expect them to agree on how to *use* C++?
^.-.^ Mark Purtill         purtill@dimacs.rutgers.edu         (908)932-4580 (O)
((")) DIMACS, P.O. Box 1179, Rutgers U., Piscataway, NJ 08855 (908)220-6905 (H)
********** Note new area code!  We are now (908) rather than (201)!  **********

Mark.Purtill@sunbrk.FidoNet.Org (Mark Purtill) (05/26/91)

gyro@kestrel.edu (Scott Layson Burson) writes:
>I think one answer is that there should be a definitive style guide
>for C++, one which is comprehensive enough that it comes to be
>considered as essential a desk reference as the reference manual
>itself.  Does anyone know if someone is writing such a book?  Perhaps
>I should.
	You could write one, but I doubt that it would be
"definitive".  People can't even agree on how to *indent* C; do you
really expect them to agree on how to *use* C++?
^.-.^ Mark Purtill         purtill@dimacs.rutgers.edu         (908)932-4580 (O)
((")) DIMACS, P.O. Box 1179, Rutgers U., Piscataway, NJ 08855 (908)220-6905 (H)
********** Note new area code!  We are now (908) rather than (201)!  **********

 * Origin: Seaeast - Fidonet<->Usenet Gateway - sunbrk (1:343/15.0)

jls@netcom.COM (Jim Showalter) (05/26/91)

>  Sticky subject.  Good programmers can produce reusable software, even in 
>  assembler.  Do we have to reduce languages down to the least skilled 
>  programmers?  

Arguably, yes. If the bulk of the programmers out there aren't able
to use the advanced features of a language (any language) effectively,
they do not benefit from such features. One can argue about the need
to educate programmers and increase the mean level of expertise, and
that is all a fine and wonderful objective, but the simple fact is
that it 1) may not work and 2) takes a lot of time and effort. In the
meantime, what does one do for non-expert programmers NOW to make them
more productive? It seems to me that if one is truly interested in
affecting the overall productivity of the software industry, the best
place to focus one's efforts is on helping the average to sub-average
programmer, not developing increasing abstruse languages for the elite
who can really make use of their features.

An alternative strategy I've seen adopted at a number of sites is to
admit up front that not everybody is equally talented (and that, in
fact, many people truly would prefer NOT to be expected to be top-notch
software designers and architects) and divide responsibilities accordingly.
A project really only needs a handful of architects (in fact, too many
architects get in each other's way), so why not structure things so that
you only HAVE a handful of architects? Similarly, a project needs more
subsystem-level technical leads and spec designers, and a large number
of coders, testers, integrators, documentors, and configuration managers.
Some people find this ranking and classification of people offensive, but
I think that is more an artifact of the hacker mindset than anything
else--certainly software seems unique among pursuits in its relentless
emphasis on egalitarianism at the expense of sound management. Face it:
not everyone is an architect, and it is actually rather cruel to expect
them to pretend to be (and it affects the quality of the resulting design).

>  Chess is hard to get good at, but many have fun trying...

But few achieve the level of master or grandmaster. Note how nicely
this reinforces my previous comments.

>  I think the idea is that there are some people out there who are power 
>  hackers.  They want a language that can let them hack at a power level.  
>  They want maximum options so they can explore new solutions...  They want 
>  maximum control...  They want a lump of clay that can me molded into 
>  anything.

Indeed. There are proportionally MORE people, however, who are NOT these
so-called power hackers and who are simply confused and dismayed by having
so many options made available to them.
**************** JIM SHOWALTER, jls@netcom.com, (408) 243-0630 ****************
*Proven solutions to software problems. Consulting and training on all aspects*
*of software development. Management/process/methodology. Architecture/design/*
*reuse. Quality/productivity. Risk reduction. EFFECTIVE OO usage. Ada/C++.    *

jgro@lia (Jeremy Grodberg) (05/27/91)

In article <2326@media03.UUCP> pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) writes:
>For example, maybe people can show me a solution
>to the following problem
>	struct Linked { Linked *next(); };
>	struct My {};
>	struct MyLinked : public Linked, public My {};
>	main() { MyLinked *x; x = (MyLinked*) x->next(); }
>	(BTW, this compiled with an internal error in Zortech.
>	it worked with an intermediate, so I guess it is ok?).
>It is a very easy problem, but it forces me to downcast
>the next procedure to a MyLinked. 

I solved this problem with macros, and will be able to solve it with
templates when my compiler supports templates.  The key is to make
Linked a template class which take and returns pointers to whatever
class you want.  In one implementation I created, there were 2 template
classes. The first template class defined an object with pointers
to the derived class, and some operations on those pointers, and the
second template class made a list of objects of the first template class.

Many people complain about how complex C++ is, and how useless or
counter-productive C++'s strong type checking and implicit conversion
is.  For myself, I have found ways to use them that have gone very far
in having the compiler validate my code, and have made me much more 
confident that my code actually works.  Yes, I spend a lot of time
cleaing up warnings from the compiler, but once I do, I usually have
very few bugs.  

C++ takes time to learn, but so does any object oriented language.  Object
oriented concepts are hard to learn and use well, because there are a 
lot of possibilities which serve immediate needs, but few are good for
future growth; it takes practice to learn how to make good choices.
I think that once the industry gets more collective experience, the
complexity of C++ will not be a problem, but rather a bonus.  When I 
learned C, I was glad there were people around to tell me about standard
C coding style, and standard ways of doing things, because I didn't have
any way to choose among various essentially equivalent options.  We have
the problem with C++ that there is no standard way.  But C++ has only been
in widespread use for 1 year, and the language isn't finished yet
(with templates and exception handling a must-have on most people's 
feature list).  Now is the time to explore the possibilities of the 
language, and learn its unique advantages.  If you don't want to do that,
then you can just write ANSI C with mandatory function prototypes, and
compile it under C++, for no added complexity, and no need to use lint.

And I also understood
>that on certain implementations this might not work at
>all because of virtual bases etc. Help.... If I am
>right in understanding that this is basically the only
>way to do it, then I dont understand the type safety
>of C++, if you are forced to bypass it many times,
>it does not seem very usefull?
>I also got some questions why I complained about the
>const keyword. I tried to explain that though the
>concept is stated quite clearly, it seems that once you
>start using it, you end up changing a lot of old code
>and it propagates fast! If you start afresh I found
>it was mostly annoying, just another thing to distract
>you from the problem domain.
>One person made a very good comment about extendability:
>>         However this messiness is also a strength. When c users needed
>> new features, there were a number of techniques that could be used to
>> implement needed constructs. I contrast it with Pascal, an elegant
>> minimal language. When pieces were found to be missing from Pascal, such as
>> string manipulation, it was very hard to add them in. In this country
>> C has become a dominant implementation language, and I attribute it to the
>> fact that users were able to do things in the language that the original
>> designers had never anticipated, whereas a minimal spanning language lacks
>> the redundancy that provides for improvisation.
>I completely agree with the fact that a language should
>be extendable. But strange enough I found that languages like
>C and C++ are definitely not extendable. Both languages have
>defined keywords which you definitely cannot change. You
>cannot implement your own if or virtual. I found that in
>Smalltalk all this is possible because there are no keywords
>in the language, just like Prolog. And what I understood from Lisp this
>is also the case. So if you talk about extending a language,
>then C(++) is definitely not an extendible language. The
>usuage is fixed (well as long as Bjarne can keep his
>hands of the definition, ehhh.. sorry which definition?).
>A common remark, to which I agree, is that whatever
>I think about it, it will be the dominant language of
>the 90's. Somebody wrote:
>> programming.  However, I think C++ will become the major language for
>> many environments, while alternatives like Eiffel, Objective-C, and
>> such will languish in relative obscurity, because of the ease of
>> moving to C++ from C and its wide availability.
>I do not agree with the fact that Eiffel and Objective-C
>will vanish. There will always be an audience which makes
>their choices on performance. If not, the Macintosh would
>have vanished long ago.
>One way or the other the industry seems to chose
>non-optimal solutions. We got stuck with MS-DOS, Windows
>and C++. I will use it, but I will always have a feeling
>that it could have been much easier if choices were made
>on performance instead of just marketing.
>	Peter Kriens

Jeremy Grodberg      "Show me a new widget that's bug-free, and I'll show
jgro@lia.com         you something that's been through several releases."

dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) (05/27/91)

Sometimes there are two ways of doing something, and there are
tradeoffs between them.  Is this uniquely American?  I haven't done
any work overseas; perhaps I'm just provincial.  In your country, are
all sorts always done with quicksort, never with insertion sorts or
heapsorts?  Are all computer programs written in one language?  Do all
(or none) programmers always use languages with (or without) lots of
runtime checks?  It had never occurred to me before that there was
something American about the concept of choosing between engineering
alternatives based on tradeoffs.

I do agree that it is best when you can change your mind about which
choice to make, late in the game, with minimal alteration of your
program.  There are certainly areas in C++ where the language could be
better in this regard; but to have designed it to be better in this
regard might have meant compromising on one of the other goals of C++.
It's easy for you to complain about things you don't like; it's harder
to come up with an alternative proposal that meets the same criteria
that the design of C++ set out to meet.

By the way, it's easy for you to say the "Lisp just has lists and
atoms".  The baby Lisp that your learned about in school probably
really does just have lists and atoms.  Real Lisp dialects that are
used for serious work have quite a few data types, including arrays
and objects and several kinds of numbers and so on.  And this is
true of the European proposed standards, not just the American ones.

dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) (05/27/91)

In article <1991May24.205554.10284@ugle.unit.no> aarsten@idt.unit.no (Amund Aarsten) writes:

   for everyone, every language has strong and weak points. For instance, I don't think
   Lisp is a very good choice for doing 3D graphics!

I suppose you said this thinking that it was obviously true, that
doing 3D graphics in Lisp would obviously be a joke.  Actually, the
Symbolics Graphics Division has been producing and selling for years a
group of 3D graphics products written in Lisp.  Of course, I'm talking
about a serious heavy-duty production Common Lisp, not a "you can
write a Lisp interpreter in 100 lines of code" toy of the sort that
many textbooks describe.  The Symbolics Graphics Division tools were
used to produce some lovely 3D animated graphics, including quite a
lot of TV commercials.

(I realize that this has nothing to with OOP, but I could not let
that remark go by without comment.)

pkr@media03.UUCP (Peter Kriens) (05/27/91)

Nick Sherman responds to my wiatress posting

> >Which I think is proven by the fact that in any discussion with a C++'er, you
> >will always hear the answer that you can also do it that way in C++.

>  It's nice if someone can think for only a few seconds, and come up with a
>  solution every time, instead of possibly wracking their brains for houre.

>  1,000,000,000 Cobol programmers can't be wrong!!!

A: I feel that you are confusing the fact that solving a problem is important
and that your brain energy should be directed to the problem domain, and not
in figuring out which is the optimum solution of the language. Almost all problems
I see in the C++ group arise from the complexity of the language. You state that
certain things are hadr/impossible to do in another language, while I can't see 
why you need to wrack your brains if there is usually a natural solution.

> >I feel
> >distracted because I have to spent so much time choosing and then later
> >reworking because I made the wrong choice.
>  Does this mean that you can line up maybe 5 ways of doing something,
>  determining which is best in terms of coding complexity, speed, memory usage,
>  etc, and implement it?  I have had a few classes while in novation, right?  (
> yeah, I know, but still....)
First I often found that writing a class offered me better insight of where
the problems were. In other environments this didn't cause as much
trouble changing the design as it cost in C++. It seems you cast code
in concrete

>>When I look at other modern languages I see that they tend to remove the
>>number of language options, but have a very generic simple concept.

>  Makes the programs easier to grade by instructors, really.

Yes, but if a language is easy to teach, while not minimising the 
possibilities, isn't that a good thing? I believe there is something
like Occam's razor which states that a simpler theory while still
encompassing all the facts is better than a more complex...
I guess this also applies to languages.

>>Lisp and
>>Prolog use lists and atoms and Smalltalk has the basic object. All of these
>>languages seems to be able to get away with no language defined keywords,
>>allowing the user to built constructs from a very simple syntax.

>  A  after years of programming in anything?  Do you like starting from scratch
>  with every new project???

Did you ever use one of these environments? It seems that reuse in these
language is completely automatic. And why? I think because other people
were able to built constructs, that are very easy to understand and reuse,
the language does not get in the way. Especially in Smalltalk, you start
on top of a big system. This would be bad if you could not change, but because
the language does not contain keywords (or reserved words) you could even
implement a false,true and maybe, on the same level as the original
true and false. So I definitely do not like to start from Scratch, that is
why I do not use C++.

>>Isn't this big bag of options making the language extremely difficult to
>>learn, as I can also see in the classes I teached C++, and will it not make
>                                           ^^^^^^^
>                                           taught maybe...tsk tsk.  :-)
It is always nice to be criticized in an area where you are at a disadvantage
because English is not your native tongue. Really relevant here.

>>This way of thinking reminds of RISC versus CISC. They changed the CPU's to
>>become much simpler, thereby offering more performance. Isn't C++ a CISL?
>                                                                        C?
I meant Language...

>  The RISC and CICS debate is a different issue.  The debate centers around
>  ease of implementation, testing, heat dissipation, die size, compiler
>  technology, marketing concerns, and a whole mess of other things.  With the
>  C/C++, we are talking aesthetics, ease of use, etc.  We already know that
>  just about every problem that can be solved in one language can be solved
>  in another (in possibly a totally different way), is it how pretty the code
>  looks that is the issue here.  (BTW, we are not talking speed of computation
>  or execution in this discussion.)

Do you mean pretty or readable and even more understandable? Because if you mean
that I think C++ is at a big disadvantage. What I mean is that Matrix A = B + C,
looks nice, unless you know there is a problem and you start looking what is
happening, if you can find it.

>  I think the idea is that there are some people out there who are power
>  hackers.  They want a language that can let them hack at a power level.
>  They want maximum options so they can explore new solutions...  They want
>  maximum control...  They want a lump of clay that can me molded into
>  anything.  I think most of the other languages try to mold you.
I agree that some people want a language like C++, but my question is will
this contribute to better systems which are developed in a shorter time
and will need less maintenance. I have been manager of 14 software people
and I know how easy it is to get carried away with the fact that you
overload the + operi]ator... But I dont think it has anything to do
with productivity and quality. IMHO I think that you focus on the language itself
instead of a language as an efficient tool to implement solutions.

Peter Kriens 

rockwell@socrates.umd.edu (Raul Rockwell) (05/27/91)

Amund Aarsten:
      for everyone, every language has strong and weak points. For
      instance, I don't think Lisp is a very good choice for doing 3D

but then there's AutoCAD.

Raul Rockwell

rh@smds.UUCP (Richard Harter) (05/28/91)

In article <1991May27.042830.674@odi.com>, dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) writes:
> Sometimes there are two ways of doing something, and there are
> tradeoffs between them.  Is this uniquely American?  I haven't done
> any work overseas; perhaps I'm just provincial.  In your country, are
> all sorts always done with quicksort, never with insertion sorts or
> heapsorts?  Are all computer programs written in one language?  Do all
> (or none) programmers always use languages with (or without) lots of
> runtime checks?  It had never occurred to me before that there was
> something American about the concept of choosing between engineering
> alternatives based on tradeoffs.

One of us (at a minimum) is missing the point, which I  perceive as being
about defaults.  The, ah, object of the game is to minimize the making
of unnecessary decisions, thus reducing both the amount of code to be
written and the amount of intellectual labor.

Compare a frame (in AI jargon) versus a class.  When I instantiate an
object using a frame all attributes are filled in with default values.
If I set the value of a specific attribute, the default values of all
attributes dependent on the specified attribute are adjusted accordingly.
[Suitable disclaimers for various implementations are included here by
default.  :-)]

To take your example, in many applications it doesn't particularly
matter what kind of sort I use -- I just want my data sorted.  What
you have omitted in your discussion of tradeoffs are the costs of making
and implementing tradeoff decisions.  
Richard Harter, Software Maintenance and Development Systems, Inc.
Net address: jjmhome!smds!rh Phone: 508-369-7398 
US Mail: SMDS Inc., PO Box 555, Concord MA 01742
This sentence no verb.  This sentence short.  This signature done.

Richard.Harter@sunbrk.FidoNet.Org (Richard Harter) (05/28/91)

In article <1991May27.042830.674@odi.com>, dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) writes:
> Sometimes there are two ways of doing something, and there are
> tradeoffs between them.  Is this uniquely American?  I haven't done
> any work overseas; perhaps I'm just provincial.  In your country, are
> all sorts always done with quicksort, never with insertion sorts or
> heapsorts?  Are all computer programs written in one language?  Do all
> (or none) programmers always use languages with (or without) lots of
> runtime checks?  It had never occurred to me before that there was
> something American about the concept of choosing between engineering
> alternatives based on tradeoffs.

One of us (at a minimum) is missing the point, which I  perceive as being
about defaults.  The, ah, object of the game is to minimize the making
of unnecessary decisions, thus reducing both the amount of code to be
written and the amount of intellectual labor.

Compare a frame (in AI jargon) versus a class.  When I instantiate an
object using a frame all attributes are filled in with default values.
If I set the value of a specific attribute, the default values of all
attributes dependent on the specified attribute are adjusted accordingly.
[Suitable disclaimers for various implementations are included here by
default.  :-)]

To take your example, in many applications it doesn't particularly
matter what kind of sort I use -- I just want my data sorted.  What
you have omitted in your discussion of tradeoffs are the costs of making
and implementing tradeoff decisions.  
Richard Harter, Software Maintenance and Development Systems, Inc.
Net address: jjmhome!smds!rh Phone: 508-369-7398 
US Mail: SMDS Inc., PO Box 555, Concord MA 01742
This sentence no verb.  This sentence short.  This signature done.

 * Origin: Seaeast - Fidonet<->Usenet Gateway - sunbrk (1:343/15.0)

miller@FS1.cam.nist.gov (Bruce R. Miller) (05/28/91)

In article <1991May27.044142.787@odi.com>, Dan Weinreb writes: 
> In article <1991May24.205554.10284@ugle.unit.no> aarsten@idt.unit.no (Amund Aarsten) writes:
>    for everyone, every language has strong and weak points. For instance, I don't think
>    Lisp is a very good choice for doing 3D graphics!
> I suppose you said this thinking that it was obviously true, that
> doing 3D graphics in Lisp would obviously be a joke.  Actually, the
> Symbolics Graphics Division has been producing and selling for years a
> group of 3D graphics products written in Lisp.  
>  ...

> (I realize that this has nothing to with OOP, but I could not let
> that remark go by without comment.)

Ah, but it DOES have a lot to  do with OOP -- The Graphics programs  you
refer to (as Dan well knows!, but  others might not) makes heavy use  of
OOP in Lisp (Flavors).

Another poster in this thread seemed, vaguely and indirectly, to be
questioning whether Lisp, among other languages, is useful for writing
operating systems.  Symbolics has had for years an OS written in Lisp,
again, making heavy use of Flavors.  Its only serious problem is that it
is not Unix!

So, sometimes apples and oranges are both fruit.

(I realize that this has nothing to with C++, but I could not let
 that remark go by without amplification.)

schwartz@possum.den.mmc.com (Michael Schwartz x1-6820) (05/29/91)

1) I'm glad to see that language bigots are getting the worst of this.
We can't afford to be language bigots anymore.  So many solutions to
problems seem to involve (a) inventing a language for describing the
solution and (b) compiling that language to a reasonable target (e.g.,
Ada, C++, C, assembly).

2) If you believe in very large programming projects (>1Megaline) you
almost have to believe in Ada.  It works.

3) If you believe in very large programming projects you have a hard
time believing in assembly, fortran, and C.

4) There is no compelling reason to believe in C++ yet.  But you have to
admit it's fun (and there probably is such a reason somewhere) -- thanks

5) If you believe in very large programming projects you learn to give
up believing in code delivery before specification delivery.  In OOP
terms, you must play object ping-pong before you believe your design
will work.

6) Today's 're-usability' is just like yesterday's 'port-ability'.  You
may not close your eyes and expect it to work.  Today's 're-usability'
still has a huge, researchy library science aspect to be solved.

Well, I feel better already.

schwartz@pogo.den.mmc.com              "You'll find ... that the only thing 
mschwartz@mmc.com                          you can do easily is be wrong, 
DISCLAIMER:  The opinions expressed are      and that's hardly worth the effort"
not necessarily those of my employer or myself.          --the phantom tollbooth

Michael.Schwartz.x1-6820@sunbrk.FidoNet.Org (Michael Schwartz x1-6820) (05/29/91)

1) I'm glad to see that language bigots are getting the worst of this.
We can't afford to be language bigots anymore.  So many solutions to
problems seem to involve (a) inventing a language for describing the
solution and (b) compiling that language to a reasonable target (e.g.,
Ada, C++, C, assembly).

2) If you believe in very large programming projects (>1Megaline) you
almost have to believe in Ada.  It works.

3) If you believe in very large programming projects you have a hard
time believing in assembly, fortran, and C.

4) There is no compelling reason to believe in C++ yet.  But you have to
admit it's fun (and there probably is such a reason somewhere) -- thanks

5) If you believe in very large programming projects you learn to give
up believing in code delivery before specification delivery.  In OOP
terms, you must play object ping-pong before you believe your design
will work.

6) Today's 're-usability' is just like yesterday's 'port-ability'.  You
may not close your eyes and expect it to work.  Today's 're-usability'
still has a huge, researchy library science aspect to be solved.

Well, I feel better already.

schwartz@pogo.den.mmc.com              "You'll find ... that the only thing 
mschwartz@mmc.com                          you can do easily is be wrong, 
DISCLAIMER:  The opinions expressed are      and that's hardly worth the effort"
not necessarily those of my employer or myself.          --the phantom tollbooth

 * Origin: Seaeast - Fidonet<->Usenet Gateway - sunbrk (1:343/15.0)

nic@mrcu (Nick Chapman) (05/30/91)

Has anybody else noticed the ever-so-slight change in Jim Showalter's
nifty signature ?

Here's what it used to be :

>**************** JIM SHOWALTER, jls@netcom.com, (408) 243-0630 *****************
>* Proven solutions to software problems. Consulting and training in all aspects*
>* of software development. Management/process/methodology. Architecture/design/*
>* reuse. Quality/productivity. Risk reduction. EFFECTIVE OO techniques. Ada.   *

Here's what it is now :

>**************** JIM SHOWALTER, jls@netcom.com, (408) 243-0630 ****************
>*Proven solutions to software problems. Consulting and training on all aspects*
>*of software development. Management/process/methodology. Architecture/design/*
>*reuse. Quality/productivity. Risk reduction. EFFECTIVE OO usage. Ada/C++.    *

Is this why Jim thinks that C++ is such a great language, second only
to the God of all languages, Ada ?  :-)


Nick Chapman, GEC-Marconi Research Centre | INTERNET: nic@uk.co.gec-mrc
Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex. CM2 8HN  | Tel: +44 245 73331 x3245
Nick Chapman, GEC-Marconi Research Centre | INTERNET: nic@uk.co.gec-mrc
Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex. CM2 8HN  | Tel: +44 245 73331 x3245

keng@apd.mentorg.com (Ken Giles) (05/31/91)

In article <31061@dime.cs.umass.edu> connolly@livy.cs.umass.edu (Christopher Connolly) writes:
>My experience so far suggests that a more accurate statement might be
>"Many will successfully produce `.H' files.".  Certainly, there will
>be successful products implemented in C++, but in a major industrial
>site that I work at, there is an alarming trend: People who have been
>charged with writing C++ code have, by and large, been producing
>specs, class declarations and function prototypes in #include files.
>So far, even after several months, precious little actual code has
>been written. ...

Specifications? Prototyping? Sofware design? Before beginning the
implementation? Heaven forbid! :-)


npw@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Nicholas Wilt) (05/31/91)

In article <675518012.67@sunbrk.FidoNet> Michael.Schwartz.x1-6820@sunbrk.FidoNet.Org (Michael Schwartz x1-6820) writes:
>1) I'm glad to see that language bigots are getting the worst of this.
>We can't afford to be language bigots anymore.  So many solutions to
>2) If you believe in very large programming projects (>1Megaline) you
>almost have to believe in Ada.  It works.
>3) If you believe in very large programming projects you have a hard
>time believing in assembly, fortran, and C.

What was that about language bigots?

I think the role of language choice is given too much emphasis here.
There are many large, successful projects written in all sorts of 
languages.  There are factors other than the language chosen which 
determine how successful the project is.

>5) If you believe in very large programming projects you learn to give
>up believing in code delivery before specification delivery.  In OOP
>terms, you must play object ping-pong before you believe your design
>will work.

This is valid even if you drop the "very large" qualifier, and even if
an object-oriented approach has not been chosen.

>Well, I feel better already.
>schwartz@pogo.den.mmc.com              "You'll find ... that the only thing 
>mschwartz@mmc.com                          you can do easily is be wrong, 


dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) (06/01/91)

In article <675518012.67@sunbrk.FidoNet> Michael.Schwartz.x1-6820@sunbrk.FidoNet.Org (Michael Schwartz x1-6820) writes:

   1) I'm glad to see that language bigots are getting the worst of this.

   2) If you believe in very large programming projects (>1Megaline) you
   almost have to believe in Ada.  It works.

   4) There is no compelling reason to believe in C++ yet.  

I do agree with you on one point: I don't like language bigotry either.

connolly@livy.cs.umass.edu (Christopher Connolly) (06/03/91)

In article <1991May30.224626.3175@apd.mentorg.com> keng@apd.mentorg.com (Ken Giles) writes:
>Specifications? Prototyping? Sofware design? Before beginning the
>implementation? Heaven forbid! :-)

Smiley noted, but I hope you'll agree that specifications and design
have to stop at *some* point.  And halfway through the project
schedule (1 yr down, 1 to go), the group hasn't even gotten to the
*prototyping* stage yet!

jls@netcom.COM (Jim Showalter) (06/06/91)

>Has anybody else noticed the ever-so-slight change in Jim Showalter's
>nifty signature ?

Hmmmm--must be a typo... Actually, yes, it's true--I added C++ to
the list.

Part of this is due to an economic pragmatism that seems to be afflicting
me now that I don't have a steady paycheck (a reporter once asked Willy
Sutton, the bank robber, why he robbed banks, to which Willy Sutton
replied "Because that's where they keep the money."...I feel somewhat like
this when it comes to C++).

A far more significant reason for the change, however, is that the stuff
I know about engineering large complex systems is pretty much language
independent, so why limit myself to Ada shops? If Ada shops need help with
their software engineering process, it's a sure bet that C++ shops do too.

Note that this in no way indicates a change to my bedrock conviction that
Ada is the superior technical choice between the two languages for engineering
large complex systems.
**************** JIM SHOWALTER, jls@netcom.com, (408) 243-0630 ****************
*Proven solutions to software problems. Consulting and training on all aspects*
*of software development. Management/process/methodology. Architecture/design/*
*reuse. Quality/productivity. Risk reduction. EFFECTIVE OO usage. Ada/C++.    *

kelley@elmer.Berkeley.EDU (Michael Kelley) (06/07/91)

In article <1991Jun6.004107.25123@netcom.COM>, jls@netcom.COM (Jim
Showalter) writes:
> [ stuff deleted ]
> Note that this in no way indicates a change to my bedrock conviction that
> Ada is the superior technical choice between the two languages for
> large complex systems.
> -- 

Could you expand on this, Jim?  Given that C++ is slated for both parameterized
types and exception handling, will your conviction still hold?  It seems to me
that Ada has an edge on C++ for its concurrency support (the rendezvous), but
falls way behind C++, not having late binding (virtual) functions.  Or
is it just a practical matter of C++ still paying out too much rope to
hang a project with? Comments?

Mike Kelley
Tandem Computers, Austin, TX
(512) 244-8830 / Fax (512) 244-8247