[comp.lang.c++] A course on OOP with c++

yariva@VIRGO.MATH.TAU.AC.IL (Aridor Yariv) (05/31/91)


1. Does anyone have any experience in giving a course on object-oriented
   programming using C++ as the main language.

2. Does anyone have examples of course plans, exercises, etc' ? 

Thanks in advance

	-Yariv Aridor

The E-mail address is : 
    yariva@math.tau.ac.il   OR    yariva@taurus.bitnet

newmark@solbourne.com (Martin Newmark) (05/31/91)

In addition to the original post does anybody know where to get a course on
C++ on video tape?

Something like this could be very usefull.

Please email to me, I'll summarize.

Martin Newmark
Solbourne Computer Inc.    ARPA: newmark@Solbourne.COM
1900 Pike Rd.              UUCP: ...!{boulder,sun}!stan!newmark
Longmont, CO  80501        Phone: (303) 678-4454

rajv@csri.toronto.edu (Raj Verma) (06/07/91)

In article <1991May31.161054.6896@solbourne.com> newmark@solbourne.com (Martin Newmark) writes:
>In addition to the original post does anybody know where to get a course on
>C++ on video tape?
>Something like this could be very usefull.
>Martin Newmark

There's something called "USING C++" distributed by Glockenspiel Ltd which
you might be interested in.   It features 13 tapes and covers 8 different

  1.  Introduction to object oriented programming.   (1 tape)
  2.  The transition from non object oriented languages. (1 tape)
  3.  C++ classes using encapsulation.  (3 tapes)
  4.  Data abstraction and streams. (2 tapes)
  5.  Inheritance. (3 tapes)
  6.  Polymorphism. (1 tape)
  7.  Multiple inheritance. (1 tape)
  8.  C++ efficiencies and course summary. ( 1 tape)

There's also a series of tapes called "ADVANCED C++" which is
supposed to be available in the first quarter of 1992.


Raj Verma
Algorithmics Inc.
489 College Street
Suite 301
Toronto, Canada
M6G 1A5
