[comp.lang.c++] NIH with g++

prasad@indetech.com (Prasad Mokkapati x 2096) (06/07/91)

Is there a patch of NIH to run with g++. If so would somebody please
let me know where I can ftp it from. I also heard that there were some
problems with iostream header files which g++ library does not support.
So I was wondering if anybody out there is actually using NIH compiled
with g++.

____*_  Prasad Mokkapati            prasad@indetech.com
\  / /  Independence Technologies   {sun,sharkey,pacbell}!indetech!prasad
 \/ /   42705 Lawrence Place        FAX: 415 438-2034
  \/    Fremont, CA 94538           Voice: 415 438-2096