[comp.lang.c++] cannot locate file for -lg++

mlm@CS.BROWN.EDU (Moises Lejter) (06/08/91)

The problem is that the linker g++ is invoking cannot find the library
libg++.a.  You must have compiled the GNU G++ library, libg++.a, and
installed it in the same directory where gcc-ld and gcc-cc1plus were
installed (at a guess, anyway).  If you use the GNU ld from binutils,
rather than the one included with G++, you must tell it what the
standard search path for libraries will be - by default it only looks
in /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib.  There is a preprocessor macro
called STANDARD_SEARCH_DIR you can set to modify this default set.  If
you use the ld distributed with g++, there must be a similar way to
specify the standard search path, but I'm not sure what it would be

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