[comp.lang.c++] AT&T C++ Task Library

culbert@m43.bloom-beacon ( Jim Culbert ) (11/23/90)

I've just stepped into managing a project where a portion of the project
has been implemented using the AT&T C++ task management library. We run
on SUNs and have a combination of 3's and 4's. No one bothered to check 
if the task management utilities ran on the sun4 (most of the guys still
have sun3's). Well, (as far as my inquiries to SUN and AT&T have indicated)
it doesn't. Can anyone out there tell me I'm wrong? Or, has anyone 
undertaken the task of porting the machine specific portion of the library
to run on the sun4 platforms? Help!

Jim Culbert
Research Associate, Project Manager Air Traffic Project
Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory, M.I.T, Cambridge MA. 02139
Internet: culbert@iesl.mit.edu

salc@aristotle.shearson.com (Sal Cataudella) (11/28/90)

In article <CULBERT.90Nov23100040@m43.bloom-beacon> culbert@m43.bloom-beacon ( Jim Culbert ) writes:

   Path: shearson.com!uunet!munnari.oz.au!uhccux!ames!apple!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!bloom-beacon!bloom-beacon!culbert
   From: culbert@m43.bloom-beacon ( Jim Culbert )
   Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++
   Date: 23 Nov 90 18:00:40 GMT
   Sender: daemon@athena.mit.edu (Mr Background)
   Distribution: comp
   Organization: /home/m43/0/culbert/.organization
   Lines: 15

   I've just stepped into managing a project where a portion of the project
   has been implemented using the AT&T C++ task management library. We run
   on SUNs and have a combination of 3's and 4's. No one bothered to check 
   if the task management utilities ran on the sun4 (most of the guys still
   have sun3's). Well, (as far as my inquiries to SUN and AT&T have indicated)
   it doesn't. Can anyone out there tell me I'm wrong? Or, has anyone 
   undertaken the task of porting the machine specific portion of the library
   to run on the sun4 platforms? Help!

   Jim Culbert
   Research Associate, Project Manager Air Traffic Project
   Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory, M.I.T, Cambridge MA. 02139
   Internet: culbert@iesl.mit.edu

To the best of my knowledge, Sun's C++ version 2.0 or greater supports a task
library on Sparc based machines;

Internet: salc@sisyphus.shearson.com
UUCP:	  ...!uunet!slcpi!sisyphus!salc
(212) 464-8728

cojrp@lut.ac.uk (JR Pitchers) (06/10/91)

>> Has anyone out there ported the AT&T C++ Task Library to an HP 800 series
>> target? I should be most grateful for any assistance.
>Yes, HP has!  HP C++ is a native true compiler based on ATT cfront 2.1.
>It is available under HP-UX on HP9000 S300/400, S800/600, and S700
>systems.  The ATT Task Library has been ported to all platforms and is
>part of the HP C++ product.  I did not do this port, but I have been
>told that porting this library is indeed a tricky "task".
>I'll see if I can dig up some AT&T Task Library porting hints for you.
>(It's not too late to get HP C++ :-)
>Brad Ahlf

Any idea how much HP C++ costs?

Thanks, Jeff Pitchers Loughborough University UK