[comp.lang.c++] Overloading new and delete

lvw@rama.UUCP (Lyndon VanWagner) (06/07/91)

According to pg. 164, and 262-266 of C++ Primer by
Stanley B. Lippman, one can overload the new and delete operators.
I have heard some references on the net about doing this in C++ 2.0+ .
Were these just rumors, or can we still do this?

Thanks for the information.

--Lyndon VanWagner
Lyndon C. VanWagner		Internet:lvw@rama.sc.harris.com
Software Engineer		-or-	rama!lvw@uu.psi.com
Framework Development Group	UUCP:	...!{uupsi,tropix}!rama!lvw
Harris Corporation		PHONE:	(716) 924-9303 ext. 226
Scientific Calculations Division, Fishers, NY 14453
Cornfield's Law (paraphrased):
	Before anything can change, everyone must agree.
	By the time that happens its a different problem.

ttoupin@diana.cair.du.edu (Aerin) (06/11/91)

In article <10961@rama.UUCP> Lyndon VanWagner writes:
>According to pg. 164, and 262-266 of C++ Primer by
>Stanley B. Lippman, one can overload the new and delete operators.
>I have heard some references on the net about doing this in C++ 2.0+ .
>Were these just rumors, or can we still do this?

Cf. E&S, pp. 282-4.  Paraphrasing: operators new and delete can be overloaded.
With operator new, one must specify have at least one argument

	void *operator new(size_t __size

Other arguments must be specified, but an operator new must exist which takes
one argument of type size_t.  For example:

	void *operator new(size_t __size,void *__arena =NULL)

might allocate space in a specified arena (if specified, like

	Thing *ptr=new (Arena) Thing;

), or in global memory with no arena specified.  The delete operator takes one
argument (a void *), or optionally a second argument of type size_t giving the
size of the object being deleted.  See ARM for more complete info.

>--Lyndon VanWagner
>Lyndon C. VanWagner		Internet:lvw@rama.sc.harris.com
>Software Engineer		-or-	rama!lvw@uu.psi.com
>Framework Development Group	UUCP:	...!{uupsi,tropix}!rama!lvw
>Harris Corporation		PHONE:	(716) 924-9303 ext. 226
>Scientific Calculations Division, Fishers, NY 14453
>Cornfield's Law (paraphrased):
>	Before anything can change, everyone must agree.
>	By the time that happens its a different problem.

Tory S. Toupin                         |
ttoupin@diana.cair.du.edu              |  Existence toward perfection...
Unversity of Denver                    |      Life of mediocrity!
Undergraduate: Math & Computer Sciences|
Denver, CO  80208                      |         - M. E.

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