[comp.lang.c++] Borland C++

davidi@well.sf.ca.us (David Intersimone) (05/27/90)

In message #7767 Cay Hortmann mentioned two "bugs" in Turbo C++.  I have
a couple of comments and also a request:

1) we never claim to be MSC compatible, in fact we don't see that as any
problem - we can link with many MSC libraries and object files. but
recompiling with TC++ certainly gets rid of any problems.

2) regarding a problem with passing a function pointer to a base class
constructor - here is an example that works fine with TC++:
the following example compiles just fine, and it certainly passes
a function pointer to a base class constructor:

struct  base
    base(void (*fp)(int));      // base constructor

void    func(int);

struct  derived : base
    derived() : base(func) {}   // pointer to "func" passed to base()

Could you send me some code sample via email, and/or give technical
support a call at (408) 438-5300 to discuss the problem with them.  if you
email some code I will pass it along to folks here.

glad you like the new version of Turbo Debugger.  Inspectors and class
hierarchy browsers are definitely important to debugging c++ programs.
you can use the mouse to set the cursor on a class and hit the right mouse
button to bring up a local menu, scroll down in one movement to the
inspect local menu option to bring up an class instance inspector.  that's
all it takes.

How do you like Turbo Debuggers ability to "un do" program execution?  nice
for backing up and trying another path through the program.

anyway - I will be around here to answer people's questions.  It may take
a little time to get a handle on using postnews and other utilities.  I
have been lurking since last july getting ready for our shipment of
TC++.  the press release posted by Paul Chisolm tells most of the story,
but if you need more info - please ask.

David Intersimone (better known as David I)
Director, Developer Relations
"Turbo Language Ambassador to the World"
Borland International

rthops@utkux1.utk.edu (020R4BMH) (08/01/90)

Sorry if I am wasting bandwidth, but anyone inquiring about
Borland C++ might want to hear what I just experienced...

utkcs2!emory!sol.ctr.columbia.edu... writes:

> Turbo C++ and Turbo Debugger/Tools Educational Price and Info:
> Turbo C++  	69.95
>	[ stuff deleted ]
> Students must order from coupons that we send to instructors.

I called to inquire and I was met with a very shrewd saleslady...
Fine if we can order it through coupons, but if you want additional
information...be prepared for a court hearing, she did not even
believe I was a student...OH WELL!

I think I'll wait for Microsofts C++

	- Student 

ger@prisma.cv.ruu.nl (Ger Timmens) (08/01/90)

The price you mention is the upgrade price from Turbo C.
The student price for the professional package is $ 149.

   |      ////////   //////  //////            Ger R. Timmens,              |
   |    ////   ///  //      //   //         Internet: ger@cv.ruu.nl,        |
   |   ///         /////   //////        NLmail: Meeuwenlaan 16,            |
   |  ///  ////   //      // //       3222 BG  Hellevoetsluis,              |
   |  ///    //  //////  //  //    The NETHERLANDS.                         |
   |  ///  ///   +----------------------------------------------------------+
   |   /////     | -+- Life is like a circle, I'm sure we'll meet again -+- |

jliptak@umnd-cpe-cola.d.umn.edu (john liptak) (08/01/90)

In article <1990Jul31.203133.16191@cs.utk.edu> rthomps@utkux1.utk.edu (020R4BMH) writes:
>Sorry if I am wasting bandwidth, but anyone inquiring about
>Borland C++ might want to hear what I just experienced...
>utkcs2!emory!sol.ctr.columbia.edu... writes:
>> Turbo C++ and Turbo Debugger/Tools Educational Price and Info:
>> Turbo C++  	69.95
>>	[ stuff deleted ]
>> Students must order from coupons that we send to instructors.
>I called to inquire and I was met with a very shrewd saleslady...
>Fine if we can order it through coupons, but if you want additional
>information...be prepared for a court hearing, she did not even
>believe I was a student...OH WELL!
>I think I'll wait for Microsofts C++
>	- Student 
You would have better luck mailing them at borlandEd@cup.portal.com
By giving them some information (like name, address, college, instructor,
id number) I got a coupon in the mail.  I filled it out and got my copy
in a matter a days.

John Liptak

micki@thraine.UUCP (Michelle Stone) (08/02/90)

In article <1990Jul31.203133.16191@cs.utk.edu> rthomps@utkux1.utk.edu (020R4BMH) writes:
>Sorry if I am wasting bandwidth, but anyone inquiring about
>Borland C++ might want to hear what I just experienced...
>I called to inquire and I was met with a very shrewd saleslady...
>Fine if we can order it through coupons, but if you want additional
>information...be prepared for a court hearing, she did not even
>believe I was a student...OH WELL!
>I think I'll wait for Microsofts C++

Well... I just wanted to add my two cents worth.  I have called the 
Borland people a few times and have had no problems.  I certainly
wouldn't make a decision like this based on one phone call!

bk19+@andrew.cmu.edu (Bradley D. Keister) (02/16/91)

I just received an announcement letter from the Borland Technical
Development Center for Borland C++.  Upgrades from TC and TC++ are
$149.95, and upgrades from the Professional versions are $99.95.

As discussed in other postings, the main new feature is the ability to
write Windows applications without Microsoft's SDK.

Brad Keister
Physics Dept.
Carnegie Mellon U

Arthur_Klassen@mindlink.bc.ca (Arthur Klassen) (06/04/91)

Is there anyone out there who has begun using Borland C++ more or less
regularly and/or intensively? I have some questions and would welcome the
answers either in the messages or by e-mail.

1) What's it like to use? Too easy and not enough power? Too powerful and not
enough ease of use? Can balance out needs for power and ease of use easily?

2) There's a class library with it, isn't there? What's that like? Is it easy
to write app's for either Windows or DOS? (once you get past an OOP paradigm)

3) Does the compiler have any quirks? (e.g. the -Oa "relax alias checking" from
MS-C) Does it optimize code well and reasonably?

Thank you in advance for your time. It's tempting to go out and buy it but I'd
like to hear from some actual users beforehand.


Art Klassen

jim@tortuga.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Jim (James) Ruehlin) (06/11/91)

In article <6133@mindlink.bc.ca> Arthur_Klassen@mindlink.bc.ca (Arthur Klassen) writes:
>Is there anyone out there who has begun using Borland C++ more or less
>regularly and/or intensively? I have some questions and would welcome the
>answers either in the messages or by e-mail.
>1) What's it like to use? Too easy and not enough power? Too powerful and not
>enough ease of use? Can balance out needs for power and ease of use easily?

I think it balances both well.  I've looked at a couple of C++ compilers
on the PC, and I've used one on Unix.  I think BC++ is a good one.

>2) There's a class library with it, isn't there? What's that like? Is it easy
>to write app's for either Windows or DOS? (once you get past an OOP paradigm)

They have a small container class library that's losely based on the NIH
library.  It's not much, just an array, dictionary, string, date & time
classes with NIH-like base classes.  I use it some, but I've written my
own containers.
I use it for Windows programming and use the CommonVu class library.  It's
mostly a user interface lib, and it makes Windows programming less 

>3) Does the compiler have any quirks? (e.g. the -Oa "relax alias checking" from
>MS-C) Does it optimize code well and reasonably?

Haven't done much with optimization yet.  The worst "quirk" (I'd call it
a relase bug) is that their standard C++ libs are compiled with far
virtual tables off.  If you use large memory model (like I do) and select
the "Far Virtual Tables" option (like I do) you can't use the standard
libraries!!  No streams, etc.  I had to buy the source for the libraries
and re-compile them with the far virtual tables option on.

- Jim Ruehlin

hcg6805@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Heien-Kun Chiang) (06/11/91)
