[comp.lang.c++] C++ tools

gps@teraida.UUCP (Pat Scandalis) (04/27/89)


My name is Pat.  I am new to this conference.  I 
work for a company that writes Electronic Design 
Automation software.  Many of us will be taking 
a c++ class in June.  We need to purchase a c++
compiler.  I have read all the c++
news that is on this machine, and now I have some 

  1) What is cfront?
  2) What is Eiffel?
  3) What are flex and bison?
  4) We have an Apollo/Sun network.  Does any one have a reccomendation
     for what we should use in this environment?
  5) What compilers are available/platform/price/support?
  6) You just port the AT&T code to your platform????
  7) Rumors in EE times say that 2.0 is a native compiler/debugger; 
  8) is g++ different than c++

Please feel free to mail to me directly.  
Gregory Pat Scandalis          ...!{decwrl|sun}!teraida!gps
Teradyne EDA
Gregory Pat Scandalis          ...!{decwrl|sun}!teraida!gps
Teradyne EDA

sdm@cs.brown.edu (Scott Meyers) (08/16/89)

I am interested in collecting information on tools that have been proposed
and/or developed for C++.  If you know of any such tools, or know of
published articles describing such tools, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me
know about them.  If there is sufficient interest, I'll post a summary to
the net.  

Possible tools that I can think of (off the top of my head) include class
browsers, class dependency graphs displayers, class hierarchy displayers,
plus the normal stuff we expect for C programs, like profilers,
pretty-printers, cross-referencers, etc.


Scott Meyers

bglenden@colobus.cv.nrao.edu (Brian Glendenning) (06/11/91)

We have recently decided to code a largish (~50 man years over 5
years) project (radio astronomical image processing system) in C++.

We are quite interested in any tools or guidelines that might help us
out. (We know about Saber C++ and the PARC product).

So, any advice on places to get:

 o Coding standards (Indian Hills equivalent)

 o Indenters

 o Pretty printers

 o "Bad practices" finders (if (a=b) ...)

 o Documentation extractors

 o Any other useful tools/libraries/...

would be most greatly appreciated. Please reply be email, and I will
summarize when the replies stop trickling in. Thank you.


       Brian Glendenning - National Radio Astronomy Observatory
bglenden@nrao.edu          bglenden@nrao.bitnet          (804) 296-0286