[comp.lang.c++] RJS class libraries available for anonymous ftp

schemers@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Roland Schemers III) (06/14/91)

Hello! I have put together a new distribution (sort of) of my RJS class
libraries. All classes have had the name RJS_ prepended to them to 
prevent collisions. Aside from a couple of new classes this hasn't
changed much from the last time. I haven't yet added revision control or
man pages and docs (except for the string class). If there is enough
interest I will try and clean things up! This library has been created in 
my spare time at work to write system software and to learn C++. It was
written on an Ultrix system (vax and mips) using AT&T C++ 2.1.

The RJS.tar.Z file has been moved to:


In the ~ftp/pub/C++ directory. 

There are ~ftp/pub/C++/RJS/... sub directories so you can poke around 
without downloading everything.

Here is a list of the current classes:

class RJS_CmdLine		- used for parsing command line switches
class RJS_CmdLineWord
class RJS_CmdOpt
class RJS_CmdOpt_boolean
class RJS_CmdOpt_double
class RJS_CmdOpt_flag
class RJS_CmdOpt_int
class RJS_CmdOpt_int_range
class RJS_CmdOpt_string
class RJS_Convert		- used to convert Strings to floats, etc.
class RJS_Crypt			- simple encryption class
class RJS_DECnetAddress		- DECnet socket support
class RJS_DECnetSeqPacket
class RJS_DECnetSocket
class RJS_DECnetStream
class RJS_Directory		- directory object
class RJS_Event			- base class for events
class RJS_FileStat		- like the stat system call
class RJS_FileSystem		- used to get info about mounted file systems
class RJS_FileSystemIterator
class RJS_GetMount
class RJS_InetAddress		- TCP/IP sockets
class RJS_InetDatagram
class RJS_InetSocket
class RJS_InetStream
class RJS_KernelVar		- kernel variables (such as loadav, etc)
class RJS_KernelVar
class RJS_LPD			- half baked interface to the BSD lpd
class RJS_NDR			- network data representation
class RJS_NDR_receive
class RJS_NDR_send
class RJS_NetworkAddress
class RJS_PrintcapEntry		- used to get info on printcaps and printers
class RJS_PrintcapIterator
class RJS_PrinterQueue
class RJS_PrinterQueueIterator
class RJS_PrinterQueueJob
class RJS_PrinterQueueJobEntry
class RJS_PrinterQueueJobIterator
class RJS_PtrArray		- used for generic pointer arrays
class RJS_PtrArrayIterator
class RJS_PtrLink		
class RJS_PtrList		- used for generic pointer lists
class RJS_PtrListIterator
class RJS_Regex			- GNU regex class 
class RJS_Regex
class RJS_Sio			- simple Screen IO
class RJS_Sio
class RJS_Socket		- sockets
class RJS_Status		- status variable
class RJS_String		- super duper string class
class RJS_StringIterator	- char iterator
class RJS_StringScan		- used to scan through strings
class RJS_StringSearch		- used to search a string
class RJS_SubString
class RJS_Time			- simple time routines
class RJS_Transport		- base class for network sockets
class RJS_UnixAddress
class RJS_UnixSocket
class RJS_UnixStream
class RJS_Util			- misc junk
class RJS_Utmp			- used to blast through /etc/utmp
class RJS_UtmpRecord
class RJS_XNDR

Roland J. Schemers III                              Systems/Network Manager
schemers@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Ultrix)              Oakland University 
schemers@argo.acs.oakland.edu (VMS)                 Rochester, MI 48309-4401
OU in Michigan! Say it slow: M-i-c-h-i-g-a-n        (313)-370-4323