[comp.lang.c++] OOP in the "real world"

bglenden@colobus.cv.nrao.edu (Brian Glendenning) (06/14/91)

We have a large software system (~600k lines of code - Fortran and C)
which is starting to show its age (it was started before VAXes). We
have decided to rewrite it, and the OO paradigm seems to us to be a
good one.

Some people are skeptical about the value of OO (data encapsulation
and abstract data types are unquestioned). Unfortunately most of the
articles you see about OO describe fairly small systems - a few 10's
of thousands of lines of code.

So, can anyone point me to any articles, or even have any anecdotal
evidence, on OO in large software sytems? Thanks you.

       Brian Glendenning - National Radio Astronomy Observatory
bglenden@nrao.edu          bglenden@nrao.bitnet          (804) 296-0286