[comp.lang.c++] NIHCL 3.0 and Zortech C++

ma@informatik.uni-kiel.dbp.de (Martin Ameskamp) (06/16/91)

Hi there,

I'm fairly new to C++ and I'm using Keith Gorlen's (et.al.) book (Data 
Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C++) to get into it
(I know C fairly well). Currently I am trying to compile the NIH class 
library using the Zortech C++ V2.1 compiler (discovering several compiler
bugs in the process) using a PC386 under SCO ODT.

There are a couple of problems here, some easier (some things seem to need
complete specification like (Object::)nil in Assoc.h) and some more difficult.
Maybe someone out there has tried the same combination and knows what to do 
about the following:

- what are those ..c files for (e.g. Exception..c or Class..c)?
  With my compiler they collect messages, which of course don't compile
  as C++ code. Can I simply remove them ?

- NIHCL seems to assume a stream library different from the Zortech one,
  any ideas which one (hope I'm not hitting on an FAQ here ...)

- some files simply produce internal compiler errors, which is bad enough
  in the first compiler phase, when one has a chance of locating them,
  but in the second phase these are really nasty (feel like a beta tester
  for Zortech). One of these files is KeySortCltn.h.

This should be enough for now; if you have (overcome ?) the same sort of
problems could you please contact me vie E-mail? 
In case of sufficient interest I will summarize or E-mail to 'me too's.

Martin Ameskamp