[comp.lang.c++] C++ books

erickson@eecae.UUCP (Carl Erickson) (03/16/89)

Has anyone compiled a list of C++ books?  Ideally, the book
I'd like would be titled "Object Oriented Programming Concepts
Taught with C++."  If you have suggestions, please send them
to me and I will compile and post.

Carl Erickson


tyen@cs.utexas.edu (Anthony Yen) (08/15/89)

Having just learned the fundamentals of C (using Kochan's first edition) and
really liking it, I am hot to scarf on C++.  Especially now that I am really
warming up to the concepts I am picking up from going through Smalltalk-80.
So I am looking for recommendations from the.venerable.net for a C++ primer.

Please, something a lowly undergraduate can understand; I like theory, but a
lot of the stuff I find in professional journals just whizzes on past above my
head---I still have three semesters yet before I get a class that will cover
Markov chains, so have a little mercy.  From what little I could pick up from
these journals, I would really prefer stuff that covers Release 2.0.

I just recently started subscribing to this newsgroup, and the news archives
don't show any discussion relating to this, but I just know that this must
have been covered before, so could someone please e-mail me the summary?
Many thanks in advance, c++.ppl.
tyen@cs.utexas.edu == Anthony Yen, University of Texas at Austin
Disclaimers:  The usual, Flo.

rak@china.uu.net (Rich Koch) (10/13/89)

	After programming several years with C in the UNIX world, I'd
like to learn C++ and object-oriented programming.  My desire is
to stay with SUN/UNIX boxes--i.e., I don't desire to learn PC C++ if
such a discrepancy exists.  Can anyone recommend good C++ introductory
books for experienced programmers?

        Replies can be mailed directly thru the user net:



Rich K.

williams@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Kent Williams) (01/12/90)

I have been on a C++ book quest, also, and herein summarize my findings:

1.Stroustrup's Original C++ book is not substaially out of date, and
provides a good start. You can order it from AT&T (select code
320-025) at the number given below, though I think they want 37.50 for
it.  If I'm not mistaken, it's cheaper in book stores if you can find it.

2. The other main one I've seen floating around is "Object Oriented
Programming in C++", which I wasn't too fond of.  It provides a fair
amount of example code,hich would be interesting to someone new to the
language, but this is weighted down with a grindingly pedantic
commentary on object oriented programming, and tries to inflict
smalltalk jargon on C++.  The C++ jargon is completely different (has
anyone else noticed?) and so talking about methods and messages is
not necessarily the best way up the hill.

3. Other books, I haven't read, but that might be OK:

'A C++ Primer' by Stanly Lippman (1989, Addison-Wesley)
'Programming in C++' by Stephen C. Dewhurst and Kathy T. Stark (1989,

The latter I've flipped through at B Daltons.  It is designed to look
like the K&R White Book, so I can only assume that it has similar
goals.  Even though it was published in 1989, it contains no
information about the release 2.0 translator.

4. The AT&T Documents are acceptable, if a bit dry.  The most
interesting of the lot is the "Selected Readings," which gives
rationales for all the new release 2.0 features, and has some
introductory material for both C++ and Object Oriented Programming.
The reference manual is very dry, and filled with precisely applied
and occasionally inpenetrable jargon.  For all that, I've found it
useful in figuring out things glossed over in the Zortech Manuals.
The AT&T Ordering Number is 1-800-432-6600, and the relevant document
#'s are as follows.  USVACLSR2.0 is my abbreviation of 'Unix(r) System
V AT&T C++ Language Systems Release 2.0'

USVACLSR2.0 Release Notes (307-090)
USVACLSR2.0 Product Reference Manual (307-146)
USVACLSR2.0 Selected Readings (307-144)
USVACLSR2.0 Library Manual    (307-145)

Kent Williams                  "What's an Address Bus?  How do Icons work?" 
williams@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu  -- Advertisement for Time-Life Books 

rajarar@hubcap.clemson.edu (Bala Rajaraman) (01/14/90)

	Regarding some recommendations for books on C++ - there was a 
request for recommendations for C++ books a while ago and I had
requested a summary.
	Here it is. I hope you find it useful. By the way, there are
some recommendations at the end of the list. Though I don't agree with
all of them, who am I to say??.



>From janus!todd@uunet.UU.NET Fri Jan  5 22:05:02 1990
Received: from uunet.UU.NET by hubcap.clemson.edu; Fri, 5 Jan 90 22:04:50 -0500 
Received: from janus.UUCP by uunet.uu.net (5.61/1.14) with UUCP 
	id AA01825; Fri, 5 Jan 90 22:02:38 -0500
From: janus!todd@uunet.uu.net
Message-Id: <9001060302.AA01825@uunet.uu.net>
To: uunet!hubcap.clemson.edu!rajarar@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Re: Re: Request for C++ Textbook
Date: Friday,  5 Jan 1990 17:23-PST
Status: R

start additions:

	Tony Hansen	C++ Answer Book

end changes:

(from the CommonView BBS ~12/28/89)

               LIST OF BOOKS ON C++ AS OF OCTOBER, 1989

1.  The Waite Group's C++ Programing
    Author: John Berry
    Publisher: Howard W. Sams & Co., 1988
    ISBN 0-672-22619-7

2.  Programing in C++
    Authors: Steve Dewhurst and Kathy Stark
    Publisher: Prentice Hall, 1989
    ISBN 0-13-723156-3

3.  Using C++
    Author: Bruce Eckel
    Publisher: Osborne-McGraw Hill, 1989
    ISBN 0-07-881522-3

4.  C++ Primer
    Author: Stanley Lippman
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 1989
    ISBN 0-201-16487-6

5.  Object Oriented Program Design
    Author: Mark Mullin
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 1989

6.  C++ for Programers
    Author: Ira Pohl
    Publilsher: Addison-Wesley, 1989

7.  User Interfaces in C++ and Object Oriented Programming
    Author: Mark Goodwin
    Publisher: MIS Press, 1989
    ISBN 1-55828-023-5

8.  C/C++ Expert Systems
    Author: David Hu
    Publisher: MIS Press, 1989
    ISBN 0-943518-86-5

9.  The C++ Programing Language
    Author: Bjarne Stroustroup
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 1986
    ISBN 0-201-12078-X

10. An Introduction to Object Oriented Programing in C++
    Authors: Weiner and Pinson
    Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 1988
    ISBN 0-201-15413-7

"Object Oriented Programming in C++", Wiener & Pinson  -- Awful.  Examples
contain non-portable contructs.  Sometimes examples work for reasons
unrelated to the author's explanation.  Authors were severly criticized by
Stroustrup, et al in the December SIGPLAN Notices.  Read at your own risk.

"C++ Prpgramming", John Berry -- Not good.  Very readable, but often
inaccurate.  Examples often don't work.

"The C++ Programming Language", Stroustrup -- Good, but out of date.
Recommended as the 2nd or 3rd book to read about C++.  Very technical in
presentation.  A newer draft of the book is known to exist.  (Spring `89)
Recommend picking it up when published.

"Programming in C++", Dewhurst & Stark -- Good.  Treatment is not
thorough, but example code merits close study.  Presentation is very
technical.  Recommended for advanced users.  Assumes C++ 2.0.

"C++ for C Programmers", Ira Pohl -- Good.  Many good exercises.  Limited in
scope, but efficient in presentation.  (i.e. Reader can start writing useful
code very quickly.)

"C++ Programming", Lippman -- Excellent.  Best 1st book on C++.  Fairly
comprehensive in scope.  Details differences between C++ 1.2 and 2.0.
Must read if new to language.

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (JAMES ADCOCK) (01/16/90)

In article <430@ns-mx.uiowa.edu> williams@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu.UUCP (Kent Williams) writes:
>3. Other books, I haven't read, but that might be OK:
>'A C++ Primer' by Stanly Lippman (1989, Addison-Wesley)
>'Programming in C++' by Stephen C. Dewhurst and Kathy T. Stark (1989,

Read Lippman, then tell us if it is not near the top of your list.  
I still have yet to find a really good C++ bok with an OOP primary focus, 'tho.

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (JAMES ADCOCK) (01/16/90)

Anyone actually seen a copy of the Mullin in print yet?

sabbagh@acf5.NYU.EDU (sabbagh) (01/16/90)

In article <10271@microsoft.UUCP> jimad@microsoft.UUCP (JAMES ADCOCK) writes:
>Anyone actually seen a copy of the Mullin in print yet?

I have reviewed and returned it.  It is garbage.  I do not recommend it.

The best book I have read on Object-oriented programming is Meyer's "Object-
oriented Software Construction".  Lippman is the best of the bunch for
C++, as it has the most coverage of 2.0 after AT&T's docs (not for 
bedtime reading).  Also check out Hansen's C++ Answer Book -- contains
code for Stroustrup's problems.  Very good code, too!  Avoid Eckel's book.

Hadil G. Sabbagh
E-mail:		sabbagh@csd27.nyu.edu
Voice:		(212) 998-3125
Snail:		Courant Institute of Math. Sci.
		251 Mercer St.
		New York,NY 10012

186,282 miles per second -- it's not just a good idea, it's the law!

green@ntvax.uucp (Michael S. Green Esq.) (02/09/90)

As a reasonably experienced C and Unix programmer with substantial Flavors OOP
exposure I've been interested in working with C++.  After going to the store
to find a good book I only came away confused, there's just too damn many of
them.  Can anyone suggest a good title? Preferably one that covers 2.0.
What are your recommended books' strengths and weaknesses?

Thanx, Miguel

cs290ac@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (02/13/90)

I'm not finished yet, but I like "Using C++" published by
Osborne McGraw-Hill.  It covers 2.0, and assumes you know another
language (not necessarily C tho) and is fairly well-written, and
as far as I know, covers all the major parts of C++.

hope it's what you're looking for...

-Ron Smith at UIUC

jamesd@techbook.com (James Deibele) (03/07/91)

In article <ZHOU.91Mar5145920@seat.ece.cmu.edu> zhou@seat.ece.cmu.edu (Frank Lei Zhou) writes:
>Heard that the SECOND editions of Lippman's "C++ Primer" and Stroustrup's
>"The C++ Programming Language" are available. Has anyone had a chance to

As they say, "you heard wrong".  :-) Both books are currently scheduled for 
June release by Addison-Wesley.  The second edition of the Stroustrup book has
an ISBN of 0-201-53992-6 and is scheduled to be a $34.50 hardcover.  The 
second edition of Lippman has an ISBN of 0-201-54848-8 and is scheduled to be
a $32.25 paperback.  Prices and bindings may change between now and then, of

I would bet that the Lippman book would be more likely to make its scheduled
release date, but it seems that most programs are delayed these days, which
usually means that books will lag behind the release of a new version.  If
C++ 3.0 is on schedule, maybe they'll be out on time.


TECHbooks offers many technical books at discounted prices.  E-mail to 
info@techbook.com or fax to +1 503 248-6320 for details.

bk19+@andrew.cmu.edu (Bradley D. Keister) (03/12/91)

> In article <ZHOU.91Mar5145920@seat.ece.cmu.edu> zhou@seat.ece.cmu.edu
(Frank Lei Zhou) writes:
> >Heard that the SECOND editions of Lippman's "C++ Primer" and Stroustrup's
> >"The C++ Programming Language" are available. Has anyone had a chance to
> As they say, "you heard wrong".  :-) Both books are currently scheduled for 
> June release by Addison-Wesley.  The second edition of the Stroustrup
book has
> an ISBN of 0-201-53992-6 and is scheduled to be a $34.50 hardcover.  The 
> second edition of Lippman has an ISBN of 0-201-54848-8 and is scheduled to be
> a $32.25 paperback.  Prices and bindings may change between now and then, of
> course.

Is there any information available on what is new about the second
editions of these books?  For example, Lippman is presently compatible
with AT&T 2.0.  Does the new edition go to 2.1?  Mostly bug fixes?
I'd like to know because I was within one day of purchasing Lippman's
first edition when this post came out.

Brad Keister
Physics Dept.
Carnegie Mellon U

orders@techbook.com (TECHbooks Official Login) (04/02/91)

>Is there any information available on what is new about the second
>editions of these books?  For example, Lippman is presently compatible
>with AT&T 2.0.  Does the new edition go to 2.1?  Mostly bug fixes?
>I'd like to know because I was within one day of purchasing Lippman's
>first edition when this post came out.

It's my understanding that both books will cover C++ 3.0, or at least that's
what my friendly Addison-Wesley rep tells me.  I don't know where 3.0 is 
in the pipeline, so I don't know whether the books will come out on time 
or not.  If I were you, I'd buy the current version of Lippman and worry 
about the latest stuff later (unless you absolutely have to be current with
the absolute latest version).  You'll have a couple of months start on C++.

Voice: +1 503 646-8257  FAX: +1 503 248-6320  orders@techbook.com  - or -
Public Access UNIX site: +1 503 644-8135   ...!uunet!techbook!orders
TECHbooks sells technical (and other) books at discounted prices.  
Authorized SCO and ESIX resellers.

heilmayr@wheatena.berkeley.edu (Stephan Heilmayr) (06/17/91)

Are there any good intermediate-level introductions to C++
and object-oriented programming available?  Ideally, I would
like to find a book that is the C++ equivalent of Kernighan &
Ritchie.  To be more specific:
I know essentially nothing about C++, but I have programmed
in a number of different languages (including C).  I am looking
for an introduction to C++ that is complete (including recent
additions like multiple inheritance), clear, and fairly concise.
Please send any recommendations to me directly (since I have not
yet learned C++, I do not normally read this newsgroup).  If
there is any kind of consensus among the responses, I will post
a summary.




-Klaus   (a.k.a.   heilmayr@math.berkeley.edu )