[comp.lang.c++] Zortech C++ crashes MPW - advice needed

nagle@well.sf.ca.us (John Nagle) (06/17/91)

     In yet another problem with Zortech C++ for the Macintosh, I
have a program which causes the compiler to print some error message
and then crash MPW with the alert "The application MPW(1) unexpectedly
quit".  Unfortunately, the MPW worksheet closes before I am able to read
the error message displayed by the crashing compiler.  After restart,
updates to the worksheet have been lost.  

     Is there some way I can preserve the error message before the
compiler crashes MPW, short of videotaping the screen?

					John Nagle

dorner@pequod.cso.uiuc.edu (Steve Dorner) (06/17/91)

>     Is there some way I can preserve the error message before the
>compiler crashes MPW, short of videotaping the screen?

Sure.  Install Macsbug.  The top-left key on your keyboard (esc or '~)
will then toggle you between Macsbug's screen and the Mac screen.
Steve Dorner, U of Illinois Computing Services Office
Internet: s-dorner@uiuc.edu  UUCP: uunet!uiucuxc!uiuc.edu!s-dorner