[comp.lang.c++] Can you determine what type of object is being passed in a function?

sorrow@oak.circa.ufl.edu (06/17/91)

I am writing a game in C++ and am using an object hierarchy like this:

Object -> Weapon
       -> Container
       -> Armor
       -> etc. etc.

I have some functions, such as for the Character class, that are defined

int Character :: GetObject ( Object &obj )

Is there a way to determine what type of object was passed?  The Object
class is a pure abstract class.  I am currently using a bit mask a la:

if (Obj.type&OT_WEAPON)
else if (Obj.type&OT_CONTAINER)
etc. etc.

Anyone have any ideas?  Also, I  would like the ability for some things
to inherity from multiple types of objects:

Container --
           ---- Backpack of Shielding
Armor     __

Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Hook -- MS-DOS Programmer for Contract
"Seamus, that's my dog...I saw her today at the reception...sorry, sixTEEN
inches....better save the women and children first...but this one goes to 11!
..anymore of that plutonium nyborg?....there can be only ONE!....like a 
finger pointing to the moon....ease the seat back...one day closer to death