[comp.lang.c++] g++

aeusesef@csuna.UUCP (sean fagan) (02/15/88)

Hello.  I believe that the subject says it all, but, for clarification, does
anybody relatively locally have a copy of the latest versions of g++ and gcc
(and related programs)?  We find ourselves in the position of being unable
to pay FSF to copy it, or even the phone call.  We could pay for shipping of
a tape (both ways)...


 Sean Eric Fagan          Office of Computing/Communications Resources
 (213) 852 5742           Suite 2600
 1GTLSEF@CALSTATE.BITNET  5670 Wilshire Boulevard
                          Los Angeles, CA 90036
{litvax, rdlvax, psivax, hplabs, ihnp4}!csun!csuna!aeusesef

ed@zaphod.uchicago.edu (Ed Friedman) (03/07/89)

I am trying to make g++(1.32) on Sun-3's with OS 3.5.2.  Everything
seems fine until I try to compile a C++ file with g++, at which time
I get the error message (presumably from ld++) of undefined symbols:

Does anyone have any idea what I may be doing wrong?  I had no such
problems installing g++(1.27).

Thanks in advance,
Ed Friedman


wayne@jahangir.UUCP (wayne) (02/06/91)

I managed to get gnu g++ compiled and running. But when I run the
following program the result is a bus error and a coredump.

Can anybody identify where I went wrong?

#include <stream.h>

cout << "This is a test.\n";

fischer@iesd.auc.dk (Lars P. Fischer) (02/06/91)

>>>>> On 5 Feb 91 21:24:11 GMT, wayne@jahangir.UUCP (wayne) said:

Wayne> I managed to get gnu g++ compiled and running. But when I run the
Wayne> following program the result is a bus error and a coredump.
Wayne> Can anybody identify where I went wrong?
Wayne> [ ... program deleted ...]

Well, it would help if you gave more detail, like: G++ version, GCC
version, compiler used for G++, loader used, machine used, OS used,
etc, etc.

FYI: Your program compiled and ran on a SPARCstation running SunOS
4.1, using G++ 1.36.1 compiled against GCC 1.36, using GNU ld.

Lars Fischer,  fischer@iesd.auc.dk   | Beauty is a French phonetic corruption
CS Dept., Univ. of Aalborg, DENMARK. |                   - FZ

thomas@ckgp.UUCP (Michael Thomas) (06/14/91)


	Could someone tell me about g++, all I
know is that it is a public domain 386 compiler.
I would be happy to know everything else, or 
anything else...   8^)

thanks!  (...uunet!ckgp!thomas)
Thank you,
Michael Thomas
"Ai Guru: Brain? MIND!"

mouse@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu (der Mouse) (06/16/91)

In article <541@ckgp.UUCP>, thomas@ckgp.UUCP (Michael Thomas) writes:

> Could someone tell me about g++, all I know is that it is a public
> domain 386 compiler.

It's a free, but definitely not public-domain, C++ compiler for many
machines, probably including the '386.

Why was this posted to comp.lang.c and comp.std.c?  g++ is a C++
compiler, not a C compiler.

> I would be happy to know everything else, or anything else...

Obtainable where Free Software Foundation software is found, at better
archive sites everywhere.  I don't know anything about g++
specifically, except that it builds on gcc, so you may need a gcc
distribution as well.

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

elkassas@eb.ele.tue.nl (sherif el kassas) (06/21/91)

Hi all,
I'm using g++ version 1.37.1 (based on GCC 1.37)
on apollo systems running SR10.{2,3}
Now, I've got this MI example. The class structure
looks like this:

 B1   B2
   \ /

All classes define two virtual methods called x and y.
My problem is that if i call method x of a D object
(when using a pointer to the object, see void f(D* v))
To make it more interesting, if i swap the lines
labeled // 1 and // 2, the bug goes away.

Am i doing something wrong, or is this a g++ MI bug ?


#include <stream.h>

class B1 {
  virtual void x(){ cout << "B1::x()\n"; } // 1
  virtual void y(){ cout << "B1::y()\n"; } // 2

class B2 {
  virtual void y(){ cout << "B2::y()\n"; }
  virtual void x(){ cout << "B2::x()\n"; }

class D : public B1, public B2 {
  virtual void y(){ cout << "D::y()\n"; }
  virtual void x(){ cout << "D::x()\n"; }

void f(D* v) { cout << "f: v->x() "; v->x(); }

  D  d;

  cout << "d.x() ";


--------sample output-----------------------------

d.x() D::x()
f: v->x() D::y()

Sherif El-Kassas, elkassas@eb.ele.tue.nl         .       :.
Digital Systems Group, EH 11.29            \_____o__/ __________
Eindhoven University of Technology,               .. /
5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands.                 /