[comp.lang.c++] Local typedef possible?

sorc@edsr.eds.com (Sorc Kirishi) (06/22/91)

I want to be able to do a typedef within the private section of a class,
and have the scope of that typedef be that class only.  Apparently this is
impossible in C++.  Am I correct in this presumption?  If so, does someone
have a clever work-around?  I see this as something that is just plain

//     Sorc Kirishi   sorc@edsr.eds.com   or    ...!uunet!edsr!sorc

ecl2v@opal.cs.Virginia.EDU (Edmond C. Loyot) (06/23/91)

The ARM says that what you want to do is legal.  Consider this example from
page 189 of the ARM:

class X {
	typedef int I;
	I a;

I b; // error

However when I run it through my 2.0 C++ compiler, it does not flag the error.
I think this is a throwback to the days of 1.2 when type names
(including classes) declared in a class where in the global scope.  This
is definately an
error, but was probably allowed for backward compatability (my 2.0 compiler is
based on the ATT 2.0 compiler).  I can't think of a work around.


steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (06/23/91)

ecl2v@opal.cs.Virginia.EDU (Edmond C. Loyot) writes:

>The ARM says that what you want to do is legal.  Consider this example from
>page 189 of the ARM:  [ example of typedef in a class ]

>However when I run it through my 2.0 C++ compiler, it does not flag the error.
>I think this is a throwback to the days of 1.2 when type names
>(including classes) declared in a class where in the global scope...

Nested types were introduced with version AT&T C++ 2.1.  Up through 2.0,
a type defined in a class was exported to the outer scope.  In fact,
AT&T 2.1 is a compromise between local and exported interpretation of
nested types.

AT&T 2.1 example:
	struct A { ...
		struct B { ... };	// exported to global
	struct B { ... };		// ERROR -- B already defined
	struct E { ... };
	struct D { ...
		struct E { ... };	// local to D

I assume this compromise is to allow existing code to continue to work,
while allowing new code with nested types to be written.  What I show
in this example violates both the ARM and earlier language definitions!

The ARM is for the post-2.1 brave new world.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com