[comp.lang.c++] Trellis language to be placed in public domain

norcott@databs.enet.dec.com (Bill Norcott) (06/25/91)

There's an article in this week's Digital Review announcing Digital's
intention to place the Trellis object oriented language system in the 
public domain (the language specification and type library).  I don't
have the article right in from of me, but interesting reading for those
interested in Trellis, especially those who thought it was a  'proprietary' 
language.  Also, a discussion of Trellis vis-a-vis Smalltalk, Eiffel and

Bill Norcott

disclaimer:  I grok Trellis

norcott@databs.enet.dec.com (Bill Norcott) (06/25/91)

In article <5345@ryn.mro4.dec.com>, norcott@databs.enet.dec.com (Bill Norcott) writes...
>There's an article in this week's Digital Review announcing Digital's
>intention to place the Trellis object oriented language system in the 
>public domain (the language specification and type library).  I don't

That's Digital News, not Digital Review (I get both of them).  Sorry.

Bill Norcott