[comp.lang.c++] Win3.0 Class Libraries for BC++ ??

splotl@tharr.UUCP (Chris H) (06/22/91)

I'm a borland C++ user and, like everyone else I suppose, I'm
disappointed that there's no Windows 3 class library provided.

So, a couple of questions:

	- Does anyone have a definite YES/NO on whether Borland
	  Intend to supply BC++ users with a class library for
	  windows operations?

	- Has anyone considered creating a Public Domain class lib?

	- Would it be feasible to port CLass libraries for
	  windowing environments from other systems (Interviews?)

Please reply to me by email; I'll summarise all responses.


Chris Hand, 		cph@leicp.ac.uk
Lecturer,		cph%uk.ac.leicp@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Leicester Poly,

<-- tharr *free* public access to Usenet in the UK 0234 841503 -->

dsampson@x102a.harris-atd.com (sampson david 58163) (06/24/91)

In article <2237@tharr.UUCP> splotl@tharr.UUCP (Chris H) writes:

   I'm a borland C++ user and, like everyone else I suppose, I'm
   disappointed that there's no Windows 3 class library provided.

   So, a couple of questions:

	   - Does anyone have a definite YES/NO on whether Borland
	     Intend to supply BC++ users with a class library for
	     windows operations?

According to PC Week, Borland had the C++ Class Lib for Windows
(Object Windows Library) in beta for a while now.  Last week, PC Week
had a story and screen photo of a new development tool called Resource
Workshop.  It uses the OWL class set.  In addition, Borland will soon
release a DOS version of Turbo Vision for C++.

	   - Has anyone considered creating a Public Domain class lib?

See above and ask why you'd want to at this point.

	   - Would it be feasible to port CLass libraries for
	     windowing environments from other systems (Interviews?)

Same comment.

                                          A new world record
                                          in the javalin throw
    /                                          /
   /                                          I

David Sampson                                         Harris Corporation
dsampson@x102a.ess.harris.com                   Gov't Aerospace Systems Divison
uunet!x102a!dsampson                                  Melbourne, Florida


bill@polygen.uucp (Bill Poitras) (06/27/91)

In article <DSAMPSON.91Jun24123033@x102a.harris-atd.com> dsampson@x102a.harris-atd.com (sampson david 58163) writes:
>	   - Has anyone considered creating a Public Domain class lib?
>See above and ask why you'd want to at this point.

A public domain class lib would be free.

Also usually these libraries are avaiible in source for would be C++

| Bill Poitras    | Polygen Corporation       | {princeton bu}!polygen!bill |
|     (bill)      | Waltham, MA USA           | - This space for rent -     |
|                 | FAX (617)890-8694         | bill@polygen.com            |