[comp.lang.c++] yacc++

nobody@tekecs.GWD.TEK.COM (-for inetd server command) (04/11/89)

This is addressed to fischer@iesd.dk.  I was unable to get my mailer to
accept his address.  Does anyone know how to convince a mailer to send a
message via a portal?  Please mail your response.

In article <1685@iesd.dk> you write:
>The code generated by bison (aka GNU YACC) works fine with C++, at
>least with the GNU C++ compiler. Simply write C++ code in the action
>parts, and compile with g++. No problem. Using YACC, you get a couple
>of warnings, but it works ok.
>Using LEX is more tricky, but it can be done (kludge available :-).
>Using flex (Vern Paxson's fast LEX) is far better. You'll have to make
>a simple patch to the skeleton lexer, but that's easy to spot. I have
>a patch if anyone is interested (I've mailed it to Vern, too).

I would be interested in both of these patch/kludges.  Your timing in posting
this information is very fortuitous for me; I was just about to start
designing a class which contains a parser in its private members.

Bruce Cohen
Interactive Technologies Division, Tektronix, Inc.
M/S 61-028, P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, OR  97070

ges@stiatl.salestech.com (Gerald Sullivan) (06/26/91)

I have some questions about yacc++:

1. Is it public domain?

2. Where can I get it? I am looking for either sources or MSDOS executable.
   I have internet access.

3. Is it compatible with existing yacc grammars?

4. Is anybody using it that would like to comment about it?

Thanks in advance,

Jerry Sullivan
Sales Technologies, Inc.

ssvvss@mixcom.COM (Synetics Software) (06/27/91)

From Compiler Resources
3 Procotr St.
Hopkinton, MA 01748

508-435-5016 (voice)
508-435-4847 (fax)

Ask for Barb Zino.

They don't have a DOS version yet, but lets encourage them!
-Jon Hopkins
  Synetics Software
  Brookfield, WI  53005   414-789-5253