[comp.lang.c++] Prototypes local or global opinions wanted

draper@buster.cps.msu.edu (Patrick J Draper) (06/21/91)

I'm interested in what others think of the practice of declaring
function prototypes locally within a procedure.


foo ()
 int bar (void);
 int x;

   x = bar ();



int bar (void);

foo ()
 int x;

   x = bar ();

The advantage to the local declaration that I can see is that an
unintentional call to bar() will be flagged by the compiler. I prefer to
use the global declaration because if the definition of bar should
change, there's one place to change the prototype.

Any other opinions?

Patrick Draper     "College is supposed to prepare you for the future,
cps.msu.edu               but all my future's behind me." 
draper@cps.msu.edu      -- My GrandPa, age 85, Fall 1990 graduate
                           of Western Michigan University 

scs@adam.mit.edu (Steve Summit) (06/21/91)

In article <1991Jun20.202241.7531@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> draper@buster.cps.msu.edu (Patrick J Draper) writes:
>I'm interested in what others think of the practice of declaring
>function prototypes locally within a procedure.
>The advantage to the local declaration that I can see is that an
>unintentional call to bar() will be flagged by the compiler. I prefer to
>use the global declaration because if the definition of bar should
>change, there's one place to change the prototype.
>Any other opinions?

Most certainly.  If prototypes are used, they MUST be placed in
header files (which of course is usually tantamount to "global
placement"), and then #included by all source files in which the
function(s) is called, AND in the source file where the function
is defined.  This way, there's *really* only one place to change
the prototype, and the compiler can check the prototype against
the definition.

If a prototype for an external (i.e. defined in another source
file) function is placed in a source (non-header) file, it's far
too easy to forget to update it if/when the definition changes,
and the prototype then does more harm than if it hadn't been used
at all (it inserts implicit casts and/or generates warnings based
on an obsolete parameter list).

(This assumes you're using multiple source files at all, and is
written from a C perspective.  The use of prototypes is
considerably less optional in C++, and recommended practice for
prototype placement may be different.  My remarks are targeted at
comp.lang.c; note that this article, like the one to which it
responds, is also crossposted to comp.lang.c++ .)

The possibility of an inadvertent call (which might be flagged if
local prototypes were routinely used) is comparatively minor (and
one I've never worried about; I think that local extern data
declarations are a bit silly, too).

                                            Steve Summit

mvm@caesun6.harris-atd.com (Matt Mahoney) (06/24/91)

In article <1991Jun20.202241.7531@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu>
  draper@buster.cps.msu.edu (Patrick J Draper) writes:

>I'm interested in what others think of the practice of declaring
>function prototypes locally within a procedure.

Functions are always global, so their prototypes should be global too.

Matt Mahoney, mvm@epg.harris.com
#include <disclaimer.h>

fxsdb@acad3.alaska.edu (06/25/91)

In article <6592@trantor.harris-atd.com>, mvm@caesun6.harris-atd.com (Matt Mahoney) writes:
> In article <1991Jun20.202241.7531@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu>
>   draper@buster.cps.msu.edu (Patrick J Draper) writes:
>>I'm interested in what others think of the practice of declaring
>>function prototypes locally within a procedure.
> Functions are always global, so their prototypes should be global too.
Functions can be declared locally with local prototypes which was, I believe,
the focus of the question.  I much prefer global functions, as this encourages
writing general functions which are reused throughout the code, and can easily
be #included.
> --------------------------------
> Matt Mahoney, mvm@epg.harris.com
> #include <disclaimer.h>
   -Scott (fxsdb@acad3.alaska.edu)

bhoughto@hopi.intel.com (Blair P. Houghton) (06/25/91)

In article <1991Jun24.132406.1@acad3.alaska.edu> fxsdb@acad3.alaska.edu writes:
>In article <6592@trantor.harris-atd.com>, mvm@caesun6.harris-atd.com
(Matt Mahoney) writes:
>> Functions are always global, so their prototypes should be global too.
>Functions can be declared locally with local prototypes which was, I believe,
>the focus of the question.  I much prefer global functions, as this encourages
>writing general functions which are reused throughout the code, and can easily
>be #included.

Block-scoped function definitions can import block-scoped

Very handy when hacking a decision tree into a former
straight-flow construct.

				  "Information hiding in the rushes."

alanb@sdl.mdcbbs.com (06/25/91)

In article <4845@inews.intel.com>, bhoughto@hopi.intel.com (Blair P. Houghton) writes:
> In article <1991Jun24.132406.1@acad3.alaska.edu> fxsdb@acad3.alaska.edu writes:
>>In article <6592@trantor.harris-atd.com>, mvm@caesun6.harris-atd.com
> (Matt Mahoney) writes:
>>> Functions are always global, so their prototypes should be global too.
>>Functions can be declared locally with local prototypes which was, I believe,
>>the focus of the question.  I much prefer global functions, as this encourages
>>writing general functions which are reused throughout the code, and can easily
>>be #included.
> Block-scoped function definitions can import block-scoped
> variables.
> Very handy when hacking a decision tree into a former
> straight-flow construct.
> 				--Blair
> 				  "Information hiding in the rushes."

But block-scoped function definitions (as opposed to declarations) aren't
available in C (or C++)?
(Thinks - hang on, you're allowed block scope classes with member functions
aren't you - checks manual - local classes have function scope, and can
import only static variables from the enclosing scope - Ellis & Stroustrup 9.8)

Has anyone out there found this useful? Or was this a recommendation to use 
something other than C/C++ to get nested functions?

I agree with the "declare it once only" (in the include file) principle.
C++ type-safe linkage does at least give you a chance of catching incorrect
local declarations though (unless they're extern "C").

alanb@sdl.mdcbbs.com      Alan Braggins      `cat ~/.disclaimer`

mouse@thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu (der Mouse) (06/28/91)

In article <4845@inews.intel.com>, bhoughto@hopi.intel.com (Blair P. Houghton) writes:
> In article <1991Jun24.132406.1@acad3.alaska.edu> fxsdb@acad3.alaska.edu writes:
>> In article <6592@trantor.harris-atd.com>, mvm@caesun6.harris-atd.com (Matt Mahoney) writes:
>>> Functions are always global, so their prototypes should be global too.
>> Functions can be declared locally with local prototypes [...]
> Block-scoped function definitions can import block-scoped variables.

Are you aware you're cross-posting to comp.lang.c as well as .c++?

(Block-scoped functions don't exist in C.)

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu