[comp.lang.c++] Borland language extension virtual function = [ ... ];

horstman@mathcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) (06/27/91)

I just attended a product presentation by a Borland guy on their class
library for Microsoft Windows called ObjectVision. I was somewhat distressed
to see an odd construct 

	class MyWindow : public TWindow
	{	// ...
		virtual void paint() = [ WM_START + WM_PAINT ];
		// ...

(I am quoting from memory, so the details may not be correct 100%). The idea
is that the paint() function would be selected when the WM_PAINT message is
sent from MS Windows. 

They have a fancy name for this, dynamic message dispatching. 

Did anyone see this before? Supposedly it is supported in BCC 2.0. Is the
mechanism really tied to MS Windows, or does it something useful in a 
general construct?

The speaker (I believe the project head for ObjectVision--can't remember
his name) insisted that this did not violate any C++ standard, being "merely"
an extension. To me, this sounds like utter nonsense. Assuming for the moment
that the feature is indeed closely tied to Windows (or maybe other event-
driven UI that use small integers as message ID's), one of two things will
    Nobody else will support it, and Borland C++ (otherwise an admirable 
    product) will be on the route that killed Pascal, with proprietary
    extensions in every implementation.

    Every DOS vendor must support it to stay compatible, and Borland manages
    to place a true wart into the de facto language without even bothering
    to go through the ANSI committee. 

Maybe other netters have more info on this. My impression that the speaker
was an evil person was amplified when, upon his question what Borland could
do for us, I told him "Improve the Usenet support", and he answered "The


barmar@think.com (Barry Margolin) (06/28/91)

In article <1991Jun27.130247.5107@mathcs.sjsu.edu> horstman@mathcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) writes:
>The speaker (I believe the project head for ObjectVision--can't remember
>his name) insisted that this did not violate any C++ standard, being "merely"
>an extension. To me, this sounds like utter nonsense. Assuming for the moment
>that the feature is indeed closely tied to Windows (or maybe other event-
>driven UI that use small integers as message ID's), one of two things will
>    Nobody else will support it, and Borland C++ (otherwise an admirable 
>    product) will be on the route that killed Pascal, with proprietary
>    extensions in every implementation.
>    Every DOS vendor must support it to stay compatible, and Borland manages
>    to place a true wart into the de facto language without even bothering
>    to go through the ANSI committee. 

How do you think new features get added to languages?  Almost all good
features start out life as someone's private extension.  If the extension
becomes popular then it turns into a de facto standard, and may later find
its way into an official standard.

Features that are invented by the standards committee frequently turn out
to be bad ideas, because they are adopted before there has been much
experience with them.

C++ itself was once someone's extensions to C.
Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corp.


horstman@mathcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) (06/28/91)

In article <1991Jun27.210518.19589@Think.COM> barmar@think.com writes:
>In article <1991Jun27.130247.5107@mathcs.sjsu.edu> horstman@mathcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) writes:
[my tedious explanation of a nonstandard scheme in BC++ deleted...]
>How do you think new features get added to languages?  Almost all good
>features start out life as someone's private extension.  If the extension
>becomes popular then it turns into a de facto standard, and may later find
>its way into an official standard.
>Features that are invented by the standards committee frequently turn out
>to be bad ideas, because they are adopted before there has been much
>experience with them.
>C++ itself was once someone's extensions to C.
All this is true enough. I guess there are three things that bother me about

(1) Borland is trying very heavily to get the OMG to buy into their scheme.
    Now if anyone is ill-equipped to make any judgment on the side effect
    this would have on the C++ language, it is that body. [Maybe I am over-
    reacting here; I have not actually seen what their OMG proposal encom-
	Anyway, they shouldn't propose a library as a standard to the OMG
    which is based on a non-standard language extension.

(2) As far as I can tell, this particular feature is extraordinarily poorly
    thought out. There almost certainly are better ways of doing this that
    don't require breaking the language. [I might be wrong; maybe the feature
    is much more general and useful than it appeared. Does anyone know?]

(3) There generally are several phases in the design of any language. With
    C++, it seemed to be the feeling of the standards committee that the
    experimental phase is largely over (except, I guess, with templates and
    exception handling, the latter of which they have no business standar-
    dizing on, if you ask me), and to a degree I concur with that feeling.
    [I realize that I have in the past argued the other way around, but that
    was only with features I invented, hence truly great and necessary ones.]

Really, I am hoping that someone who has actually used this feature can set
me straight on its semantics and usefulness.


blake@nthropy.uucp (Blake Freeburg) (06/28/91)

About this Borland Extension,
   What I really can't understand is how I would use it in a program.  Can
I also have a class that responds to messages, or is it something that must 
come out in order to support MS Win X.XX and all their yoga programming 
practices.  I really don't know, but if I can use it as some sort of       
message based polymorphism (ie. it could go to all objects responding to the
message), then as a global siren it would make a good idea.  Like all things
, we (people) are most often resistant to change. (Too bad there isn't a way
to harness the friction a new idea creates - lots of energy there).

#include<disclaimer:  This has nothing to do with the company I work for>

gary@neptune.uucp (Gary Bisaga x4219) (06/29/91)

In article <1991Jun28.141744.2323@nthropy.uucp> blake@nthropy.UUCP (Blake Freeburg) writes:
>About this Borland Extension,
>   What I really can't understand is how I would use it in a program.  Can
>I also have a class that responds to messages, or is it something that must 
>come out in order to support MS Win X.XX and all their yoga programming 
>practices.  ...
Before we all get TOO worked up about this, is there a person from
Borland who can explain what is really going on?  Personally, the idea
I got from the original poster was that the person who told HIM about
the alleged extension (i.e., not the poster, but the poster's source)
didn't necessarily know what he was talking about -- he was a marketing
manager or something, wasn't he?

Anyway, I can't imagine how such a thing could be added to C++ itself.
Maybe he was describing a front-end to C++ that assists with writing
Windows code?  It wouldn't be the first time such a thing was done.

koussari@dorsai.com (Vahid Koussari) (06/29/91)

horstman@mathcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) writes:

> I just attended a product presentation by a Borland guy on their class
> library for Microsoft Windows called ObjectVision. I was somewhat distressed
> to see an odd construct 
> 	class MyWindow : public TWindow
> 	{	// ...
> 	public::
> 		virtual void paint() = [ WM_START + WM_PAINT ];
> 		// ...
> 	};
> (I am quoting from memory, so the details may not be correct 100%). The idea
> is that the paint() function would be selected when the WM_PAINT message is
> sent from MS Windows. 
> They have a fancy name for this, dynamic message dispatching. 
> Did anyone see this before? Supposedly it is supported in BCC 2.0. Is the
> mechanism really tied to MS Windows, or does it something useful in a 
> general construct?
> The speaker (I believe the project head for ObjectVision--can't remember
> his name) insisted that this did not violate any C++ standard, being "merely"
> an extension. To me, this sounds like utter nonsense. Assuming for the moment
> that the feature is indeed closely tied to Windows (or maybe other event-
> driven UI that use small integers as message ID's), one of two things will
> happen:
>     Nobody else will support it, and Borland C++ (otherwise an admirable 
>     product) will be on the route that killed Pascal, with proprietary
>     extensions in every implementation.
>     Every DOS vendor must support it to stay compatible, and Borland manages
>     to place a true wart into the de facto language without even bothering
>     to go through the ANSI committee. 
> Maybe other netters have more info on this. My impression that the speaker
> was an evil person was amplified when, upon his question what Borland could
> do for us, I told him "Improve the Usenet support", and he answered "The
> what?". 
> Cay

 Could you explain the purpose of that funtion? This is the first
time that I have seen this?
 Thank you.

kevin@msa3b.UUCP (Kevin P. Kleinfelter) (06/29/91)

horstman@mathcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) writes:

>In article <1991Jun27.210518.19589@Think.COM> barmar@think.com writes:
>>In article <1991Jun27.130247.5107@mathcs.sjsu.edu> horstman@mathcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) writes:
>[my tedious explanation of a nonstandard scheme in BC++ deleted...]
[Description of poor speaker also omitted.]
There were two speakers in the presentation on OjbectWindows and BC++.
One was pretty good, and the other should not be permitted to speak in front
of gatherings of more that 2 people! :-)

>(2) As far as I can tell, this particular feature is extraordinarily poorly
>    thought out. There almost certainly are better ways of doing this that
>    don't require breaking the language. [I might be wrong; maybe the feature
>    is much more general and useful than it appeared. Does anyone know?]

The feature changes the way the VTAB is created. When you have a derived
class, which overrides only a few virtual methods from a base class with
many virtual methods, BC++ normally gives you a whole new VTAB. When you
use dynamically dispatched messages, the new VTAB is some kind of linked-list
with a "cache."  Thus you end up with a smaller VTAB at the expense of
speed.  In the case of windows (which may have MANY virtual methods), this
seems like worthwhile tradeoff (IMHO). 

However, it appears that this feature is only useful if you purchase
ObjectWindows. You cannot use the normal language syntax to call
a function (aka "message") which has been declared in this maner.
If anyone knows how to call a function declared in this manner, I'd be
interested to know how.

The feature may be useful beyond Windows. It would seem to be useful
in any case where you have a base class with a large VTAB, and your
derived class overrides only a few virtual methods.  Unfortunately,
if you can't call the method, only AbjectWindows will be able to use
this extension.
Kevin Kleinfelter @ DBS, Inc (404) 239-2347   ...gatech!nanoVX!msa3b!kevin

Dun&Bradstreet Software, 3445 Peachtree Rd, NE, Atlanta GA 30326-1276

caspers@fwi.uva.nl (B.M. Caspers (I)) (06/30/91)

About the extension of C++: this is something that is also available with
Turbo Pascal for Windows:

procedure A; VIRTUAL;  = WM_XXXX + WM_YYYY;  // or something like this..

Borland *could* do this with Pascal, since they set their own "standard"
with TP. As soon as OWL for TPW came out, I have been wondering how they
would do this in C++.. They wouldn't change the language! Now I know: they
did, although tried to. Because this extension makes only sense in a
event-driven env'mt (correct me if I'm wrong), I don't think it would make
sense to include it in C++ itself. 

Another question: why did they do it in this way? There are several Windows
class libs around which do work wqith regular c++. 

-- John


mwb@ulysses.att.com (Michael W. Balk) (07/01/91)

I was thinking of buying Borland C++, but if Borland is really going to install
non-ANSI approved syntax into their product I will probably reconsider the
purchase.  Does anyone know of any other C++ vendors who might be doing or
considering doing the same sort of thing with their C++ compilers?

	Mike Balk
	AT&T Bell Laboratories
	600 Mountain Avenue
	Murray Hill, NJ  07974

mike@taumet.com (Michael S. Ball) (07/01/91)

In article <15072@ulysses.att.com> mwb@ulysses.att.com (Michael W. Balk) writes:
>I was thinking of buying Borland C++, but if Borland is really going to install
>non-ANSI approved syntax into their product I will probably reconsider the

Since there is no such thing as ANSI-approved syntax, this is going to
cause you no end of difficulties.

>          Does anyone know of any other C++ vendors who might be doing or
>considering doing the same sort of thing with their C++ compilers?

All MS-DOS native compilers include extensions to deal with the strange
requirements of the environment.  Consider, for example "near", "far",
"pascal", "cdecl" and a variety of other wierd and wonderful extensions.
Vendors include them because their customers feel they need them.  One may
presume that this is the exact reason that Borland chose to include
this syntax.  In this case it sounds as though one library vendor had
enough clout to get the feature into the product.  In other cases,
many programmers request features and get them into the product.  In no
case is anyone required to use them.   Since this feature is aimed at
MS-Windows programs, which are inherently non-portable, it's hard to
care a lot.
Michael S. Ball			mike@taumet.com
TauMetric Corporation		(619)697-7607

catfood@NCoast.ORG (Mark W. Schumann) (07/01/91)

mwb@ulysses.att.com (Michael W. Balk) writes:
>I was thinking of buying Borland C++, but if Borland is really going to install
>non-ANSI approved syntax into their product I will probably reconsider the
>purchase.  Does anyone know of any other C++ vendors who might be doing or
>considering doing the same sort of thing with their C++ compilers?

Or just don't use the extensions and invoke the compiler flags for
"Standard C++" and ignore 'em.

Mark W. Schumann  3111 Mapledale Avenue, Cleveland 44109 USA
Domain: catfood@ncoast.org
UUCP:   ...!mailrus!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!ncoast!catfood
"A union can't participate in a class hierarchy.  It can't