[net.sf-lovers] RotJ Cast

tim@alberta.UUCP (06/11/83)

Lately I've been seeing inquiries about who played Anakin
Skywalker in RotJ, and since I have a folder with all the credits
that was distributed at the premier showing, I thought I'd post
the whole cast for the interest of those who haven't memorised
the credits.


Luke Skywalker                          Mark Hamill
Han Solo                                Harrison Ford
Princess Leia                           Carrie Fisher
Lando Calrissian                        Billy Dee Williams
See- Threepio (C-3PO)                   Anthony Daniels
Chewbacca                               Peter Mayhew
Anakin Skywalker                        Sebastian Shaw
Emperor                                 Ian McDiarmid
Yoda                                    Frank Oz
Darth Vader                             David Prowse
Voice of Darth Vader                    James Earl Jones
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi                    Alec Guinness

                      SUPPORTING CAST

Artoo-Deetoo (R2-D2)                    Kenny Baker
Moff Jerjerrod                          Michael Pennington
Admiral Piett                           Kenneth Colley
Bib Fortuna                             Michael Carter
Wedge                                   Denis Lawson
Admiral Ackbar                          Tim Rose
General Madine                          Dermot Crowley
Mon Mothma                              Caroline Blakiston
Wicket                                  Warwick Davis
Paploo                                  Kenny Baker
Boba Fett                               Jeremy Bulloch
Oola                                    Femi Taylor
Sy Snootles                             Annie Arbogast
Fat Dancer                              Claire Davenport
Teebo                                   Jack Purvis
Logray                                  Mike Edmonds
Chief Chirpa                            Jane Busby
Ewok Warrior                            Malcom Dixon
Ewok Warrior                            Mike Cottrell
Nicki                                   Nicki Reade
Stardestroyer Controller No. 1          Adam Bareham
Stardestroyer Controller No. 2          Jonathan Oliver
Stardestroyer Captain No. 1             Pip Miller
Stardestroyer Captain No. 2             Tom Mannion
Jabba Puppeteers                        Toby Philpott, Mike Edmonds,
                                        David Barclay
Puppeteers                              Michael McCormick, Deep Roy,
                                        Simon Williamson, Hugh Spirit
                                        Swim Lee, Michael Quinn,
                                        Richard Robinson