quah@husc4.UUCP (03/25/87)
[] Does anyone have (pointers to) a general radix fast fourier transform routine in C? I have Singleton's fortran program, but would rather not have to do the translation myself, if one is already available in C. Also two kind net-landers have already sent me their radix-2 programs, which have been useful, but I am still looking for the arbitrary radix. Please mail to me directly; I will re-post or summarize later if there is sufficient interest. --Danny quah@h-sc4.UUCP or quah@h-sc4.harvard.edu or dquah@mit-athena.ARPA or dquah@ATHENA.MIT.EDU USMail: Dept of Economics, MIT, Cambridge MA 02139. (617)253-0914