[comp.lang.c] C/Unix References

usenet@mcdchg.UUCP (05/29/87)

This internal McDonnell Douglas-Inco memo is posted in response
to a request for C language references which appeared in the
comp.lang.c group during April or May of 1987.  We preparing
for several C/Unix related software development contracts.  This
book list was prepared for the purpose of "converting" FORTRAN
and PASCAL programmers to C/Unix.  The selection of textbooks
for this list and the comments on these books are my own and
do not reflect any McDonnell Douglas-Inco policy or practices.

Please send any comments, additions, recommendations etc. to
me by mail.  If these mail responses result in significant
revisions to this list, I will post the revised list during June
or July.

     Date    : May 19, 1987
     Revised : May 26, 1987

     1.  Reference Cards.   An excellent set of C/Unix  reference
     cards is available from

             Specialized Systems Consultants
             PO Box 7, Northgate Station
             Seattle, Washington 98125-0007

             Phone: (206)FOR-UNIX

     I recommend that we provide each member of  a  project  team
     with the following cards:

     (1)  C Reference Card (BSD 4.3)

     (2)  Unix Command Summary (BSD 4.3)

     (3)  vi Command Summary

     2.  Introductory Books.   The following books  are  targeted
     toward individuals with little or no Unix or C exposure.

     (1)  Unix Primer Plus, Mitchell Waite,  Donald  Martin,  and
          Stephen  Prata,  Howard  W  Sams & Co., 1986, $19.95. -
          suitable for the introduction of a new user to Unix.  A
          vi (full screen editor) and Unix command prompt card is

     (2)  C Programming Guide,  2nd  Edition,  Jack  Perdum,  Que
          Corp, 198?, $19.95.  - A good introductory tutorial.

     (3)  C Self  Study  Guide,  Jack  Purdum,  Que  Corp,  198?,
          $16.95.  -  This  book and the C Programming Guide, 2nd
          Edition can be used in a "first course"  in  C  for  an
          experienced programmer.

     (4)  The C Programming  Language,  Brian  W.  Kernigham  and
          Dennis  Ritchie,  Prentice-Hall,  1978,  $17.95.  - the
          classic C reference.  I think that this excellent  book
          is a bit outdated.

     (5)  C Programmer's Library,  Jack  J.  Purdum,  Timothy  C.
          Leslie,  and  Alan  L.  Stegemoller,  Que  Corp,  1984,
          $21.95.  - contains  an  excellent  treatment  of  data
          types  and  declarations.   Complete packages include a
          general terminal library and an ISAM library.  The pub-
          lisher  offers all of the code in the text on a PC disk
          for $124.95.  Other media formats are offered via  spe-
          cial request to the publisher.

     3.  Intermediate and Advanced C  Language.    The  following
     books provide an excellent coverage of software engineering,
     programming and standards for C programming.

     (1)  A C Reference Manual, Samuel  P.  Harbison  and  Guy  L
          Steele  Jr.,  Prentice-Hall, 1984, $19.95. As the title
          implies, this is a reference  manual.   It  covers  all
          aspects of the language and is well organized.

     (2)  C Programming Practices, Thommas  Plum,  Prentice-Hall,
          1984, $26.00.  - contains a "startup" set of C program-
          ming standards.  The publisher offers a  machine  read-
          able  copy  (PC disks or tape) for $1000 to allow adap-
          tion and  expansion  to  meet  the  requirements  of  a
          specific organization.

     (3)  Applied C, Strawberry Software Inc,  Edited  by  Bonnie
          Derman,  Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986, $37.95.  - excel-
          lent software engineering guide for  task  leaders  and
          project  managers.  The chapters, by various contribut-
          ing  authors,  provide  the  basis  for  the   detailed
          software methodology planning of a C software project.

     (4)  Advanced  C  Techniques  and  Applications,  Gerald  E.
          Sobelman  and  David  E.  Krekelberg,  Que  Corp, 1985,
          $21.95.  C software engineering  is  presented  through
          large, detailed examples.  The graphics and user inter-
          face  examples   are   directly   applicable   to   the
          development  of deliverable graphics applications.  The
          publisher offers a machine readable copy (PC disks)  of
          the published code (about 50% of the text).

     (5)  Debugging  C,  Robert  Ward,  Que   Corporation,  1986,
          $19.95.  -  highly  readable, it covers a lot of terri-
          tory, and has a number of debug routines.  It also  has
          a nice reference list in it.

     4.  Intermediate and  Advanced  C/Unix  Books.    The  books
     listed in this section assume that the user has some familu-
     larity with the C Language.

     (1)  The Unix Programming Environment,  Brian  W.  Kernighan
          and  Rob  Pike,  Prentice-Hall, 1984, $19.95.  - covers
          the  Unix  shell,  shell  programming,  and  C  program
          development  under  Unix.   The reader is introduced to
          the commonly used Unix system calls and small  "example
          programs"  are  used  to illustrate use of these calls.
          The chapter on filters covers some of the most commonly
          used  Unix  utilities  such  as  grep, sed, and awk.  I
          classify this as an "intermediate level" text.

     (2)  Advanced Unix Programming, Marc J  Rochkind,  Prentice-
          Hall,  1985,  $24.95.  As the title implies, this is an
          advanced text.  From my own experience, the only way to
          benefit from this book is to do all of the example pro-
          grams and recommended extensions on  a  Unix  computer.
          This text is a must have for any programmer responsible
          for software development on a Unix system.  The  author
          covers System V, BSD 4.xx, Xenix, and Unix 7.

     (3)  Advanced Programmer's Guide To Unix System  V,  Rebecca
          Thomas,   Lawrence  R.  Rodgers,  and  Jean  L.  Yates,
          McGraw-Hill, 1986, paperback  (no  price).   -  a  good
          reference  to  look up specific System V features.  The
          book contains many well engineered shell script  and  C
          code examples.  The coverage of the new System V inter-
          process  communications  features  (with  examples)  is

     (4)  The Design Of The Unix  Operating  System,  Maurice  J.
          Bach,  Prentice-Hall,  1986,  hardcover  (no price).  I
          have used this book as a reference to lookup details on
          specific System V operating system features.  This book
          will be useful to programmers responsible for System  V
          ports and kernel modifications.

     5.   Other  Related  Textbooks.    The  following  are  some
     related  textbooks  that  I  have  found useful for software
     development under Unix:

     (1)  Unix For Superusers, Eric Foxley, Addison Wesley, 1985,
          paperback  (no  price).   - covers Unix from the system
          administrators viewpoint.

     (2)  Design of User Friendly Programs For  Small  Computers,
          Henry Simpson, McGraw Hill, 1985, $18.95.  - gives pro-
          grammers a condensed and easy to read  introduction  to
          the "user view".

     (3)  Unix System Security, Patrick H  Wood  and  Stephen  G.
          Kochan, Hayden 1985, hardcover (no price).  - a unified
          presentation of Unix security issues and procedures.

     (4)  Tricks of The Unix Masters, Russell G. Sage, Howard  W.
          Sams  &  Co.,  1987.   -  presents  some  highly useful
          "tricks".  This book will help the experienced user  to
          become even more productive under Unix.

     (5)  Artificial  Intelligence  Using  C,  Herbert   Schuldt,
          McGraw Hill, 1986, $21.95.  - an excellent introduction
          to AI that is comprehensable to those who are not  lisp
          freaks.   The  author's  treatment  of natural language
          parsing is directly useful in  the  design  of  a  user
          friendly command language.

     (6)  Introduction To Compiler Construction With  Unix,  Axel
          T. Schreiner and H. George Friedman Jr., Prentice Hall,
          1985, $25.95. - detailed examples  of  compiler  design
          using lex and yacc.

Bill Hatch
McDonnell Douglas-Inco
8001 Greensboro Drive
McLean Va 22102
(703)442-7960  (800)368-4626

[This article arrived from: "hadron!inco!bill".  I've done the best I
	can with the "From:" header.  "inco" doesn't seem to be in
	the current UUCP maps, so I had to keep "hadron" in there.
 Bill, Have your admin get your site put into the UUCP maps! -mod]