[comp.lang.c] C Pronounciation Guide

bcx@well.UUCP (08/30/87)

 ---------> PLEASE  Reply By Email Only
 ---------> PLEASE  Do NOT Debate On The Net

I am currently working on "Yet Another" book about C and am considering
including a guide to pronounciation at the back. I am posting this
(my first rough draft) in the hope that I can include geographic and
stylistic variations. I expect that I am just plain wrong in some of
what I have suggested below, and hope to be corrected.

Please mail replies to me directly, rather than debating on the network.
I will gather and collate those replies, then re-post the revised listing.
Should this list be accepted by the publisher, I will insist that
credit to USENET be included.

I thank you. Bryan Costales
Guide To Pronounciation In C
1. Symbols
 +       "plus"                   Addition operator
 -       "minus"                  Subtraction and Unary negation
 *       "times"                  Multiplication
 *       "star"                   all pointer applications
 /       "over" or  divided by"   Division operator
 %       "mod" or "modulo"        Modulo operator
 !       "not"                    Logical negation
 "       "quote"                  Full (double) quotation mark
 #       "pound"                  Preprocessor directives
 :       "colon"                  Lable operator
 ;       "semicolon"              Statement delimiter
 =       "equals"                 Assignment operator
 ==      "is equal to"            Logical EQUAL
 !=      "is not equal to"        Logical negated EQUAL
 >       "is greater than"           Arithmetic Comparitor
 <       "is less than"              Arithmetic Comparitor
 >=      "is greater than or equal to"
 <=      "is less than or equal to"
 >>      "right shifted"
 <<      "left shifted"
 ,       "comma"
 :?      "colon question-mark" or
 x:y?z   "if x then y else z"
 &       "and"                    Bitwise-AND, and address operator
 &&      "and"                    Logical AND.
 |       "or"                     Bitwise-OR
 ||      "or"                     Logical OR
 ~       "tilde"                  One's Compliment
 '       "half quote" or "single quote"  Single quotation mark
 .       "dot"                    Structure member operator
 ->      "to"                     Structure pointer operator
 \       "backslash"             Escape character
 ( )     "parenthesis"
 { }     "curly braces"
 [ ]     "square braces"
 _       "underscore"
2. Library Function Names
     In general, find the central word then any attached letters.  
Pronounce the letters a letters, and the central word (if any) as 
that word. 
  printf()   "print f"   Print with Formatting
  gets()     "get s"     Get (input) a String
  stat()     "stat"      Get Statistics on a file
  fprintf()  "f print f" File Print with Formatting
     The exceptions are the string handling and character 
classification routines: 
  strcmp()  "string compare"
  isupper() "is upper"
  strdup()  "string duplicate"
except that:
  strchr    "s t r c h r"     Pronounce each letter
3. Keywords
  char    "Char"acter  NOT "Char"col
  typedef "Type def" as "Def"inite not "Def"ile
  goto    "go to"
  sizeof  "size of"
  enum    "enum"erate NOT "enum"ber
  #define "pound define"
  #ifdef  "pound if def" or "if def"